
Minotaur Druid, Circle of Wildfire, Archeologist

"It's still important, in the long run, to know your history."
Romulus is a minotaur druid who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is played by S.H.    



Romulus is a large male minotaur. He is just over six feet tall, making him somewhat shorter than other minotaurs, and he has wide shoulders. He has short and fine black colored fur. He has two horns which are angled forward, on which Romulus carves pictograph records of important events. The areas of his fur not covered by his clothing and armor are painted with intricate mazes, which is painted with water-resistant white clay.   Romulus wears a hobgoblin-style breastplate. Most of the metal has been replaced with added reptile leather and scales across the chest. On his shoulders and over his kidneys are large, repurposed turtle shells. He has a well cared for scimitar that is worn and somewhat blunted from repeated clearing of wild flora.   He wears many trinkets. He has minor earrings. He also has a fine amulet worn around his neck, which seems to not match the rest of his equipment.   He has a big staff of gnarled and woven wood created through druidcraft. There are glass jars embedded into parts of the staff and some hanging off of it. Some of these have bugs and mushrooms in them, and others have odds and ends found by Romulus.   Romulus has a large gray-brown cape vulture named Cinis. It coughes ashes and embers, and it can transform into a fiery bird wreathed in flame.   His magic appears like a raging wildfire contained within the boundries of the spell. The energies of his spells travel through the painted mazes on his body. Romulus pulls some aspects of his magic from the Heart of the Desert in the Fire Spire Sands and from the Plane of Fire. For other parts of his magic, he pulls from traditional druidic teachings from his family.



Romulus grew up with his family in Parthenia in the northern Fields of Minos. At some point, he felt a wandering inclination which led him to travel. Eventually, he reached Tarteria.   In 5A 347, he landed in Porgorag. At some point after his arrival, he met Cinis in the Fire Spire Sands desert, who attempted to eat the minotaur after he was knocked unconscious from the energies of the Heart of the Desert. There, Cinis was also touched by the energies of the Plane of Fire.   He worked as a wilderness guide and delver in the Demons' Blood Marshes for a number of years before Madaet 5A 352. At some point, Romulus worked with a group from the Hero Hunters in the marshes, before they continued westward.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 0.4 - Fighting in the Foundry
Several days before 31 Madaet 5A 352, Romulus received a letter sent to him by Borscha Brickwell of the Darksteel Foundry which offered Romulus a job as a wilderness guide. Romulus decided to take the job and headed along the Black Marsh Road and the Orc Highway to reach the northern coast.   On 31 Madaet 51 352, Romulus arrived at Porgorag. He went to the Yew Well and set himself up a small, makeshift shop to sell trinkets from the Demons' Blood Marshes. Here, he met Romsca, Smelter of Ingots. They noticed some similarities between them, and Romsca cast Identify on the objects Romulus had on display before she led the way back to the Foundry.   In the central yard of the Foundry, two creatures erupted from the sewer access, and Romulus and Romsca jumped into action. Romulus used himself and his familiar, Cinis, to distract the creatures while the crew escaped. Though Romsca went unconscious, both creatures were killed. Romulus healed Romsca and she awoke to Borscha rushing up to aid her to her feet.   Borscha thanked them for their assistance, and she discussed the caravan that would arrive tomorrow, its purpose, and the controversy surrounding it. She hired Romulus to aid the caravan to ensure its success, and she paid Romulus for his efforts in battle.   Romsca that she was sending her along with as well as a representative of the Hands of Ore.   Back outside, Romulus gathered a small sample of the residue from the ooze, but gathered mostly sand and gravel. Romsca showed Romulus to the residence facilities and then she returned to the forge.  
Session 1 - Silvery-White Threads
On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Romulus was awoken by Borscha Brickwell at the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag. He predicted the weather with a Druidcraft spell to assure Borscha the goods would be pretected from returning rain, and he made himself useful during the day while awaiting the ship's arrival.   Along with the other caravan members, he met with Borscha Brickwell and Captain Levka Ruslan.   During the meeting, Romulus stepped aside to speak with Borscha about the "incident" the day before. He asked if there was someone who might be able to analyze it, and she suggested the owner of the Yewberry Apothecary. During the talking, Arwin saw the vial.   After the party asked questions of Borscha and Ruslan, they decided to head out to the city to see what could be done about the missing carriages.  
Session 2 - Searching for Carriages
Romulus went with Arwin to the Yew Tree. When Arwin went to eat some of the arils, Romulus warned him of the poison in parts of the tree.   They spoke with Minagak at the Yewberry Apothecary. Romulus told her about the demon and the ooze he and Romsca had battled the day before, and he asked if she could investigate the contents of the vial he collected. Minagak said she could try to look at the vial, and Romulus said she could bill the Hands of Ore for any fee.   Romulus asked why she had to toss her potions. Minagak said it was because the water of the Yew Well had been fouled somehow. Before leaving, Minagak looked at his health potion and identified it as one that may need to be thrown. Romulus cast Detect Poison and Disease on the potion and learned it was probably fine.   Later that evening when the party regrouped, Romulus said if they were up for a side task, there was other investigating they could do overnight, involving the sewers and the Yew Tree.  
Session 3 - Guildhalls and Churches
In the evening of 1 Adroth 5A 352, the party made their way back to the Darksteel Foundry. On the way, Romsca and Romulus argued about how free Romulus was being about the battle they had the day prior. Romulus said demons appearing in town was a big deal, and Romsca said it was the guards’ job to handle. Romulus tried to appeal to Romsca’s faith. Romsca said she wanted to take care of it, but her responsibility was to the task for the Hands of Ore. Romulus agreed and said he was staying on task while businesses were open and progress could be made, but he also wanted to protect the people of Porgorag if he could. Romulus said he’s only told people he trusts, which Romsca said was enough.   At the Foundry, Romulus asked if anyone was familiar with demon physiology. Romulus and Demitri had both read The Manual of Monsters, but they did not have a copy in their possession.   In the morning of 2 Adroth 5A 352, Romulus spent time to carve the previous day’s events on his horn. He carved a small image of a minotaur and gnoll in battle with a toothy creature and a blobby creature.   When they went to the Hero Hunters Facility. While there, Romulus looked for previous Hero Hunters members he had worked with in the past, but saw no one he recognized. The party agreed to exchange their services for covered wagons. Romulus asked Coletta about the sounds coming from the building, however there was little information available. Across the campus, they approached the abandoned storehouse and prepared to investigate.  
Session 4 - Dusty Dens
The party headed to the abandoned storehouse of the Hero Hunters Facility. Inside, they investigated the abandoned manor and found clues to the previous residents. Romulus ritual cast Detect Poison and Disease and felt an area of decay in towards the basement of the manor.     As they moved into the basement, Romulus turned into large wolf spider and followed downstairs. Quickly, demons and oozes attacked the party. In the battle, Cinis teleported Ilmendwyth and Mortimr away, and Romulus used his mobility as a spider to quickly traverse the battlefield.   After the battle, the party argued if they should close the tunnels or enter them and investigate, but while they debated, Mortimr collapsed the tunnels. Romulus wanted to go into the tunnels and became frustrated by Romsca's unwillingness to go.  
Session 5 - Reports of Demons
After their battle, while most of the others returned to report to Haugon, son of Goll, Romulus remained behind with Ilmendwyth. Romulus began digging back through the collapsed tunnel to access the sewers further in. He turned into a badger to quickly dig through and then turned into a wolf spider to not distrub the water while they investigated.   They traced the direction of the oozes and demons towards the Yew Well. When they heard the sounds of other creatures, they elected to fall back, and they found a nearby sewer entrance the party could use later on.  
Session 6 - Strings of Prophecies
Romulus and Ilmendwyth emerged from the city’s sewers. Romulus used Druidcraft to bloom the flowers in a nearby planter box to mark the sewer entrance. A half-orc orphan child saw the magic, and Romulus grew a morning glory seed into a flower for her.   The different groups reconvened at Cardinal Desires. Before heading inside, Romulus sent an animal messenger to Pages for Ages. Inside, the party shared the various information they’d gathered.   Naran approached and spoke prophecies to them all. As she did, silver energy filled the room and spread to each of them, like strings of light woven in a web. To Romulus, she said, “In the shade of rock and tree, a weapon of destiny awaits you. Black, like what it culls from this world. A name of greatness awaits you on this path, though you do not yet suspect what that name may be.” The energies then broke and dissipated and Naran fainted.   The party then returned to the Darksteel Foundry. There, Romulus received a copy of The Manual of Monsters which was left for him with a handwritten note from Trawlana of Pages for Ages. Minagak was there and shared info about the vial Romulus and Arwin left for her. Romulus also gathered several non-metallic spears and javelins, as well as non-metal sling ammo.   The party went to the warehouse and confronted the goliath who was acting strangely. He cast Detect Magic and learned magic was protecting the box and the lock, and that some magic had affected the goliath. As Arwin distracted the goliath, Romulus tried to transform into a beast along with the box, but the elemental energies of Romulus’s magic were shunted and absorbed. Like a vortex, the magic was pulled forcibly from Romulus and Cinis was dispelled.  
Session 7 - Brawl for the Box
The party confronted the goliath guarding the strange black box and a fight ensued. Romulus recovered from the sapping of his elemental energies and instead pulled from his druidic teachings. He was successful this time and turned into a giant spider and fled with the box out of the warehouse.   Romulus alerted Borscha Brickwell to the fighting in the storage warehouse. They stashed the box in her office and rushed back to the rest of the group.   During the party’s discussion after the fight, Romulus told the party how his elemental energies had reacted with the black box. Romulus also shared he felt Cirro’s memory had been modified. When Godsguard Ankhan later asked how, Romulus told her he had sensed the residual effects with a Detect Magic spell.  
Session 8 - Disparate Pieces
After the black box was opened, Romulus recognized the material the green ring was made from. He shared information about residuum with the party.   After Mortimr cast magic at the ring and Godsguard Ankhan was hurt, Romulus smacked Mortimr, who turned immediately ready to throw a spell at the minotaur, saying, "Don’t fucking touch me!" After the argument was deescalated, Romulus released some pent-up fire energies as blowing steam from his nose.   As the party discussed, Romulus asked Ankhan what she could share about demons. She shared what she could as she answered Romulus’s questions.   Romulus and Ilmendwyth wanted to still head into the sewers. However, several party members were tired and spent. They chose to rest and wake up early, before sunrise, and head into the sewers together.   As the party ate and discussed, Romulus shared homemade beer from his own cask with Captain Ruslan and Mortimr.  
Session 9 - Befouled Waters
In the morning, Romulus prepared the stone equipment he redied before eating breakfast with the others. Demitri and Mortimr asked to borrow The Manual of Monsters, which he lent to them.   They went to Westfield to the sewer access marked by Romulus. They removed the rusted grate and entered the city’s sewers. As they climbed in, Romulus informed the party to watch for spell circles and the like, anything that could be anchoring demons in the sewers. Romulus cast Pass Without Trace to aid the party’s stealth, and they moved deeper in.   Reaching a series of intersections, they noticed several creatures nearby. The group debated if they should put these things out of their misery, but elected to try to not risk a larger fight. However, Gray Oozes that were hanging on the ceiling dropped on them suddenly and the other beasts were drawn towards them.   In the battle, Romulus used Thorn Whip to pull a giant frog away from the poisoned Demitri, and he kept it at bay until Arwin could kill it. Romulus was poisoned, but recovered quickly.  
Session 10 - The Sunken Shrine
While continuing forward, Romulus could tell the tunnels they were now moving through seemed to be from closer to the city’s founding, some two to three hundred years prior.   In the Spring of the Natant Yew, the party faced two Bulezau and other demons. In the combat, Romulus cast a Moonbeam on the demons.   When Romsca fell, Ilmendwyth grabbed the potion from Romulus’s staff and with his wood elf speed, he administered it to Romsca, and she was brought back.   Romulus walked into the room and observed the Bulezau and the spell circle. He transported farther in and tried to pull the demon out of the circle, but he couldn’t get his thorned vines to hold. He did gore the Bulezau with his horns as it jumped by him.   The fiends were killed and prevented from completing a spell circle which would have created a source of corruption beneath Porgorag.   After the battle, Romulus destroyed the spell circle. Romulus investigated the tree and the shrine. The yew tree seemed to not be affected by the corruption built up in the water. However, it was unclear if the tree would suffer damage in the long term.  
Session 11 - Porgorag's Light
After the battle, Romulus tied his Ring of Delving to cords of string and dropped it into the opening beneath the pool of water and how deep it was.   The group left the sewers to speak with Godsguard Ankhan. The party told her what transpired, and Gertrude and Romulus told her the demons had attempted a spell of desecration in the shrine. Ankhan gave them about some information she’d gathered about the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring.   Romulus helped dig through journals and notes in the church’s office for information about the shrine. After learning of the clue left by Argilla, son of Kla, Ilmendwyth helped Romulus with a prayer to Gaia, The Allmother, thinking it could be related. Romulus placed some yew berries on the pulpit and used Druidcraft to sprout them. The prayer worked and seemingly activated the statue of Joseppe, the Shadow Mage, revealing a hidden spell scroll.   Most of the group chose to accompany the Godsguard back to the shrine. Ankhan asked if one of the party’s clerics would be more comfortable attempting to cast the spell contained in the scroll. Romsca offered, and Romulus cast an enhancing spell on her to aid her.   After the spell was successfully cast and the protective barrier was reinforced, Cinis flew out of the shrine, seemingly put off by the effects. The group then trekked back to regroup with the others.  
Session 12 - Connections
The party regrouped at the Oknar Offices with Godsguard Ankhan. They met with Oknar Jod and Watchguard Inzun, where they discussed their actions in the sewers and their concerns with the Coinguard. Romulus believed someone had to be helping the demons in the sewers.   At the Oknar’s direction, Ankhan cast a Zone of Truth spell, and though Romulus attempted to, he was unable to resist the effects. After the discussions, the Oknar thanked the group and invited them back to the city for the Champion's Conquest celebration later in the month.   Later, at the Hero Hunters Facility Haugon paid the group for their service and asked for their aid finding a lost Hero Hunters group in the west. Romulus recognized them, as he had helped them in the Demons' Blood Marshes. Romulus thought to send an animal messenger to Gimoruk, but the city was too far.   After they left, the group went to the Glistening Hog Tavern to east and rest. Romulus looked for paces nearby to eavesdrop on the Coinguard later on. While waiting, Romulus asked to see the Stone of Good Luck, and he shared some of the history about the item.  
Session 13 - Growing Ties
In the Glistening Hog Tavern, the party ate a late brunch, rested, and talked. At Demitri's suggestion, they played a drinking game and answered questions about themselves.   Over the course of the conversation, Romulus revealed that he is the middle child of seventeen children. He left his home to earn his own name as "inheritance can only trickle down so far." Romulus carves notable deeds in his horns to tell his story and inform his choice of name when he feels the time will be right to do so.   When the conversation shifted to Romsca tribe and the world’s view of gnolls, Arwin expressed disbelief the gnolls were capable of culture. Romulus shared some information about the Manslayer War and gnollish participation during that time.   After learning that Arwin had been involved with the Brancana Rangers, after they finished their meal Romulus put a hand on Arwin’s shoulder, saying, “Brancana Rangers, huh?” Arwin asked if there was going to be a problem, and Romulus said, “Depends how many kills you got.”   Romsca wanted to replace her damaged armor and speak with Captain Ruslan, and she left towards the Darksteel Foundry with Romulus.  
Session 14 - Voltha's Walk
As Romsca and Romulus entered the Darksteel Foundry, they saw three covered wagons being loaded by Captain Ruslan. Romulus spent time assisting with the loading of the wagons, which were fully packed and ready to go within the hour. During the work, Romulus outshone Cirro by carrying more packed boxes. When Cirro tried to keep up, he ripped his trousers.   Ruslan said they would be ready to go whenever the party returned. While Romsca worked, Romulus left to catch up with the rest of the group.   At Cloak and Trident, Orkid Aspara sold Romulus a Rope of Mending. Romulus also visited First Mountain Jewels and Pages for Ages.  
Session 15 - Snakes and Smokescreens
Romulus picked up his small order from Cloak and Trident. Then, the party regrouped at the Darksteel Foundry and took time to prepare for their evening meeting. During this time, Arwin purchased the Rope of Mending from Romulus.   In the evening, they returned to the Glistening Hog Tavern. To prepare, Romulus joined Mortimr and Inzun in the rented room, and he transformed into a large snake and hid beneath the bed. After the Coinguard arrived, Romulus listened to his conversation with Mortimr.   When the Coinguard tried to flee, Romulus’s snake form attacked Gim Gorod as he ran. In the hallway, Romulus bit hard into the Coinguard, and Demitri and Romulus captured him. Romulus reverted back to his minotaur form and removed the hidden Hat of Disguise, revealing the bloodied form of the Coinguard. As Gim Gorod’s bodyguard fled, Romulus cursed the orc with druidic chanting.   When Inzun came to collect the Coinguard, Romulus gave her the Hat of Disguise as evidence.  
Session 16 - Planting Seeds, Parting Gifts
The party regrouped, leaving the tavern to investigate Gim Gorod's Residence. Inside the manor, they explored.   Romulus transformed into a bloodhound and tracked Gim Gorod’s scent, learning he did spend a large amount of time here. Inside a safe they found Gim Gorod’s journal, and they left out the back of the manor.   At the Darksteel Foundry, they discussed the journal’s contents. After, they rested and Romulus took a short watch where he planned another horn engraving.   In the morning, Romsca wanted to drop messages off at Cardinal Desires, and Romulus offered to send them via Cinis. The bird took the letters and flew off that direction.   They decided what to do with the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Romulus first suggested they drop the ring down a hole, before he agreed that taking it with could present a chance to set a trap with it as bait later on.   After, they prepared to leave. As Ruslan paid the Wheel Tax, Romsca noticed the half-orc orphan, Leena, who wanted to come with. Romulus said if she was going to be a caravan guard, she’d need to be armed, and he gave her a knife.   Along with the rest of the Lightbringers, Romulus left Porgorag with the aid caravan, headed south.  
Session 17 - Setting Out
On 4 Adroth 5A 352, Romulus and the others set out from Porgorag southwards on the Orc Highway. Romulus spent his time tending to the horses and scanning the roadway around them.   On the road the first day, Romsca asked if anyone knew leatherworking, and Romulus said he did. He offered to help and also offered to teach Leena how to make a bone knife.   As evening came, Captain Ruslan ordered camp, and the caravan pulled off the road. Romulus joined Arwin and Ilmendwyth hunting, and he used druidcraft to quickly forage for some berries and wild beets. After Ilmendwyth took down a large boar, he offered to trade the beets for the credit at hunting the boar, and Ilmendwyth agreed.   During the evening watches, Romulus Wild Shaped into a panther and stalked the campsites. He found and followed a pair of wild armadillos to practice his stealth and pouncing, and after, he settled into a watch atop a wagon. For the next watch, Romulus went to wake Gertrude, but startled her in his panther form and she struck him before realizing it was Romulus.   The next day on 5 Adroth 5A 352, Cinis hunted and brought back an armadillo. Romulus killed and prepared it for the bird and kept the shell for himself. After Romsca gave Leena a newly crafted set of armor, Romulus offered to give her some of the armadillo’s hide to help improve it.   Chaka felt the day was going to be bright and clear, and Romulus confirmed this with his druidic magic. The caravan continued on. Noticing Gertrude starting to lag, he offered to help by casting Longstrider on her.   After midday, traveling in the opposite direction, there was a dwarf driving a carriage that seemed off to the group. Romulus approached the cart and offered the ram some food. He spoke with the ram, who seemed unperturbed and largely disinterested, but confirmed to Romulus the dwarf driver did own the cart.  
Session 18 - Cards and Conversations
During the evening camp on 5 Adroth, some of the Lightbringers played the questions drinking dame. Romulus stepped away to tend to his own tasks.  
Session 19 - The Roadside Cairn
During the evening watches on 6 Adroth, Romulus cast Darkvision on himself and spent his watch Wild Shaped into a wolf. His enhanced senses picked up the strong sent of boar and smoke from the caravan cutting through the smell of the wild grasses, but found nothing else nearby.   At the end of the day’s travel on 7 Adroth, Romulus helped to make campfires in the rain using magic, and he cast a Goodberry spell to give the guards some food in addition to the rations.   As camp was made, some of the group chose to investigate the nearby field. Romulus identified the area as an old battlefield of the Tarterian War. He spent time investigating the field, saying, “I find that part of curing some of the corruption is finding out what happened and when. So you can settle spirits and torch out the bad.” He unearthed some relics from the battle, including a broken piece of armor bearing a brass sigil of Keelon and a chipped steel charm of a shield symbol of Barduumus. Using his magic to excavate further, he found an enchanted Orb of Direction as well.   As the caravan prepared for the night, Romulus cast Augury to see if he could help the damage done to the nature in this place. With the omens before him, he chose to build a ceremonial campfire and start to bless the nature of the field with a Plant Growth ritual. It would take all night to do, but he felt it important to try to cleanse the corruption and enrich the land.  
Session 20 - Drawn to Fire
In the night, Romulus continued his ritual and Ilmendwyth watched over him. After the group captured a young, unkempt half-orc bandit named Drok, ghosts apparated and attacked the group.   Romulus could not stop his dancing as he cast his ritual, and Ilmendwyth stayed near him during the battle. He kept dancing, and was able to use his magic to heal Gertrude at the same time.   In the morning, Romulus’s ritual was completed with a burst of flame, and new growth began with the morning ambiance. At the last, Romulus took small beetles from his pack and set them free into the dirt, where they skittered towards a circle of new night tulip flowers that had grown around the cairn.  
Session 21 - Axe-Breaker Blessings
After Romsca buried the fallen caravan guard, Romulus planted silver rhododendron seeds on the grave.   After Romsca noticed sounds in the grasses, Romulus scouted with Arwin and Ilmendwyth to find a Dire Pangolin. Romulus agreed that it would be better to quietly return. At the caravan, Romulus crafted earthen mounds for the archers to perch on as the caravan continued on, but the pangolin moved away into the grasses.   As they camped in Axe-Breaker Thicket, Romulus wandered from camp and cast Speak with Plants to commune with the axe-breaker trees. He asked one of the largest trees for any spare branches it would be willing to part with and offered to grant a blessing or boon in return. It dropped a large branch and Romulus offered it to Romsca, saying he hoped she could put it to good use.   Romulus alerted Lieutenant Vramas and his soldiers to his findings, warning that the Dire Pangolin may return to its nest at some point. He also let them know that during his overnight watch, he would Wild Shape into a wolf to smell for the pangolin’s return.  
Session 22 - Raised Voices
During the travel on 9 and 10 Adroth, Romulus kept watch on Leena, though he found nothing out of the ordinary with her curiosity.   On 10 Adroth, they discussed the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Romulus said he didn’t want to touch the ring himself. He shared his idea to hold the ring at a distance and experiment with spells on it. When concerns about Mortimr came up, Romulus formed a hole in the ground to hold him. He offered to have Cinis join him if Mortimr wanted.   During the ensuing argument, Romsca’s spell activated the ring, and Romulus was damaged by the vacuous force.  
Session 23 - Acid and Fire
The argument over the green ring was interrupted by tunneling ankhegs that attacked the group. Romulus enflamed Cinis and used him to teleport Mortimr out of an ankheg’s mandibles to safety. He then cast a healing aura on the gnome as Romulus moved back from the melee.   He saw Leena peering from her tent at the battle. She said his magic was cool and he replied, “Yeah, it was pretty sweet. Are you possessed?” She answered saying that was a big word.   After the alpha ankheg emerged, Romulus summoned a giant elk to clash with the alpha. As Romsca was knocked unconscious, Romulus rushed to her to heal her, then used Cinis to teleport her away to safety.   When the last of the ankhegs fled back to the tunnels, Romulus judged where it would be and killed it with a final earth tremor spell.  
Session 24 - A Dream of Iron
Demitri informed the group the newcomers were the Warden Rangers, which Romulus had heard of before. During the clean-up, Romulus noted them collecting samples of the ichor, and Romulus did the same. He investigated one of the bodies and saw the spreading, cancerous corruption, and he judged the ankhegs had been corrupted for some time.   Romulus tried to speak to the ranger’s caster in druidic and hobgoblin, before communicating in common. He asked to compared notes about corruption removal and showed interest in the caster’s hemomancy.   During the travel on 11 Adroth, Romulus cast Longstrider on Chaka to assist with his exhaustion. That evening, as they discussed Chaka’s nightmare, Romulus recognized the enemy figure wore very old, coastal Gimoran armor.  
Session 25 - Rose Glasses, Clay Compass
The group prepared for Mortimr to see the ring, and Romulus kept at a distance.   The next day, they discussed what to do with the ring as they approached New Keeleon. Romulus mentioned he had been able to Wild Shape with the box, and the group thought he could do so again if needed.   Before encountering the guards stationed outside the city gates, Romulus transformed into a rat along with the box, and slipped away towards the city with Mortimr.  
