Repose Coda

The Repose Coda is a prayer to Nerull, The Scythe-Bearer. It is often used during burial rites ceremonies and is well-known across Azimuth. The prayer is a call to Nerull to care for the souls of the departed, as the realm of the transition of death is the Scyther-Bearer's domain.


Nerull, lo do I call to thee,
Guide the souls of these who have left this mortal world
To the shores of the blessed realms where their spirits shall be free.   Forget them not, oh Nerull, as you ferry them to your shores,
They have left their mark on this world,
And their memories shall live on forevermore.   May their spirits find solace in the embrace of the divine,
And the whispers of the infinite.
May I one day join them in death’s winding twine,
And may we find comfort in the eternal beauty of the beyond.   Forget them not, oh Nerull, for this is not the end,
These shadows are but a small and passing thing.
There is light and high beauty at your shores where us you wend,
Let us find the light, hiding us from the shadow from beneath your wing.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
E'larus recited this prayer around 24 Sedaena 5A 351 as part of the burial rites of a villager killed in Bridon Tillage.   Arwin recited this prayer at the Simbelmounds in 5A 352 before leaving Branca, the Kingdom of the South.   Arwin and Demitri recited this prayer on 7 Adroth 5A 352 as part of the efforts to repair the Roadside Cairn along the Orc Highway.
Manuscript, Religious
Oral Tradition / Word of Mouth