Ruin's Temple

Ruin's Temple consists of several stone structures in the Fire Spire Sands of Tarteria, which displays some connection to the Plane of Fire and the Plane of Air, and holds the Heart of the Desert. The Zenethian Axe remained hidden beneath the central shrine structure until it was recovered by Rath, the Blackguard.


Ruin's Temple is located in the far west reaches of the Fire Spire Sands. Great heat permeates the dunes surrounding the shrine, as the heat generated by the Heart of the Desert which suffuses the desert is held here. The central structure is built upon a rocky outcrop of brown stone, which is slowly being covered by sand as time continues. Surounding this are four tall pillars each approximately eighty yards away.   The pillars are tall and thin obelisk structures of white sandstone. They function as tall chimneys, and smoke can be seen leaving the designed tops of the pillars. At the bases are small enclave entrances, some of which have been covered with sand. Within these enclaves are small daises created to receive the energies of the Heart of the Desert.   The center structure was once a dome, but is now a circle of broken and worn white sandstone walls. Within these walls is a stone platform created of triangular slabs. On the exterior is a ring of text in Draconic, which reads "Only the child of Ruin may enter" and "Light the beacons". In the middle is a stunted pillar with the Zenethian symbol carved into the stonework.   Beneath this platform was a small, buried room, which was only accessible once the Heart of the Desert was brought to each pillar and returned. The triangular slabs of stone descended to form stairs which led to the holding chamber of the Zenethian Axe.

Heart of the Desert

Above the central column, floating gently above, is the Heart of the Desert. It is black, cracked stone which gives of a radiant heat and glows like hot coals. When active, it burns like an orb of magma, and the heat from it becomes nearly unbearable. The energies of it were lessened somewhat when the Zenethian Heroes activated the pillars, but the heat of the Plane of Fire still comes through in fluxes.


The painting "Suor Shesh", by Gline, daughter of Leir, is a dramatic and minimalist representation of Ruin's Temple. The defining feature of the painting is a vibrant green streak of paint angled skyward originating from the shrine.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
At some point in the early Fourth Age, the Zenethian Champion Ruin used the elemental energies housed in the Heart of the Desert to lock away the Zenethian Axe.   In 4A 995, the Zenethian Heroes battles many fiends and elementals at Ruin's Temple as they recovered the Zenethian Axe.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
In 5A 349, Romulus ventured to the Fire Spire Sands while seeking out the Heart of the Desert. Upon finding it at Ruin's Temple, he performed the prayer-chants of his family and touched the Heart, which seemed to connect with him in some way. A cape vulture, Cinis, was caught in the energy and was also transformed.
Fire Spire Sands   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane