Bridon Tillage

Bridon Tillage is a farming community of the Queendom of Keeleon located in the Northern Orcish Plains region of Tarteria. It is a mostly halfling village of farmers which supplies surplus food to other cities in the region.   Due to its placement inland of the Pandia Gulf, there is the threat of bandits and pirates looking to get into the country and access the trade roads without going through a crown-controlled port. The residents of Bridon Tillage have had to rely on the strength of their sword arms as well as their plows to make a living in this orcish countryside.


The settlement is located to the south of Two Ports Road and the Kumbon Forest. It consists of several familial halfling homesteads and other houses, and many of these have small hobby farms and paddocks.   There are a small number of businesses and merchant stores within the village. These mostly are arranged near a central town square which has several jacaranda trees. In addition, there are places dedicated to nature in the town, including a cemetery with Gaia iconography.   The town is surrounded by a large palisade constructed to protect the settlement from the threat of beasts and raiders alike. Surrounding Bridon Tillage is an expansive stretch of fields and farms, which grow crops like maize, soybeans, and wheat.  
  • Falamin's Fence: The large palisade surrounding the center of Bridon Tillage, which is manned by members of the volunteer watch.
  • Leabrace Homestead: The homestead of the Leabrace family, first constructed by the settlement's founder, Bridon Leabrace.
  • Old Turnip Field: Near the homestead is a turnip field surrounded by a simple fence. Once used as a hobby farm, now the town's animated turnips reside here. At the center is a large sinkhole which connects to the Underdark.



The population is around eight hundred and consists of several expansive halfling families. These familes have many members and discussions around local hot-button issues can sometimes create lasting tensions between the familes.   Other residents include some humans and half-orcs. However, some orcish residents are uneasy so close to the Desecrated Hills, so the orcish population is lower than other parts of Tarteria.   Aside from the residents, animated turnips live among the town. After wild magics from Releg Cirin animated these creatures in 5A 351, these creatures have become endearing, if quirky, denizens of Bridon Tillage.  

Notable People

  • Falamin Leabrace: The mayor, current head of the Leabrace family, and son of the town's founder, Bridon Leabrace.
  • Tanya Applebough: A resident of Bridon Tillage and member of the volunteer watch. The Applebough family has a apple orchard in town.
  • Rudy: The largest of the animated turnips was named Rudy by the townsfolk. It stands nearly 10 feet tall, and Rudy watches over the smaller turnips in town.


Bridon Tillage exports a number of crops, including wheat, maize, and soybeans. These goods are sent to nearby cities, like Port Haville, Porgorag, and New Keeleon.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
During the rebuilding of northern Tarteria in the Fifth Age, taking the fertile ground and transitioning it into bountiful fields was the work of an adventurous halfling family led by Bridon Leabrace.   5A 351
On 22 Sedaena 5A 351, the village celebrated Harvest Home. The town was decorated and several events were held, including a parade and gourd competition. The Turnip Tillers had a drinking contest with Releg Cirin at the Brace of Spades tavern.   The next morning, a Brain Hood incompletely fused with Releg, which caused his druidic magic to go haywire. A number of Awakened Turnips were created and attacked the city. The group defeated the turnips and destroyed the Brain Hood. After the battle, they stayed in town to assist with the recovery and the burial of the villager who died in the fighting.   On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, Falamin Leabrace asked the Turnip Tillers to enter the sinkhole to find the cause of the residual tremors. The tunnel connected to the Underdark. At a Fungal Nursery, the group sealed a planar portal connecting to Nadiria, the Plane of Darkness, and Releg chose to become the custodian of this seal.   At the request of Falamin, the next day on 26 Sedaena 5A 351, the group set out on the Belltree Road towards Porgorag to alert Godsguard Ankhan of the events and to seek out the aid of a rumored orc druid.   5A 352
At some point after 13 Adroth 5A 352, part of Bridon Tillage's bountiful harvest was requisitioned for the Westfield district of Porgorag by Lord Lortuk, son of Mog.