Session 26 - Names, New and Old
Romulus and Mortimr snuck to the Far Bar Inn, and Romulus rented a room under a fake name. While Romulus scouted the city with Cinis, he verbally relayed what he saw to Mortimr. He directed Cinis to search for places that may sell lead so they could replace the Residuum Ring’s box.   While the rest of the party traveled with the caravan, Ilmendwyth used the Earring of Message to check in with Mortimr that he and Romulus were alright.   After the group turned in the aid caravan, everyone regrouped at the inn. Arwin brought Romulus up to speed about the events at Breakwater Keep, and Ilmendwyth gave him his caravan payment. Romulus recognized the name Lord Lortuk.   Arwin asked what the party’s plan in the city was. Romsca said she could make a different case for the Residuum Ring, and Romulus shared his idea for coating the box with lead to prevent divination.   After the discussion, Mortimr initiated a Gnomish Gem Binding ritual. Romulus participated.   The group went to Victory Market to purchase supplies. At Brickaday's Smithing, Romsca had a tense interaction with the minotaur proprietor. Later, Romsca asked Romulus if he had any issues with gnolls, and he said he did not. He said his family was pretty isolationist, and Romsca was the first gnoll he’d personally met.   That evening, Demitri met his mother at the Equus Orphanage, and the group was invited inside. During the conversation, Romulus noted an old enchantment on Zofi and altered Gertrude and Romsca to it so it could be removed.   They chose to head back to the Far Bar Inn for the night. They said their goodbyes to Zofi and to Leena. Leena shared she wanted to go on the adventure with them. Romulus told her to keep good care of the flower he gifted. He said if she wanted to go on her own adventure, she should learn all she could beforehand, and she’d probably find them all again. He gifted her the copy of The Manual of Monsters.  
Session 27 - River and Sky
At the Far Bar Inn, Romsca created a new box to hold the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Romulus then transformed into a water snake with the old box. Arwin picked him up and they went to the Rexun River. Romulus swam to the river’s center, transformed back, and dropped the old box to the bottom of the river.   In the rented rooms, they discussed their plan. In the morning of 13 Adroth, Romsca gave Romulus a platinum ring with the design of a vulture on it.   Arwin, Chaka, Romulus, and Mortimr entered the Catlinites. Romulus kept watch on the many merchants, guildhall staff, and caravanners in the area before scouting inside.  
Session 28 - An Interrupted Meal
They regrouped at the Far Bar Inn and shared what they’d learned. After, the group met Captain Ruslan for a Santeemite-themed lunch downstairs.   When city guards came to arrest Ruslan, Romulus and Mortimr stayed behind to watch the residuum ring while the rest followed towards Breakwater Keep.   Later, Chaka encountered Lord Lortuk at the Far Bar Inn. He seemed to already know Romulus was in the building, and he left a cryptic message for Romulus.  
Session 29 - A Lord’s Investigation
Chaka came up to the room with Romulus and Mortimr. Chaka checked that they were alright, and Romulus told him Ruslan had been arrested.   Chaka gave Lortuk’s message to Romulus. He asked why it was opened, and Chaka lied it was folded the same way he had received it. Romulus said that was good as druidic was a sacred language, and he read the note.   Chaka asked what he knew about Lortuk. Romulus replied they were both taught by the Hermit. He didn’t know Lortuk directly, but he’d heard some “not-so-great” stories. Though, he said if Lortuk was invoking the Hermit’s name, it was serious, and Romulus would meet with him.   When Chaka said Lortuk seemed to know the group was staying at the inn, Mortimr told Romulus to grab the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring box and leave. Before they could, Romsca arrived and checked they were safe and the box was secure. They quickly caught each other up about the message from Lortuk and Ruslan’s arrest.   The party regrouped at Victory Market. Romulus shared the directions in Lortuk’s note, and they began looking for the broken door. While searching, Romulus spoke to Cinis in druidic about Lortuk bringing up the Hermit’s name.   When they found the broken door, Romulus set the pieces together and Romsca magically repaired the door. Romulus knocked three times and the door opened inward. Much of the group entered and met with Lortuk.   Romulus and Lortuk immediately started exchanging catty, barbed banter. While they traded quips and boasting, Romulus received a subtly cast Message spell from Lortuk. Lortuk asked if Romulus trusted his companions and if they had loyalties to the Tarterian Traders. Romulus spoke positively of the Lightbringers and said they had no loyalties to the Traders.   Seemingly satisfied, Lortuk dropped the pretenses, and Romulus asked why he had contacted him and sat heavily onto one of the couches.   When Ranger General Labb arrived, Romulus tossed a doily to the ranger, who pocketed it.   Romulus asked if Lortuk could study the vials of corruption. When Lortuk confirmed he could, Romulus gave him a vial from the oozes beneath Porgorag.   Meanwhile, Demitri used the Earring of Message to ask Romulus how they could trust Lortuk. Romulus said, “We squabble, but we have the same ultimate goal of getting rid of this corruption.” Though there were dark rumors about how Lortuk came into his title, he’d also heard Lortuk was involved with efforts by the Ritivan Cartographers Guild to map the spread of corruption in Tarteria.   Romulus asked when the coincidences started. When Arwin shared the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring was a replica, Romulus said the original item was somewhere else. Romulus said it messed with elemental magics, so the genasi may have had issues transporting it themselves.   In exchange for their help, Romulus suggested Lortuk arrange for extra food supplies be provided to Porgorag to ease the suffering they’d seen there. Romulus also wanted to bring further ichor samples to Lortuk. He brought up concerns about demons and oozes working together, and he wanted to ensure that avenue was investigated.   After the conversation, Lortuk asked Romulus if he knew where the Hermit was. Neither Romulus nor Lortuk had seen the Hermit for some time. The group then left back into the alleys of Victory Market.  
