Roadside Cairn

The Roadside Cairn along the Orc Highway is a small monument to an old battlefield from the Tarterian War of the late Fourth Age. It is one of several such battle sites located in the Northern Orcish Plains region of Tarteria.


The battlefield is located on the western side of the Orc Highway. It is approximately one hundred miles south of Porgorag and twenty-five miles north of Axe-Breaker Thicket.   There is a large battlefield from the Tarterian War located here. The area is dozens of yards wide, where the tall feathered grasses common in the plains seem to not grow with the same vitality.   Here, sections of the wetland are just barren earth, with the occasional small white speck in the dirt. Sections of the ground have orangish tints that appear as rusty soil, and bits of what look like trash or debris are scattered and partially buried. The standing water emits a weak mist and has the faint sheen of oil.   Off from this field, closer towards the road, is a large rock cairn of round, grey stones, covered with moss growth and dirt. There are faded symbols of Nerull, The Scythe-Bearer, on the rocks that have faded from erosion.   While some minor artifacts from the battle could be found here, by 5A 352, most of these had already decayed or had long been taken by this time.  
After the Lightbringers camped nearby on 7 Adroth 5A 352, the area was revitalized through a Plant Growth ritual, which removed some of the corruptive elements in the soil. The cairn, which had partially tumbled over time, was somewhat rebuilt. With the revitalized soil, a ring of Night Tulips grew around the base of the cairn. This brought some element of calm to the restless spirits of the area.   A grave was dug nearby the cairn and the body of a felled caravan guard was buried. A sword was stuck in the ground at the site, and silver rhododendron and white simbel flowers were planted on the grave.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
At the end of the Fourth Age was the Tarterian War. In 4A 995, at the Battle of the Northern Orcish Plains, theforces of Keeleon were routed, and the demons chased after the broken orcs and cut down any who were caught. One such group of orcish soldiers who seemingly fled towards Keeleon Castle were caught and killed at this battlefield in the plains.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
At some point in the Fifth Age, a stone cairn with symbology of Nerull, The Scythe-Bearer, was erected at this battlefield.   On 7 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers camped alongside the battlefield. That night, the group defended the 5A 352 Santeem Republic aid caravan from several bandits. That same evening, ghosts of soliders lost to this battlefield were called forth and were repelled by the Lightbringers.   Through their efforts, in the early morning of 8 Adroth 5A 352, a Plant Growth ritual was completed and the damaged cairn was repaired, which brought some element of calm to the restless spirits of the area. A grave was dug for the felled caravan guard nearby the cairn.
Founding Date
Early Fifth Age
Parent Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)
Northern Orcish Plains   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane