
Human Fighter, Battlemaster, Acolyte

"Well, friends, it seems like it's time to earn our keep."
Arwin is a human (with some degree of elven heritage) fighter who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is played by G.F.    



Arwin is a younger looking man, that still looks rugged and has stubble beard growth. He appears human with faint but noticeable elven features. His hair is dark blonde to brown in color, which is tied back and braided on the sides. He wears an earring on his right ear decorated with gold and black feathers. He wears an amalgamation of leathers, monastic robes, furs, chain, and small plates. The colors are dull and worn. On his back and sides are several elongated scroll cases, one of which holds his bow. He wears a long cloak that has a heavily faded insignia on it. He wears a small pouch on a necklace, which he keeps beneath his armor.   Arwin is equipped with Ancalagon, a composite bow he keeps in a long case on his back, and he has multiple quivers of ammunition.



Arwin stated he was from "out east" and "near the Branca area". When Arwin first revealed his masterwork arrows, he said, "From where I am from, these crystals are in abundance. So much so that it is kept secret."   Arwin spent some time with the Brancana Rangers, an elite unit of rangers and archers of the Brancan military.   Around 5A 348, Arwin and a unit of rangers were sent to speak with a gnoll emissary from one of the Wild Lands tribes, but were ambushed and attacked with magic. Many of the unit died before the gnolls were slain.   In 5A 351, Arwin crafted Ancalagon with the help of a boyer of the Order of the Bow.   Before 9 Madaet 5A 352, Arwin left Branca, the Kingdom of the South. The last time he saw him, Arwin's father gifted him several Residuum arrows, which were a gift from his late mother.   Arwin rode in a trade cart with Hummul Frostbrewer. They traveled through the Endor Tunnel to the city of Endor, the First Mountain.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 0.1 - The Provideniye
On 9 Madaet 5A 352, Arwin and Hummul arrived at Endor through the Doors of Goldroar and brought Hummul's cart to The Pavilion, where Arwin helped Hummul set up his cart. Arwin gave a letter to Hummul to deliver to his cousin back in Branca, the Kingdom of the South, which Hummul aggreed to deliver, and Arwin left to meet the caravan job he was seeking.   Later that day, Arwin met Captain Levka Ruslan at the Gate of the Maw. He joined the Santeem Republic aid caravan under Ruslan's command and together with Gertrude Oathenhammer, left to Endor Port and boarded the Provideniye.   The Provideniye sailed out from Endor Port through the Dragon's Maw and across the Leviathan Sea, and it arrived in Port Surene on 23 Madaet 5A 352.   On 25 Madaet 5A 352, Captain Ruslan gave a speech to the members of the aid caravan mission after the last of the supplies were brought onboard. The Provideniye then left Port Surene and started her voyage southwards across the Leviathan Sea.   During the voyage, Arwin, Gertrude, and Demitri would meet and begin interacting with each other and Captain Ruslan. Arwin spent some of the time reading a book of orcish customs titled "How to Learn Orcish".   On 29 Madaet 5A 352, the Providenye reached Rune Pike. As the ship rounded the Pike, the crew saw a nearby ship, the Testudo, under attack from a flock of harpies. Captain Ruslan took command of the ship and ordered her to approach and lend assistance. During the fight, Arwin shot at the harpies and climbed the main mast to the crow's nest. When Ruslan was thrown into the sea, he tied a rope to himself and the crewmember in the crow's nest and jumped out, attempting to dive between the two ships to help him. The crewmember panicked and cut the rope, causing Arwin to land on the deck of the Provideniye before bouncing into the water. Gertrude and Demitri were able to use the rope to pull them both to the side of the ship and to safety.   After the battle, the ships departed and the Provideniye continued south towards Porgorag. In the early morning of 1 Adroth 5A 352, they could see the northern edge of Tarteria on the horizon.  
Session 1 - Silvery-White Threads
On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Arwin arrived at the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag on the Provideniye. Along with the other caravan members, he met with Borscha Brickwell and Captain Levka Ruslan.   During their conversation about the aid caravan job, Arwin specifically noted the black crate he had previously seen added to the caravan goods in Endor, the First Mountain. He also noted a goliath seemingly keeping near to this crate.   Arwin became frustrated at the talk of merchant guilds and politcs, saying, "merchant guilds and politics seems like too much of a headache for me."   When Romulus stepped aside to speak with Borscha, Arwin saw the vial Romulus held and though he couldn't identify it clearly, it reminded him of demonblood.   After the party asked questions of Borscha and Ruslan, they decided to head out to the city to see what could be done about the missing carriages.  
Session 2 - Searching for Carriages
Arwin went with Romulus to the Yew Tree. Arwin knew some of the tree's history, knowing it was rumored that Joseppe, the Shadow Mage, had planted it. He collected a few of the fallen arils.   They spoke with Minagak at the Yewberry Apothecary. When discussing the vial Romulus had collected, Arwin asked if it could be demonic. Minagak said she could try to look at the vial, and Arwin asked her to save some of the vial’s contents if possible.   Arwin purchased some sulfur and attempted to get sap, resin, and bark. Minagak directed him to a woodworker she knew in the Moss Docks named Loupaché. She also asked if they found him, to inform him that the potion she made for him would likely not work.   At the Moss Docks, Arwin paid several gold pieces to a gnoll to learn Loupaché had a homestead outside town. When the gnoll asked why he was seeking out Loupaché, Arwin was evasive. The gnoll alluded to having memorized Arwin’s scent and said it was nothing to worry about unless Arwin caused problems for Loupaché.   Later that evening when they all regrouped, Arwin informed the party about Loupaché and said he wanted to head to the western homestead to seek him out. Arwin said that he knew some woodworking as well, and together they might be able to make carriages.  
Session 3 - Guildhalls and Churches
In the evening of 1 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude, Arwin, and Demitri entered the Church of Zenethia and took seats in the pews while the rest of the party waited outside.   Arwin listened to the others in attendance and overheard talk of Chedae’s light fading in Tarteria and the rumor that the light could still be found in the west. He also heard talk of sounds and disappearances in the night near Nerull's Fane.   When Arwin saw that Godsguard Ankhan, daughter of Audeh, was a dragonborn, he stood and left the church, which Gertrude noticed. Outside, the rest of the group saw Arwin leave the church. Romsca said he had been quick and Arwin gave the excuse of needing to use the restroom.   In the residence area of the Darksteel Foundry, Arwin discussed the rumors surrounding Nerull’s Fane.   In the morning of 2 Adroth 5A 352, the party entered the main manor of the Hero Hunters Facility. While waiting, Arwin helped himself to several fruits in a bowl on the table.   During the meeting with Haugon, son of Goll, Arwin seemed unsure of him, whispering, "I can't tell if I hate this guy.” The party agreed to exchange their services for covered wagons, and they left the manor. Across the campus, they approached the abandoned storehouse and prepared to investigate.  
Session 4 - Dusty Dens
The party headed to the abandoned storehouse of the Hero Hunters Facility. Arwin used Romsca’s crowbar to remove planks on the window and peer inside, and he suggested that Mortimr could enter first. Inside, they investigated the abandoned manor and found clues to the previous residents.   As they moved into the basement, demons and oozes attacked the party. In the battle, Arwin quickly shot arrows into the demons and oozes.   After the battle, he quickly collected a vial of the mess left behind by one of the oozes. He also found a hidden stash of coins in the den’s fireplace that was seemingly left behind. The party argued if they should close the tunnels or enter them and investigate and Arwin wanted to explore deeper, but while they debated, Mortimr collapsed the tunnels.  
Session 5 - Reports of Demons
After their battle, Arwin returned with most of the others to report to Haugon. Arwin informed Haugon they had found demons in the manor. Arwin also asked Haugon about the black box he'd seen in the caravan goods, and Haugon agreed that it might be Coinguard Gim Gorod's target if it was smuggled on.   After leaving Haugon, Arwin went with Romsca and Gertrude to the Oknar Offices. During their conversation with the Oknar, Arwin informed him there were demons in the city's sewers. When the Oknar said he'd direct the guards to send scouts into the sewers, Arwin asked if they could get any info they find. The Oknar asked for the same in return.   After leaving, nearby Arwin snuck into the Coinguard's office. He broke into the desk and took several items, then had Romsca magically repair the lock. He assisted Gertrude with a distraction outside to cover, and they all quickly left the building. Outside, Arwin read the documents and said they needed to immediately regroup at Cardinal Desires.  
Session 6 - Strings of Prophecies
The different groups reconvened at Cardinal Desires and shared the various information they’d gathered. Arwin shared the documents he’d taken from the Coinguard’s office. He also brought up the fancy black box in the aid caravan’s cargo and thought it may be what the Coinguard’s letter mentions.   Naran approached and spoke prophecies to them all. As she did, silver energy filled the room and spread to each of them, like strings of light woven in a web. To Arwin, she said, “Many strings, woven like fabric, are in your path. You are like a string cut from it, alone and far-flung but never truly separate. An old ally from a time before. Do they know? Have they seen? Do they watch you now?” The energies then broke and dissipated and Naran fainted.   Demitri, Arwin, and Gertrude shared their suspicions of Gim Gorod with Matriarch Eval, and they asked her to hold onto the Coinguard’s papers.   The party then returned to the Darksteel Foundry. They went to the warehouse and confronted the goliath who was acting strangely. As he became agitated, Arwin moved forward and kicked the goliath in the groin.  
Session 7 - Brawl for the Box
The party confronted the goliath guarding the strange black box and a fight ensued. In response to Arwin’s attack, the goliath stunned Arwin with a punch to the stomach that sent static through his system and then shoved him aside with a punch to Arwin’s jaw.   Arwin recovered and shot multiple arrows at the goliath, one of which missed and another was caught by the goliath, who said, “Archer? Really?” before chucking the broken arrow to the ground.   After the fight, Arwin forcibly pulled out the arrow shot into the goliath and returned it to his quiver. Arwin seemed shaken by the fight and was seen with a white-knuckle grip on his bow. He also snapped back at Romsca and the two argued briefly.   During the party’s discussion after the fight, Arwin shared what he saw in Endor regarding the black box and the redhaired woman.   Arwin joined Demitri and Ilmendwyth to the Church of Zenethia. After Ilmendwyth left with Godsguard Ankhan, Arwin asked Demitri if he had a plan, and they went back to Cardinal Desires. On the way, Demitri asked Arwin about why he had left the church earlier and if there was something with him and dragonborn. Arwin said, “Wounds of the past cut deepest.”   They retrieved the papers previously left with Matriarch Eval and made their way back towards City Center.  
Session 8 - Disparate Pieces
On their way back, Arwin thanked Demitri, saying, “I appreciate you, Demitri, for bringing me along. I think I needed a quick break. A breather from all that's happened today.” As they discussed what to do, Arwin expressed he felt the Oknar seemed true in his concerns for the city, but didn’t know for sure.   Outside the Darksteel Foundry, Arwin noted an orc figure standing among the gathered crowd. He snuck close and engaged in a tense conversation. The man said if Arwin wanted answers, he should seek out the rebellion’s leader. After a promised threat from Arwin, the orc departed. Arwin rejoined Demitri and went inside the Foundry to the others.   After the green ring was revealed, Arwin pulled out a bundle of twenty masterwork arrows with residuum crystal arrowheads. He said, “From where I am from, these crystals are in abundance. So much so that it is kept secret.” Arwin asked to see the ring. Though Ilmendwyth agreed, Romsca denied him.   Arwin left the group as well, saying, "I’m disappointed in all of you today." To Romsca, he said, "Just be aware, the rebellion is watching your every move." In the residence facilities, Romsca asked why he was disappointed in her, and they argued until silence filled the room.  
Session 9 - Befouled Waters
In the morning, Arwin awoke and neatly made his bed. Romsca spoke with him and gave him a set of darksteel arrowheads she had crafted overnight. Romsca admitted she was more focused on her own goals. In return, Arwin gifted her a whittling knife. Arwin apologized, saying, “Let’s move on today.”   They all went to Westfield to the sewer access marked by Romulus. They removed the rusted grate and Arwin was the first to enter the city’s sewers.   Getting back as far as they had previously scouted, Arwin prepared his equipment, and they continued on. Reaching a series of intersections, they noticed several creatures nearby. Arwin found a humanoid body and got close enough to see it was alive, but it was covered in strange growths.   The group debated if they should put the creatures here out of their misery, but elected to try to not risk a larger fight. However, Gray Oozes that were hanging on the ceiling dropped on them suddenly and the other beasts were drawn towards them.   In the battle, Arwin fired arrows at the oozes and beasts, killing a giant frog, which exploded just before reaching Romulus. After the last of the beasts were slain, Arwin looked at the exploded orc’s body but found nothing useful.  
Session 10 - The Sunken Shrine
While continuing forward, Arwin looked for signs of recent movement. Ahead, the party heard Draconic chanting. Demitri used his Earring of Message and told Arwin, “We need to stop that chanting, now!”   In the Spring of the Natant Yew, the party faced two Bulezau and other demons. In the combat, Chaka inspired Arwin with an artwork. Arwin shot through a magical wall of water, using one of the residuum crystal arrows. The arrow shattered in a radiant blast and the caster was killed, dissolving into black ichor.   When the remaining Bulezau entered the spell circle, Arwin shot a roped arrow into the demon’s torso. He called for help to pull, and Gertrude grabbed his belt and heaved. She lifted Arwin off the ground and the demon was yanked out of the circle’s radius.   The Bulezau then turned and leapt next to Arwin, and he moved away, resisting the demon’s stench. The Bulezau’s attack missed, and Arwin shot it in the head, killing it.   After the battle, Arwin put his hand on Gertrude’s shoulder, momentarily overwhelmed from the combat. Arwin asked her if this place could be sanctified again. She said they would need many clerics to fully purify the water and consecrate this place.   Arwin picked up the stone carried by the Bulezau. Gertrude confirmed it was not a spell focus, but it did seem magical. Chaka cast Identify on it, using Romsca’s offered pearl, and he learned it was a Stone of Good Luck.   As they regrouped, Arwin and Demitri berated Romsca for needlessly risking her life. Arwin said no one expected her to be perfect. Romsca argued that everyone did, and Arwin said, “No, they don’t. You do.”  
Session 11 - Porgorag's Light
The group left the sewers to speak with Godsguard Ankhan. The party told her what transpired, and she gave them about some information she’d gathered about the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. During the conversation, Arwin listened carefully to determine if Ankhan was being truthful, and he felt she was being honest with them.   Arwin helped dig through journals and notes in the church’s office for information about the shrine. After learning of the clue left by Argilla, son of Kla, Arwin investigated the church’s pulpit, thinking it could be related, but he found no hidden symbols or evidence.   After Romulus located a hidden spell scroll, most of the group chose to accompany the Godsguard back to the shrine, but Arwin and Mortimr elected to stay behind. Demitri told them it would be beneficial to gather additional evidence against Coinguard Gim Gorod. Arwin also wanted to quickly purchase some supplies, and Romsca told him to speak with Parn from the Darksteel Foundry, however the Darksteel Foundry was in the opposite direction they were headed.   Arwin and Mortimr reached Second Square. Arwin entered the Tin Tradepost and was assisted by a young attendant. When the attendant tried to upsell Arwin on his purchases, Arwin grew impatient and hurried the young man along. He purchased a grappling hook and a lead mess kit, ignored the promotional material for the Hero Hunters, and rejoined Mortimr.   While Mortimr talked with Kelwin, Arwin noticed a small bell appear from the cart’s undercarriage but did not see what had placed it. When he brought the bell to the attention of Kelwin, he said it must’ve simply fallen, and Arwin gave the bell back but seemingly did not believe him.   Arwin noticed the Coinguard with Coletta entering the Hero Hunters Facility. They chose to investigate his manor while he was away. Mortimr led them to Gim Gorod's Residence, where two thugs were posing as Queensguard. Arwin kept his weapons at the ready during the conversation. They investigated the alley behind the manor, but there was too much activity to safely infiltrate. Returning to the front, Mortimr left a message with the guards and Arwin traded insults with them before the pair headed back to regroup with the others.  
Session 12 - Connections
The party regrouped at the Oknar Offices with Godsguard Ankhan. As they shared updates on their tasks, Demitri was frustrated that Arwin and Mortimr didn’t learn anything at the Coinguard’s manor. Ankhan brought them to her office while she arranged them an audience. While in Ankhan’s office, Arwin investigated the Godsguard’s desk, but didn’t find anything useful.   They met with Oknar Jod and Watchguard Inzun, where they discussed their actions in the sewers and their concerns with the Coinguard. Arwin believed someone had to be helping the demons in the sewers. At the Oknar’s direction, Ankhan cast a Zone of Truth spell, and Arwin chose to not resist the effects. Arwin said the Tarterian Traders were trying to get a foothold in the city and seemed to be working with the Coinguard.   The Oknar thanked the group and invited them back to the city for the Champion's Conquest celebration later in the month.   Later, at the Hero Hunters Facility, Haugon paid the group for their service and asked for their aid finding a lost Hero Hunters group in the west. During the conversations, when Demitri and Romsca discussed the anti-beastfolk laws in Branca, Arwin scoffed.   As they left, Arwin pulled Demitri aside. He mentioned that while Romsca was brash, if she hadn’t also rushed it Demitri might have been killed. He also said he believed in Demitri’s skill, and he gave him the Stone of Good Luck.   In Second Square, Arwin purchased some tobacco before joining the group at the Glistening Hog Tavern.  
Session 13 - Growing Ties
In the Glistening Hog Tavern, the party ate a late brunch, rested, and talked. At Demitri's suggestion, they played a drinking game and answered questions about themselves.   Over the course of the conversation, Arwin revealed information about himself. He was from Branca, the Kingdom of the South, and the faded symbol on his cloak is from the Brancana Rangers. Arwin said the residuum arrows he carries were given to him as a gift. When asked why he seemed uncomfortable around Godsguard Ankhan, he took a drink instead of answering.   Arwin also shared information from the cloaked person in the crowd outside the Darksteel Foundry, stating he was from the western rebellion and claimed to have seen Chedae. The party discussed if it was better to go west immediately or go south first, and Arwin expressed his desire to head west as soon as possible.   When the conversation shifted to Romsca tribe and the world’s view of gnolls, Arwin expressed disbelief the gnolls were capable of culture.   After they finished their meal, Demitri shared a spare Earring of Message with Arwin. While leaving, Romulus put a hand on Arwin’s shoulder, saying, “Brancana Rangers, huh?” Arwin asked if there was going to be a problem, and Romulus said, “Depends how many kills you got.”   Outside in Second Square, Arwin and Mortimr scouted the alleys and buildings near to the Glistening Hog Tavern. At the Tin Tradepost, Arwin bought some ball bearings.  
Session 14 - Voltha's Walk
The party continued across town towards Eastfield. They reached a section of several specialty shops called Voltha’s Walk.   They first went to Cloak and Trident. Arwin asked Orkid Aspara what she was doing with the shop’s cellar, and she said she was dealing with inventory problems. Arwin and Mortimr looked around for anything out of place, but most seemed in order.   Orkid Aspara sold several items to the group, and Arwin bought a Thunderstone. Arwin asked for items to increase stealth or eyesight, and Orkid said she didn’t have anything at the ready but could work on commission.   At First Mountain Jewels, Kororsh sold Arwin two platinum rings. At Pages for Ages, Arwin asked after language books and tried to subtly purchase a Beastcommon guide, and Demitri noticed.  
Session 15 - Snakes and Smokescreens
The party regrouped at the Darksteel Foundry and took time to prepare for their evening meeting.   During this time, Romsca gave Arwin the arrows she finished crafting, and in return, Arwin gave her the platinum rings he purchased “as a forward advance on future projects.” Arwin also purchased the Rope of Mending from Romulus and crafted it into a binding arrow. He used the arils from the Yew Tree to make a basic poison arrow as well.   In the evening, they returned to the Glistening Hog Tavern. To prepare, Arwin shared some of the crafted bullhead arrows with Ilmendwyth, and they took positions on the rooftops on either side of the tavern.   After the Coinguard arrived and began speaking with Mortimr, Arwin kept in contact with Ilmendwyth, as he had line of sight to the conversation.   When the Coinguard tried to flee, Arwin noticed Ilmendwyth move and he positioned himself, ready to shoot into the alley. After the Coinguard was captured, Demitri messages Arwin to let him know what happened in the tavern.  
Session 16 - Planting Seeds, Parting Gifts
As the party regrouped, Arwin taunted the bodyguard as he was hauled away.   They left the tavern and went to Gim Gorod's Residence. Inside, they explored. Arwin found the servants’ quarters empty. After Demitri opened Gorod’s secret safe, Arwin searched for secret compartments or anything else inside, but found nothing.   As they had Gim Gorod’s journal, Arwin suggested they leave. As they left out the back, the party used Arwin’s grappling hook to climb the back fence. At the Darksteel Foundry, the group discussed the contents of the journal, and they rested. Arwin took a bath and smoked before sleeping.   In the morning, they decided what to do with the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Arwin agreed that taking it with could present a chance to set a trap with it as bait later on.   Arwin joined part of the group to the Oknar Offices, speaking with Inzun and handing over Gim Gorod’s journal. After, Arwin asked to speak with the held Coinguard. Arwin asked Gorod, “What was the purpose of all this?” He then took out a small seed from a pouch and set it on the ground and left.   Along with the rest of the Lightbringers, Arwin left Porgorag with the aid caravan, headed south.  
Session 17 - Setting Out
On 4 Adroth 5A 352, Arwin and the others set out from Porgorag southwards on the Orc Highway. On the road the first day, Leena ended up throwing a knife at Arwin, who easily noticed it and let it fly by him. He retrieved the knife and returned it to Romsca, who thanked him. Later, he got Leena’s attention with his own knife throwing, and the pair threw their weapons at the side of the carts.   As evening came, Captain Ruslan ordered camp, and the caravan pulled off the road. Arwin joined Ilmendwyth and Romulus as they hunted and foraged.   During the evening watches, Arwin awoke to Demitri and Chaka talking. Arwin criticized their conversation, and Demitri and Arwin traded teasing for a while.   The next day on 5 Adroth 5A 352, they continued on. After midday, traveling in the opposite direction, there was a dwarf driving a carriage that seemed off to the group. Arwin shadowed the cart and peered inside, finding many trade goods and supplies, but nothing that seemed out of the ordinary or unexpected.  
Session 18 - Cards and Conversations
In the evening of 5 Adroth, Arwin agreed to play cards with Malagat, Mardun, and Dodim, and Arwin took the first pot. Before the third hand, Malagat bet the loser of the next round would hunt a boar for the winner. Arwin accepted and countered that if he won, Malagat and his group would agree to stay with the caravan all the way through. Arwin lost the final hand.   When Arwin learned Mardun’s was running from gambling debts in Santeem, Arwin lied and said one of his group was a bounty hunter from Santeem, which temporarily scared Dodim away.   At the group’s camp, Arwin joined the questions drinking game. During the game, Arwin said the crest on his cloak was from the Brancana Rangers, and said his fondest memory was the last time he saw his father, when he had been gifted the residuum arrows. These were a gift from his mother, who died in childbirth.   The game turned into an argument between Arwin and Romsca. Arwin felt Romsca was insincere about calling the Lightbringers her tribe and about her worship of Morounin. Arwin listed the things gnolls did to Brancans during the Manslayer War. When Romsca said she would never do those things, Arwin said gnolls were still doing them in the Wild Lands, and he left.   Later, during Arwin’s evening watch, Demitri spoke with Arwin. He suggested Arwin pull back some for the sake of group cohesion and not make his opinions Romsca’s problem. Arwin said he wished it could be that simple.  
Session 19 - The Roadside Cairn
After the day’s travel on 6 Adroth, Arwin hunted a boar to repay the debt from the previous night’s card game. He offered the boar to Mardun, Malagat, and Dodim, then took the first of the evening watches with Ilmendwyth.   Arwin asked Ilmendwyth about his impressive bowman skills and Ilmendwyth returned the compliment. They agreed it was taking time to adjust to Tarteria. They had similar thoughts on shooting becoming instinct. Awkwardly, Arwin said he would be ready to listen to any teaching Ilmendwyth might be willing to provide.   During the travel on 7 Adroth, Arwin made the call to keep the wagons of the caravan farther apart for safety. Romsca came to question him as to why, and Arwin taunted her questions and did not explain his reasoning. When she pressed further and the argument grew, Demitri interrupted to distract Arwin and give Romsca the chance to leave.   During the overnight watches, Romsca approached and offered a platinum ring in return for the platinum he had given earlier. Arwin said, “Don’t take this the wrong way. It’s not that I don’t like you. Whatever it is you want to give me, I don’t deserve it.”   Arwin said he was “stuck in what seems an impossible place to be. Knowing one thing all my life, but trying to achieve something different.” They discussed how the events of the past wars could affect so far in the future, and how 350 years was different for humans and for gnolls.   When Arwin reached to accept Romsca’s gift, he saw the maned wolf that had been following the caravan sneak into the camp. Arwin quickly drew his bow and fired, killing it. Arwin thanked Romsca for the ring and said he wouldn’t wear it until he had earned her trust.  
Session 20 - Drawn to Fire
Arwin awoke to Ilmendwyth’s alarm whistle in the night. Arwin in a practiced motion drew his bow and fired after the shapes they saw in the grass, hitting the closest who let out a yelp of pain. Romsca and Arwin rushed into the grasses after them.   They found Drok, a young half-orc with Arwin’s arrow in his thigh. They returned, and Arwin retrieved his arrow from Drok’s leg and took his weapon.   During their interrogation, Arwin asked about any other bandits Drok had been with. The group discussed what to do with Drok. Arwin thought to turn him in when they arrived at New Keeleon. He asked another caravan guard, and orc named Dhug, and learned that the penalty for Drok’s desertion was death.   When ghosts attacked the caravan, Arwin was frightened by the ghastly appearance and aged ten years in a moment. He shakily shot arrows and retreated behind nearby haybales. He regained his composure and saw Drok, who seemed to be weighing his options. Arwin said to him, “You would have to get more than three hundred yards away from me to run.” Drok quickly ducked behind the haybales, too.   Arwin then peered around and shot the ghost near Gertrude, scattering it to the winds. As the rest ran, Arwin stayed ready to shoot any that returned.   The group sought a way to keep the ghosts at bay. Arwin recited the Repose Coda to help restore the roadside cairn.  
Session 21 - Axe-Breaker Blessings
After Romsca buried the fallen caravan guard, Arwin planted white simbel flowers on the grave.   During the travel, Arwin was slow and haggard from the aging effects. In the afternoon, after Romsca heard sounds in the grasses, Arwin scouted with Romulus and Ilmendwyth and found a Dire Pangolin. Arwin suggested they kill it there if it posed a danger, but they chose to head back to prepare with the rest of the caravan.   Upon their return they shared their findings. Romulus moved earth to create mounds for Arwin and the archers to stand on, but the pangolin left the caravan alone.   As they approached Axe-Breaker Thicket, Drok became nervous at the scene and Arwin suggested he keep quiet and blend in with the other caravan guards.   During the conversation with Lieutenant Vramas, he offered to use curative magic on some of the party. Ilmendwyth and Arwin agreed that Demitri should receive the spell. After Demitri was cured, he was filled with residual divine energy and was able to remove the aging effect on Arwin as well.   As they camped in the thicket, Arwin gathered a slim amount of the red sap from the felled log near the roadway. Arwin took the first watch. During the night, he noticed that Romsca was fitful and not sleeping. He suggested she take what rest she could. She couldn’t sleep, so Arwin told her of an event during his time with the Brancana Rangers. Romsca listened and talked with Arwin about the event, sharing some information about her own experiences with her tribe.   Arwin said he thinks often of what he might have done differently in those moments. He didn’t claim to know the motives of a single gnoll. Arwin said they were not informed about a lot of things in the military. At the time he hadn’t thought to ask why, either.  
Session 22 - Raised Voices
In the morning of 9 Adroth, Arwin joined some others to speak with Lieutenant Vramas. Arwin hoped Vramas would not send the boy to a “useless death”. They convinced him to take Drok northwards. Arwin said to use the group’s name, Lightbringers, as they had standing in the city.   In the evening of 10 Adroth, Arwin noticed Leena watching him craft arrows using Romsca’s darksteel bodkins. Leena joined him, and he explained the process. When they were done, Leena asked about the residuum arrows. He said they were from his mother and he couldn’t craft more.   Arwin asked the group what their plan was for the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. When Romsca said they should provide the ring to someone else, Arwin worried about it falling in the wrong hands. Arwin agreed with Demitri that he should try attuning to it.   As they debated, Arwin said they couldn’t just do nothing. Arwin knew Demitri and Mortimr had been speaking, and he seemed to trust their judgment. He agreed that Mortimr should examine it, and said if things went wrong they would just kill Mortimr.   As the argument turned physical, Arwin shot a whistling arrow to grab the group’s attention, saying, “Why is this always happening, when we touch this fucking thing, everyone starts fucking arguing? We just want to know what it fucking does!”  
Session 23 - Acid and Fire
The argument over the green ring was interrupted by tunneling ankhegs that attacked the group. Arwin used his darksteel arrows and first focused on forcing the adult ankhegs to drop the grappled Mortimr, killing the creatures.   During the melee, Arwin maneuvered for better positioning, but one of his arrows hit Demitri instead.   When Romsca was knocked unconscious and held off the ground by the alpha ankheg, Arwin shot the creature’s mandible and forced it to drop her.  
Session 24 - A Dream of Iron
Arwin observed the Warden Rangers and took note of their equipment and tools. Arwin introduced himself to Ranger General Labb and said he was a Brancana Ranger. Labb said he had heard of the organization.   Arwin asked why the rangers were collecting samples. Labb answered there was an “egghead back in New Keeleon” who was asking for them. Labb complimented the group and offered them work once they were finished with the caravan. Arwin asked questions about the job around Keeleon Castle, and Labb said to seek him out if they were interested.   Arwin took a night watch with Ilmendwyth. During the night, they noticed Chaka having a nightmare and they woke him. Arwin asked to see the mark on Chaka’s neck. Though he recognized it as draconic, he didn’t understand its meaning. He contemplated waking Demitri but chose to wait until the morning.   During the travel on 11 Adroth, Arwin informed Demitri about Chaka’s nightmare and the sigil on his neck.  
Session 25 - Rose Glasses, Clay Compass
As the group talked about the entity in Mortimr’s head, Arwin asked if the they could trust Mortimr to examine the residuum ring and what the entity could be getting out of its arrangement with Mortimr.   The group prepared for Mortimr to see the ring, and Arwin chose to keep his distance and hold his bow at the ready. After, Arwin was aggravated by the details they learned, and Gertrude asked if he’d expected to good news from it.   To commune with Morounin, Romsca needed scrap metal to work. Arwin gave her his mess kit.   During the next day’s travel, the group discussed what to do with the ring before reaching New Keeleon. Arwin was concerned with how far the Tarterian Traders influence went in the city.   At the Cereus Compass, Arwin recognized the preacher as the ex-soldier he’d seen outside the Darksteel Foundry. The orc fled after recognizing Arwin. Arwin chased after him and knocked him out with a blunted arrow at Kuad's Farm. Arwin then turned the orc over to a pair of city guards.   Just after midday, Arwin entered New Keeleon through Argil’s Gate along with the aid caravan.  
Session 26 - Names, New and Old
Inside Argil’s Gate, Arwin investigated a message board for postings made by the Tarterian Traders.   They reached the Breakwater Keep and entered to speak with Nalt Oknar Rulla, Watchguard Stuzrog, Godsguard Shumedzar, and Lord Lortuk. During the conversation, Lortuk asked their opinion on Ranger General Labb. Arwin said Labb’s combat skills were impressive. Lortuk said Labb was “a bit old” for the role, which put off Arwin.   They were directed to wait nearby for the arranged payment. While waiting, they heard a representative from the Commandment of Sky Guildhall be announced next.   Immediately suspicious, Arwin went out to the hall and watched and listened to Sir Talmid speaking with Rulla and the others. Arwin noted the reactions of the officials and saw Talmid provide paperwork to take over the distribution of the aid caravan.   Arwin returned to the group as they received their payments for the caravan. As they left, Arwin quietly informed the rest of the group what he’d overheard.   The party then regrouped at the Far Bar Inn. Arwin reiterated the events at Breakwater Keep to Romulus and Mortimr. After Mortimr recognized Sir Talmid and said he would kill him, Arwin asked how he planned to do so in such a large city. When Gertrude said they wouldn’t make it out of the city alive, Arwin disagreed.   Arwin asked what the party’s plan in the city was. They started talking about tasks they should accomplish. When Romsca asked if the group wanted her to carry on with them, Arwin asked if that’s what she wanted and said she was not obligated to stay.   After the discussion, Mortimr initiated a Gnomish Gem Binding ritual. Arwin participated.   The group went to Victory Market to purchase supplies. Romsca asked Arwin about his arrow production so that she may help. At the stalls, Arwin purchased raw materials, including hardened sap, plant leaves, caltrops, wire, and a bell.   Arwin made a commission at Gralphank's Ten-Foot Pole Emporium for an enchantment on his bow, which would take a week to complete. Demitri lent his bow to Arwin to use in the interim.   Before leaving the area, Chaka and Arwin sought out a courier service. Arwin sent a letter back to Branca.   That evening, when Demitri met his mother at the Equus Orphanage and learned he may be the heir of Sokolov, Arwin asked Demitri what that could mean for him. After they finished speaking with Zofi at the orphanage, they headed back to the Far Bar Inn.  
Session 27 - River and Sky
At the Far Bar Inn, Arwin helped rent additional rooms for the group. Arwin spent time using his alchemist kit to make a nightshade poison.   After Romsca created a new box to hold the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring, Romulus transformed with the old box. Arwin picked him up and they went to the Rexun River, where Arwin kept watch while Romulus disposed of the box.   In the rented rooms, they discussed their plan. Arwin said they didn’t have any leads currently and confirmed if they wanted to get a target on their back by digging around. Arwin said he wanted to scout the Commandment of Sky guildhall.   Before they rested, Arwin put a trip alarm on the door.   In the morning of 13 Adroth, Arwin, Chaka, Romulus, and Mortimr entered the Catlinites. Arwin took note of buildings around the guildhall.   Inside, Arwin spoke with an attendant and feigned a trade proposal from the Brancana Rangers. He asked to speak with Talmid and left his information, but he learned Talmid was not currently present.  
Session 28 - An Interrupted Meal
They regrouped at the Far Bar Inn and shared what they’d learned. Arwin had tried to set a meeting with Sir Talmid and said Mortimr may be interested in joining him. Arwin asked if informing Rulla and Stuzrog everything had been a good idea. Arwin said they should plan to head back to Victory Market and ask after the coinguard.   The group met Captain Ruslan for a Santeemite-themed lunch downstairs. Arwin asked if Ruslan would deliver a message to Branca. Ruslan offered to take it as far as Endor, but Arwin declined.   During the meal, city guards arrested Ruslan. Arwin and the others followed to Breakwater Keep and spoke with the watch commander. He escorted Gertrude and Arwin to the prisoner cells. They shared a look when they found Ruslan in the cells.   They spoke with Cole, the arrested preacher from the Cereus Compass. Arwin and Cole argued briefly before Gertrude spoke with him at length. Arwin told Gertrude in dwarvish that Cole’s story seemed farfetched. After, Arwin wished Nerull’s favor on him.   They returned upstairs and spoke with Nalt Oknar Rulla. She and Shumedzar joined the group to the cells, and Rulla called for Ruslan’s release.  
Session 29 - A Lord’s Investigation
After Ruslan was released, Arwin said he was now a part of this and asked if he was comfortable joining them around the city.   The party regrouped at Victory Market. Finding the hidden door, they entered and spoke with Lortuk and Ranger General Labb. They discussed Lortuk’s investigation into Red Lake and the Prophets of Regression.   Arwin asked why they should trust Lortuk. He replied he and Romulus were both taught by the Hermit. Arwin said they did need allies, but he’d prefer someone different. Lortuk said he’d prefer someone more capable. Arwin replied they would see, and Lortuk was pleased Arwin had agreed to working together. Demitri called Arwin out for walking into Lortuk’s words.   Arwin asked Labb is this was the science contact he had made reference to earlier, and Lab confirmed Lortuk was. Arwin asked if Red Lake was a source of residuum, but Lortuk didn’t know if it was as he hadn’t searched. He also shared the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring was a replica.   Arwin said in exchange for their information, Lortuk help secure his meeting with the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. He also asked Lortuk to expedite his order at Gralphank’s.   After the conversation, the group left back into the alleys of Victory Market.  
Session 30 - On the Riverbank
The party regrouped in the alleys. Arwin grabbed Ruslan’s art and said, “Such lovely workmanship.” Ruslan said it was his own fault if Arwin would be insincere in this way. Arwin laughed and said Ruslan should get a drink after the day he’d had. When Ruslan asked how the meeting went, Arwin said Lortuk was still a piece of shit.   Before leaving the Victory Market, they spoke to the merchants. Arwin learned the coinguard had been accompanied by a young orcish page from her staff named “Elzil”.   In the late evening, they returned to Far Bar Inn, ate, and rested. In the rooms, Arwin crafted the hardened sap into a fire arrow and set a trap on the door. They decided to set watches; Arwin and Mortimr took first watch.   In the morning of 14 Adroth, they took the main roadway into the Embankment district. From the Augurs, they saw Nedurr, the Mud Mage, on the bank of the river nearby. Arwin wondered about the posted bounty on Nedurr and if they should shoot him down.   The party approached and questioned him. At Nedurr’s raised voice, the group was attacked by a pack of mudmutts. Arwin called to Romulus to tell Nedurr to stop the monsters, and he shot him with a rope arrow. Nedurr let out a cry of pain. In response, the mudmutts became enraged and more violent.   Arwin was shortly stunned by a sonic croak, and in that time, Ruslan was slain. Chaka stunned the ones in the water, and Arwin recovered and shot the last mudmutt on the shore, doing massive damage. Arwin tossed one of his residuum arrows to the ground near Ruslan, and said, “Use it to save him!” Mortimr and his entity used the arrow to resurrect Ruslan.   The last mudmutt leaped into the air towards Arwin. It attacked with its long tongue and pulled Arwin into a fierce bite, before it was killed by Romulus. Argilla called to the group, “Quickly! Away from the water, this way, this way!” Gathering the wounded, the group rushed northwards towards the Watermill Gallery.  
Session 31 - These Old Artists
The party fled the riverbank with Argilla to the Watermill Gallery. Argilla formally introduced himself and invited them to his home in the Highland Hills to meet his patron, Al'phonas Muchaelas. They spoke at length about many topics.   Al’phonas presented a plan to create a decoy Unsigned Painting of the Great Beasts to learn where his real painting may be and if the Tarterian Traders were involved. They agreed, and the party prepared to help Chaka as best they could.  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Lortuk told Arwin he was working to expedite his bow at Gralphanks. He also told him he was unsuccessful in setting up a meeting with the Commandment of Sky Guildhall.  
Session 33 - History and Heroes
As they discussed the plan for the showing, Arwin asked Chaka about the gallery’s layout.   Arwin went to Gralphank’s to retrieve his enchanted weapon, Ancalagon. Arwin thanked them and admired the bow. Lortuk apologized he couldn’t set Arwin’s meeting with Talmid. Arwin asked if there was any news, and Lortuk said Talmid hadn’t been seen around town for a few days.   Arwin joined the others at Leka Fabrics in Victory Market. He received a Brancan-style outfit fashioned from thick orcish fabric.   Chaka chose “Work #53: Pa Gathering Firewood” to submit as his actual artwork. Arwin recognized it as a partner piece to one he’d seen earlier.   As the gallery showing began, Romulus cast a water-breathing spell on himself, Arwin, and Ilmendwyth, and they entered the Rexun River and approached the gallery from the water. Arwin and Ilmendwyth positioned beneath the back patio.  
Session 34 - Watermill Melee
The enchantment on Ancalagon activated, alerting the group to the combat. Arwin left the water and climbed onto the wooden walkway. He and Ilmendwyth shot the fanatic, alerted the guards, and Arwin jumped back into the water.   Arwin grabbed the spinning waterwheel. Romulus stomped onto the wheel, and Arwin was brought around to roof. Arwin shot the fanatic dead from his vantage point, and the nearby guard saw Arwin aid him.   On the roof, Shur suddenly appeared. Arwin threw caltrops, but Shur wasn’t affected. He flew off the roof towards the street. Arwin feigned a trip and spilled ball bearings on the street below between the fleeing fanatics and the city guards.   Romulus called for Arwin to follow and then jumped from the gallery. Arwin jumped from the roof, landing on Romulus’s Wild Shaped back, and they chased after Shur as he fled.  
Session 35 - On the Scent
Arwin and the others kept their distance as they pursued Shur. At the gate to the Catlinites, Arwin and Ilmendwyth noticed few civilians in the area. They didn’t see any more cultists but were concerned there were no guards on patrol.   The party regrouped at the gate and headed to a warehouse near the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. Several hidden cultists were posted around. Arwin, Ilmendwyth, Demitri, and Mortimr took aim with ranged weapons, timed their shots, and killed the sentries with a volley.   Inside, Arwin and Ilmendwyth searched for hidden passages. After others found a passage and they entered a hidden tunnel, Chaka showed Arwin “Work #56: Urva Making Mischief” to inspire him.   The tunnel led to the guildhall’s interior. Arwin peered out the door and saw robed cultists in the main room. Arwin alerted the group to the danger and suggested they could take them by surprise, though they decided on stealth.   Arwin crossed to a nearby door and found a hidden latch behind a bookcase. It revealed an accessway to a large metal door bearing an elemental plane sigil.   Using the Earring of Message, he called for Ilmendwyth to join him and informed Demitri about the door. The party crossed, though the cultists were now searching for them. They opened the door and headed down a set of stairs. Romsca fell into a trap, and Arwin lowered a rope to help her out.   Beneath the guildhall, the group found the Chamber of Titles. They overheard conversation between Talmid and Shur, but they triggered another trap. Two large elementals apparated in front of them and attacked.  
Session 36 - The Chamber of Titles
Arwin fired arrows at the fire elemental but to no effect. He called out to Ilmendwyth, “Is there a word or a phrase we can use to deactivate this?”   Arwin looked directly towards Talmid and fired arrows at him. Talmid glared back and moved Shur into the path of the arrows. Mortimr said to leave Talmid, as he owed Mortimr a debt. Arwin replied, “Debts must be repaid.”   As Talmid took fire damage from Romsca, Arwin said, “Fire does look good on you, mate.” He fired an alchemist arrow at Talmid, lighting him on fire.   Talmid cut Mortimr down and called for the group to halt. With the distraction of battle, Arwin ran forward, pulled off his demon mask, and administered a healing potion. He said encouragingly, “You have a fucking debt to repay, mate.”   Talmid was subdued and captured. Arwin removed Talmid’s weapon.   Mortimr loaded his crossbow and the group argued about his interrogation methods. Arwin tried to take the bolt from the crossbow during the argument. With a sheen of pink energy and scent of roses, Mortimr turned and his body followed a half-step behind.   Arwin said, “Listen mate, I know you need a debt to be repaid, and it will be repaid. Think of the bigger picture here, mate. You kill him, you don’t get to the others as quickly as you would like to.”   Rosmca and Mortimr continued to argue loudly. As Romsca moved away, Arwin and Demitri saw Mortimr’s arm shoot up strangely and fire a crossbow bolt wide of Romsca.   Arwin shot Mortimr twice and the arrows struck him, though he did not react to the wounds. Demitri and Arwin shared a concerned look. Arwin grabbed one of his residuum arrows and held it ready, and they followed after.  
Session 37 - Petals, Paintings, Pasts
Arwin held his bow with the residuum arrow at the ready while Mortimr interrogated Talmid.   As Talmid became dismissive and uncooperative, Arwin put his weapon away and handed Mortimr a carving tool from his kit. He said, “This technique worked wonders on gnolls.” Arwin suggested Mortimr let the entity take control.   After Talmid was killed, Arwin put a hand on Mortimr’s shoulder. He said, “It’s hard to trust you, mate. But as long as you don’t kill anyone next time, or try to kill anyone next time.”   Arwin looked over the spell circle in the ritual room. He called Demitri over and asked if this was a teleportation spell. They found the Great Leviathan painting, and Demitri asked if Arwin remembered the sailors saying the Leviathan was missing. As Demitri theorized, Arwin said it was going over his head.   The sigil in the research room activated, and the group gathered at the sound of voices. They had a tense conversation with Maalik and Azariel. Maalik recognized Arwin from the caravan in Endor. Arwin recognized the Flower of the King behind Maalik, which was the same color as the gemstone Gertrude carried.   Arwin asked what deal the genasi were willing to make. Maalik asked what they would like in exchange for the ring. Arwin and Demitri began deriding their proposal flippantly.   The group was tired, but they chose to stay and continue looking through the rooms before resting.  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
Over the next days, they dug into the research, journals, and materials they found. They discovered information about the Prophets of Regression and the genasi’s actions. At the end of studying all this information, they theorized what this all meant.   Arwin attempted to reverse engineer the smoke grenade and was able to improve his own smoke grenade arrows.   Chaka consulted with the party about providing the Great Leviathan painting to Al’phonas. Arwin suggested selling it.   On 18 Adroth, Rulla sent Lord Lortuk to gather the Lightbringers. On the way, Chaka split Al’phonas’s gold with the party.   The group discussed what next move would be best and chose Red Lake as priority, then they would cycle back to the ankheg nest.   At the Breakwater Keep they were brought before Nalt Oknar Rulla. As reward for their actions, the Lightbringers were given the Rill Priory and invited as guests of honor to the Champion’s Conquest festivities.



Arwin's father is eldery, and Arwin believes he will not see him again. His mother died in childbirth. Before her death, she gave Arwin's father the Residuum arrows to later gift to her son.

Character Information

Notable Items

  • His bow, Ancalagon, is an immaculate composite bow. It is a dark walnut ebony color that leads into an amber yellow in the center. There is carved filigree in the design of leaves on the ends of it. Arwin had the bow enchanted to alert the group when danger was near.
  • Set of masterwork arrows with residuum arrowheads.
  • Book of orcish customs titled "How to Learn Orcish".
  • Book of the Beastcommon language.
  • Platinum Ring: A ring given by Romsca, engraved with the design of a bow and arrow with an emerald fleck tip.


  • "Well, friends, it seems like it's time to earn our keep." - 2.0.1, said before engaging the harpies at Rune Pike.
  • "You have to imagine, though, he has to live his life like that." - 2.1, said after first meeting Vitibuk.
  • "I would say, merchant guilds and politics seems like too much of a headache for me." - 2.1.
  • "Wounds of the past cut deepest." - 2.7, said to Demitri after he asked about Arwin's interactions with dragonborn.
  • "From where I am from, these crystals are in abundance. So much so that it is kept secret." - 2.8
  • "A good warrior, a great warrior, knows no limits." - 2.10
  • "What we walked into there was, I'd say at least for me, way above my pay grade." - 2.12
  • "My cousin told me something once. He said, ‘Don’t be just part of the problem, be the whole problem.’" - 2.16
  • "Your people inherit the beliefs of your ancestors, just like mine do." - 2.18
  • "I’m not angry with you, I’m angry with myself. I am stuck in what seems an impossible place to be. Knowing one thing all my life, but trying to achieve something different." - 2.19
  • "I will try my hardest for us not to get ambushed by fucking assassins, but if we don't play this safe, your lives aren't guaranteed." - 2.25
  • "It’s hard to trust you, mate. But as long as you don’t kill anyone next time, or try to kill anyone next time." - 2.37
2024 Character Art provided by G.F.
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Location
Date of Birth
5A 319
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2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.
2024 Character Art provided by G.F.