Session 30 - On the Riverbank
The party regrouped in the alleys and shared what they’d learned. Before leaving the Victory Market, the group spoke to merchants in the area about the missing coinguard. In the late evening, they returned to Far Bar Inn, ate, and rested. Demitri and Romulus took second watch.   In the morning of 14 Adroth, they took the main roadway into the Embankment district. At the Augurs, they found a small clay offering to Esturk’s shard. Romulus knew some cultures worshipped Nadiria, the Plane of Darkness, but this didn’t seem to be anything he was directly familiar with.   They saw Nedurr, the Mud Mage, on the riverbank nearby. Romulus spoke with the bugbear in druidic. Nedurr didn’t know anything about the Loam Altar and asked if they were there to trade. Romulus traded a Goodberry watermelon for one of Nedurr’s figurines.   Nedurr said “armored orcs” had asked questions he didn’t understand, so he ran. When Romulus, brought out the wanted poster, Nedurr said, “Orcs have that paper, too! Orcs with paper cause problem for me! You cause problem for me!”   At Nedurr’s raised voice, they were ambushed by a pack of mudmutts. Romulus saw Nedurr react with shock and distress. Arwin called to Romulus to tell Nedurr to stop the attack. Romulus was stunned by a sonic croak. When he recovered, he used a spell and a Wild Shape to transform into a giant crab wielding a flaming sword. He scuttled forward and with a slash, slew the mudmutt attacking Arwin.   With the rest of the mutts stunned, Romsca, Gertrude, and Romulus turned to the fallen Ruslan. However, Mortimr reached him first and revived him. Nearby, Argilla called to the group, “Quickly! Away from the water, this way, this way!” Gathering the wounded, the group rushed northwards towards the Watermill Gallery.  
Session 31 - These Old Artists
The party fled to the Watermill Gallery. Nedurr spoke with Romulus and Romsca in beastcommon about the mudmutts. Mortimr said, “I don’t know what he’s saying, but it sounds whiney, so tell him to shut up.” Romulus was heated and turned to glare at Mortimr.   Argilla formally introduced himself and invited them to meet his patron, Al'phonas Muchaelas. They spoke at length about many topics.   As Argilla spoke about theories for the residuum ring, Mortimr. “That’s great. People are dying over this thing. Call you tell us anything about it?” Romulus seemed to agree.   Al’phonas presented a plan to create a decoy Unsigned Painting of the Great Beasts to learn where his real painting may be and if the Tarterian Traders were involved. They agreed, and the party prepared to help Chaka as best they could.  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Lortuk contacted Romulus and shared he didn’t find any divine connections in the ichor samples. He wasn’t confident there was evidence of oozes and demons working together intentionally. He said a sample from something older, like the ankheg queen, would help determine if there was any intent or drive from the spreading corruption, or if it was just a side effect.  
Session 33 - History and Heroes
As they discussed the plan for the opening, Romsca said Romulus was good at getting into places unnoticed. They scouted the gallery, and Romulus used his magic to send a squirrel it towards the gallery to test the guards’ wariness towards animals. However, the squirrel was quickly shooed away.   At the opening, Romulus cast a water-breathing spell on himself, Arwin, and Ilmendwyth, and they approached the gallery from the Rexun River. Romulus snuck to the gallery’s roof and used Wild Shape to turn into a dark-furred jackal.   He curled up, hidden on the roof, and used the jackal’s senses to monitor the guards and the street. As staff members moved into the building, he caught a strange sulfuric scent coming from them.  
Session 34 - Watermill Melee
From the roof, Romulus could see Shur through a vent window. He dropped his animal form and cast a Hex spell him.   Romulus saw Arwin grab the waterwheel. He stomped his large frame onto the wheel to rotate it faster. As Arwin reached the roof, Romulus said, “Glad you could join us.”   On the roof, Shur suddenly appeared. Romulus sent Cinis into the air and walked threateningly towards the orc with his sickle. As Shur flew off to the street, Romulus and Arwin ran to the edge of the rooftop after him.   Romulus launched a Scorching Ray spell, killing a fanatic. He called for Arwin to follow and jumped from the gallery. He Wild Shaped into a warhorse and charged down a fleeing fanatic. Arwin jumped from the roof and landed on Romulus’s back. They quickly regrouped with Romsca’s pursuit.  
