Lord Lortuk, son of Mog

Orc Wild Magic Sorcerer

"If you want to find the burrow, you let the rat lead you there."
Lord Lortuk, son of Mog is an orc sorcerer who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is the Special Counsel on the Arcane for the Keel's Council of the Queendom of Keeleon. He is an NPC played by M.B.



Lortuk is a middle-aged orc in his thirties. His skin tone is a light forest green and appears to be well taken care of. HIs jaw is wide with prominent tusks and he has large ears. His dark hair is wispy and swept to the side in a long fade.   He wears clothing and equipment a station above most others. He has a fancy, blue robe made of thick fabric, with gold detailing. Over this is a set of thin armor the color of oxidized copper, with wide shoulders and gold swirls across it. He has many rings and earrings, along with a pair of golden bracers.


Lortuk can be seen to move with a confidence and ease. He is intelligent and possesses skill with investigating things both natural and arcane. This is seen by his ability to investigate the ichor samples from Ranger General Labb and Romulus, and by his elevated position as the Special Counsel on the Arcane for the Keel's Council.   He is apparently unconcerned about being abrasive or catty, even at the cost of putting people off from him. This was seen by the reactions of the Lightbringers by his behavior and their initial impressions of him. Chaka said he had a "disagreeable countenance".   Lortuk's voice is flowing and lofty, and he is quick-spoken and witty. At times, he is seen to be manipulative or deceptive. Though he is willing to work with others, he appears to be somewhat closed off or slow to trust.



Lortuk was born to Mog, a land and title holder in the capital city of Kievs. As the son of a lord, Lortuk had many of his needs tended to, and he became a lazy noble in the capital.   At some point in his adolescence, his sorcerer abilities manifested, giving him the ability to weave raw magic. However, his wild magics were dangerous and destructive.   Lortuk's family connections arranged him tutelage in the arcane arts. Lortuk left Kievs to the Fareukev Wilderness to study under the druidic Hermit, where he showed a natural aptitude for arcane study.   During this time, the Hermit provided a way for Lortuk to surpress or control the surges of his wild magics.   In Lortuk's twenties, around 5A 340, he left the Hermit and returned to the captial Kievs. His father, Mog, had suddenly disappeared, and Lortuk inherited his father's title and holdings. Though the fate of Mog is not known, dark rumors about Lortuk and the loss of his father started to circulate in the capital at this time.   At some point, Lortuk's expertise and ability earned him an invitation to the Keel’s Council as Special Counsel on the Arcane. During his tenure on the council, he would be involved with many aspects of the Queendom of Keeleon, including arranging for the Ritivan Cartographers Guild to map the spread of demonic corruption in the Demons' Blood Marshes and advocating for laws allowing the creation of museums in Tarteria.   After 2 Avedar 5A 351, Lortuk was sent to investigate wild magical energies affecting Red Lake. Over the next several months, Lortuk would gather much information about a group of four genasi called the Prophets of Regression.   By around 8 Adroth 5A 352, Lortuk had joined the guard council of New Keeleon under Nalt Oknar Rulla. Though the public reason for this was the Red Lake investigation, secretly he was working with Ranger General Labb to sus out corruption within the Commandment of Sky Guildhall as part of his genasi investigation.  

