Red Rocks

The Red Rocks are a number of rocky outcrops in the Red Rocks Bay of the Leviathan Sea off the coast of the Halfling Fields and near to the Kingdom of Endor. It is a place of known Fire Elemental activity.


The Red Rocks glow with a dull red-orange light. They are jagged, craig-like structures that jut out of the Black Sail Sea.   The area surrounding the Red Rocks is commonly called the Red Rocks Bay.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 3 Madaet 5A 352, the Lost Vessel Seekers entered the Red Rocks bay, which had been entirely frozen over by a winter storm. The frozen ice allowed tiny Fire Elementals to come across the water and cause the sinking of the Harolaud and the loss of her crew. The Lost Vessel Seekers fought against a huge sized Elemental and sunk it into the sea, breaking the ice and preventing the Elementals from further crossings.   By 13 Adroth 5A 352, Lord Lortuk, son of Mog, had heard of these events as part of his investigation into the Prophets of Regression.
Natural Wonder
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