Session 35 - On the Scent
Romulus and the others kept their distance as they pursued Shur. The party regrouped and headed to a warehouse near the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. After dispatching sentries, they entered. Cinis sat on Romulus’ shoulder to aid his sight.   They found a hidden passage with an elemental sigil. Romulus recognized it as a representation of the inner elemental planes and the Plane of Air and Plane of Fire were marked. Opening it, it revealed a tunnel to the main guildhall. Romsca gave the Residuum Ring backpack to Romulus in case they needed to flee.   Arwin found an accessway to a large metal door bearing an elemental plane sigil. Romulus cast a stealth spell on the group, and they crossed but were noticed.   Beneath the guildhall, the group found the Chamber of Titles. They overheard conversation between Talmid and Shur, but they triggered a trap. As Demtiri and Romsca moved towards orbs set in the walls, two large elementals apparated in front of them and attacked.  
Session 36 - The Chamber of Titles
Romulus splashed a drop of water and cast Tidal Wave across both elementals while the rest of the party moved and launched attacks   The air elemental flew forward and threw Romulus across the room. The fire elemental rushed across Romsca and swung wide, setting Romulus and the Residuum Ring backpack on fire.   From the ground, he said, “Water, water!” Romulus sent another Tidal Wave to slam the enemies and extinguish the spreading flames. Shur and Talmid were knocked down by the water.   Romulus stood and moved away. The fire elemental attacked Ilmendwyth and Romulus with sweeping fire. Both used Absorb Elements spells to resist the flames but were both set ablaze.   Romulus Misty Stepped away towards the fire orb. He tried to Thorn Whip Talmid, but missed.   Romulus moved around to Shur’s body. He saw he was near death and asked if he should be saved. Demitri said Talmid seemed more useful. Cinis jumped down and ate Shur’s eye, killing him.   After Talmid was subdued and captured, Romulus cast a non-damaging Sleet Storm and all the remaining fires were put out.   They began exploring the nearby roomed. They found figures in cages, and Romulus, Gertrude, and Ilmendwyth found Coinguard Holarust and Watchguard Shumedzar. Ilmendwyth picked the locks of the cages, while Romulus and Gertrude quickly searched the room. Once the cages were open, Romulus cast a healing aura spell and Gertrude helped tend to Shumedzar and Holarust’s wounds.   As Romsca and Mortimr argued loudly, Romulus carefully watched Mortimr. He could easily tell the presence of another entity. Through his own connections to fey creatures, he felt whatever was involved with Mortimr was not of the Feywild.  
Session 37 - Petals, Paintings, Pasts
After Talmid was killed after the interrogation, the group split to investigate the other rooms. Ilmendwyth and Romulus checked the large research room where Chaka was already exploring.   The sigil in the research room activated, and the group gathered at the sound of voices. They had a tense conversation with Maalik and Azariel. Romulus recognized the background behind Maalik was likely a dwarven hold.   The group was tired and it was past midnight, but they chose to stay and continue looking through the rooms. Romulus asked some of the queensguard to assist gathering the mundane materials the cult had gathered.   The group settled down in the rooms to rest, thinking over the events of the day and the genasi they were involved with.  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
Over the next days, they dug into the research, journals, and materials they found. They discovered information about the Prophets of Regression and the genasi’s actions. At the end of studying all this information, they theorized what this all meant.   In the late afternoon of 18 Adroth, Rulla sent Lord Lortuk to gather the Lightbringers. He started banter with Romulus, though after the busy days, he was too tired to return the mockery.   On the way, Chaka split Al’phonas’s gold with the party.   The group discussed what next move would be best. Romulus wanted to investigate the corruption with the ankheg nest.   They chose Red Lake as priority, then they would cycle back to the ankheg nest.   At the Breakwater Keep they were brought before Nalt Oknar Rulla. As reward for their actions, the Lightbringers were given the Rill Priory and invited as guests of honor to the Champion’s Conquest festivities.

Character Information

Notable Items

  • Cinis: A fiery cape vulture that accompanies Romulus.
  • Coin of Delving: A magical item recovered in the Demons' Blood Marshes. It is a square copper coin enchanted to glow and chime when dropped.
  • Cask of Beer: Romulus carries a cask of self-brewed beer using hops grown by his hand.
  • Platinum Ring: A ring given by Romsca, engraved with the design of a vulture.


  • "I've learned the natural ways, the old ways. My magic focuses more strongly on the natural world. Things created by the hands of men, not so much." - 2.0.4
  • "It's still important, in the long run, to know your history." -2.0.4
  • "I work out in the marshes. That's where I spend most of my time trying to cleanse the place best I can." - 2.3
  • "Remember the good parts of home." - 2.11
  • "So, I carve the more notable deeds that have happened on this journey to make my own name, and that will tell my story and inform my name when I feel the time is right to choose it." - 2.13
  • "I find that part of curing some of the corruption is finding out what happened and when. So you can settle spirits and torch out the bad." - 2.19
  • "Bartering people's lives for money is very uncomfortable for me." - 2.21
2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Location
Date of Birth
5A 331
Aligned Organization
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2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.