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 26 - Names, New and Old
On 12 Adroth 5A 352, Captain Ruslan, along with several of the Lightbringers, attended the Breakwater Keep. They met with Nalt Oknar Rulla, Watchguard Stuzrog, and Godsguard Shumedzar.   Lortuk arrived shortly after this meeting began. When he arrived, Rulla and Stuzrog reacted with annoyance, and Shumedzar seemed anxious to some degree.   During the meeting, Lortuk asked the group for their opinions on Ranger General Labb. He shared his opinion that Labb was “a bit old” for the role, which put off Arwin and Gertrude.   As the group left, Lortuk regarded them with seeming curiosity. He then met with Sir Talmid, who had been summoned next to the chamber. During the meeting, Lortuk verified that the signature of Guild Marshal Haggar Krugg was seemingly legitimate.  
Session 28 - An Interrupted Meal
In the early afternoon of 13 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka encountered Lortuk at the Far Bar Inn.   Lortuk recognized Chaka as a caravan guard and asked about Romulus. Lortuk seemed to already know Romulus was in the building.   Lortuk said he had a request to make of his “old friend” and asked Chaka to relay a message. He said it would be in Romulus’ best interests to do so. Lortuk wrote a message in drudic onto a parchment, reading, "The Hermit trusted you, so must I. I could use your help. Find the broken door in Victory Market. Close it, and knock three times."   Lortuk gave the message to Chaka before he left the tavern.  
Session 29 - A Lord's Investigation
Later on 13 Adroth 5A 352, most of the Lightbringers entered a magical doorway at Victory Market into a series of rooms created by Lortuk.   Lortuk said he was sent by the crown after events at Red Lake eight months ago had caused elemental energies to get out of control, and he was on the trail of the Prophets of Regression. Lortuk suspected whatever happened at Red Lake was linked to events happening in Tarteria since.   Lortuk said it was hard for him to make moves as a well-known public official, and Labb and his rangers couldn't help him as they were occupied hunting ankhegs.   Lortuk was on the trail of four genasi seen entering the lake. The Lightbringers tentatively decided to exchange information with Lortuk, and he shared the information he'd gathered on the Prophets.   For this information, the group asked for several things in return: Lortuk would expedite Arwin's bow enchantment. Extra food supplies would be partitioned for Porgorag. Ruslan's record would be fully exonerated. And the ichor samples provided by Labb and Romulus would be studied.   Arwin also asked that he use his connections to help secure his meeting with the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. Lortuk said that anything he would try to set up would take some time, and he advised them to not make too much of a ruckus in the meantime.  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Lortuk contacted Romulus to share information he’d gleaned from the ichor samples given to him. Lortuk told Arwin he was working with Gralphank to expedite Arwin’s bow, which would be ready on 16 Adroth. He said he was unsuccessful trying to set Arwin’s meeting with the Commandment of Sky Guildhall.  
Session 33 - History and Heroes
On 16 Adroth 5A 352, Lortuk was at Gralphank's Ten-Foot Pole Emporium. When Arwin arrived, he was disheveled from working through the night. Wild magic static energies stuck around him as he called an unseen servant to bring tea.   He presented the finished Ancalagon to Arwin. Arwin thanked them and admired the bow.   Lortuk apologized he couldn’t set Arwin’s meeting with Talmid. Arwin asked if there was any news, and Lortuk said Talmid hadn’t been seen around town for a few days. He cautioned that whatever he may be up to, he didn’t need to leave the guildhall to do it.   Lortuk said, “Well, if it’s as showy as that bow of yours, I’m sure I’ll be busy covering for all of you for any laws that happen to be broken in the meantime.”  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
Rulla wanted to destroy the Chamber of Titles. However, Lord Lortuk and Godsguard Shumedzar advocated to leave it for study. Lortuk said, “I’ve heard of the Primordials before, it’s part of the myth of the Severance. This is the first I’ve heard of specific names associated with any of them. I have no idea where someone would have learned all of these titles from, allegedly, over 4000 years ago.”   In the late afternoon of 18 Adroth 5A 352, Rulla sent Lord Lortuk to gather the Lightbringers. He started banter with Romulus, though after the busy days, he was too tired to return the mockery.   On the way to Breakwater Keep, Lortuk said the crown may be willing to openly move against the Tarterian Traders now that the genasi’s actions were in the open. Lortuk had questions for Guild Marshal Hagar Krugg. Though, with the threat of two conflicts approaching, he said he may get busy quickly.   He was happy there was a group of adventurers on the task and said to expect further contact from him. Demitri was skeptical, saying, “If the genasi are pulling the crown’s strings, Lortuk, how long is it before we find ourselves at odds?”   Lortuk asked what their next plans were. He said the problems caused by the genasi came down to three main parts: Cleaning up the spread of corruption over the last months, undoing whatever happened at Red Lake to bring back Chedae’s light, and preventing the Prophets of Regression from being able to do so again.   The group discussed what next move would be best. Lortuk said the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring’s effects may be helpful against the tumultuous elemental energies currently affecting Red Lake. Lortuk said he’d offer to transport them directly, but the ring would interact with his magics, so he could not.   At the Breakwater Keep, Rulla instructed Lortuk to take the information to the crown and “get the fuck out of my city.” Lortuk acknowledged he would do so.   When Demitri stated his intentions to become coinguard, Lortuk watched curiously.



Romulus and Lortuk were both tutored by the Hermit, though at different times. Through the Hermit, each had heard stories of the other. This shared connection through their teacher was enough for Lortuk to trust Romulus and to request his aid.   They seemed to have a rivalry of some kind, which was seen by how they traded catty insults and words. However, Romulus said of Lortuk, “We squabble, but we have the same ultimate goal of getting rid of this corruption.”

Character Information


On 13 Adroth 5A 352, Lortuk requested the aid of the Lightbringers to sus out connections between the Commandment of Sky Guildhall, the Tarterian Traders, and a group of genasi called the Prophets of Regression.   They reached a tentative agreement and made requests of Lortuk in return for an exchange of information.


  • "I think you misunderstand how much money I’m actually swimming in." - 2.28
  • "Well, someone has to be big picture. We can't all hide away." - 2.29
  • "If you want to catch a rat, you set a trap, obviously. But if you want to find the burrow, you let the rat lead you there." - 2.29
  • "I’m not looking to get eaten by a magical item." - 2.29
  • "Wars are won with money. Not men, not soldiers, money before anything else." - 2.29
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
Around 5A 320
Aligned Organization