Azimuth 2 - Session 0.1 - The Provideniye

General Summary

Endor, The First Mountain

On 9 Madaet 5A 352, Arwin had a dream of an old forest that was suffused with wind and silver thread. In the dream, he came across a clearing in the wood, and looking forward, saw the trail before him split into many possible paths before falling away entirely in a shower of many arrows. Beneath a willow tree was a small growth of white flowers and a stone bench. Before he could reach it, the bench cracked and crumbled away into darkness, and Arwin heard a voice through the wind say "Nighthawk", and he jostled suddenly awake.   Awrin awoke in a travelling trade cart on the Iron Highway to the west of the Gimora Mountains, in the lands of the Kingdom of Endor. Recently, a winter storm had broken and spring was hinted at in the air.   The cart was driven by Hummul Frostbrewer. Another cart, owned by Clan Ironguild, had driven them off the roadway and Hummul called out after them before he checked on Arwin. Arwin checked the caravan job parchment in his possession. The job listed the date of departure as 9 Madaet, which was why Hummul had gone through the night to arrive in time.   After Arwin helped check on the horses, he saw a number of figures in the other cart; a balding old half-orc wearing leather padding, a short gnome with silver hair, and a tall and lean high elf with long white hair.   Arwin and Hummul continued onwards. THey arrived at Endor, the First Mountain, and entered through the Doors of Goldroar. Arwin felt a sense of anxiety in the crowded city streets, which he kept to himself. They purchased some food from a nearby stand and continued towards the Pavilion. They passed by the Gilded Gnoll, and Hummul said that the hops from Burland he was transporting would be used by Clan Frostbrewer for the ale served there.   They arrived at the Pavilion and Arwin helped Hummul to unload his cart. Before he departed, Arwin gave Hummul a letter addressed to Arwin's cousin in Branca, and he asked if Hummul would deliver it for him. Hummul promised it would be done. Then, Arwin left and headed towards the port gates of the city.  
Far above the Pavilion, in the temple level of the city, was Gertrude Oathenhammer outside the Temple to Zenethia. She was summoned by Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder and after entering the familiar space, she went to the Temple to meet him in his office.   When Gertrude arrived to the door of the office, she knocked and could hear the sound of falling books inside. From inside, Bishop Rannyl opened the doorway, mistaking Gertrude for Durak Hamarhart. Rannyl invited Gertrude inside, where he explained why he had summoned her. Gertrude had provided Rannyl with a posting for the Santeem Republic's aid caravan and expressed her request for permission to join it and venture to Tarteria.   Rannyl first returned the parchment posting to Gertrude. He discussed the visions of Gertrude's youth, and Rannyl believed that the time for why she was chosen by Chedae was now upon them. There were rumors of a dimming of Chedae, The Heaven's Light, in the lands of the Queendom of Keeleon. There was a blockage or veil of some kind preventing her light from reaching the orcish lands. Rannyl believed this was the light Gertrude was meant to rekindle.   A memory came to Gertrude from her childhood, of the first time she heard Chedae's call: "Gertrude Gerhardtsdottir… banish the dark, let not my flame die." This was the memory that had urged Gertrude to request permission to leave her posting here and venture to Keeleon.   In a formal manner, Rannyl granted Gertrude's request and released her to follow this path. He recited the tennants of Chedae to her and urged her to go and meet her fate. Then, more softly, he assured Gertrude that if she had not yet returned, he would "attend the ceremony for Lachlann" in her stead. He provided a sealed message to her and asked her to deliver it to the Priestess in charge of the Church of Zenethia in Porgorag, saying she may be able to help Gertrude on her quest.   Rannyl and Gertrude embraced, and Gertrude sensed that Rannyl knew they may not meet again. Gertrude assured him that even if that would become the case, they would meet each other once more in the afterlife. Rannyl directed her to the portside gates, and she departed.  
Gate of the Maw
Both Arwin and Gertrude arrived at the Gate of the Maw, the southeastern entrance to Endor. Standing on the rounded dais surrounding the central pillar was a human figure clearly not from Endor. Captain Levka Ruslan was directing several individuals who were loading crates and supplies onto several carriage carts.   Arwin approached Captain Ruslan and presented his job posting for the aid caravan. Ruslan indicated he was in charge of this caravan and recorded Arwin's name in a small booklet, and assured Arwin it was so he could properly pay him upon completion of the job and not for anything nefarious. Ruslan also quickly explained the pathway that the caravan was intended to take, from Endor Port to Port Surene and then to Porgorag and New Keeleon. Arwin then started to load the last of the supplies onto the nearby carts.   Gertrude approached next and also joined the caravan. Ruslan recorded her name, and she began assisting as well. During this time, Arwin and Gertrude first interacted while moving the last of the crates.   Much of the cargo had the symbol of the Hands of Ore guild and the name Ashforge branded on it. The goods were a variety of ore, metal slag, bulk coal, and textiles from Endor and the human countries to the east.   In addition to these, both Arwin and Gertrude noticed a woman with a long black cloak and vibrant red hair moving away from the caravan carts. They also saw a caravan guard loading a finely crafted black crate with gold detailing into the cart.   After the last of the items were loaded, Captain Ruslan directed them to move out. They heard the fading song of a nearby bard as the left through the Gate of the Maw and headed to Endor Port.   At the port, they found the Santeem vessel, the Provideniye. The carts were loaded by gangplank onto the vessel, and the Provideniye sailed out from Endor Port through the Dragon's Maw and across the Leviathan Sea, headed towards Port Surene.

The Santeem Republic

In the evening of 20 Madaet 5A 352, Demitri walked through the streets of the high-class Rusbloc District in Kasltun, the capital of the Santeem Republic. He was seeking out a way to leverage transport to Port Surene to join the aid caravan set to depart in a few days' time.   Ahead of him was an entrance to the White Fountain Gardens where a celebration could be heard. It was the day of the Wild Gathering holiday for Gaia, The Allmother, and Demitri knew that a certain member of the Lustrous Assembly and their family should be in attendance.   Demitri attempted to blend in with a group of people entering the gardens, but the Rusguards at the entrance stopped him and asked after Demitri's business here. He was unable to convince them to let him enter, as they appeared to be in the know about what transpired between Demitri and Adamski Sokolov. Demitri was turned away and had to spend time navigating to a farther entrance to the gardens. At the other entryway, Demitri blended in with the bodyguards of a member of the Gilded Concord, and he entered.   Inside, a party was in full swing. Many people were milling around the paths and fountains of the gardens. On a stage in the gardens, Demitri found Makara giving a political speech to several listeners, with his wife and newborn baby nearby. After he finished speaking, Makara started to leave the event. Demitri grabbed two flute glasses of champagne and approached him, calling him to the side. Once separated, Demitri switched the conversation to ask for a favor on behalf of his patron. He promised Makara that Sokolov would be willing to repay Makara if he provided Demitri with transport. Once Demitri used Sokolov's name, Makara was immediately happy to assist and gave him a silver signet ring with his family's crest, which would allow him to use his estate's carriage.   Dimitri took the ring and quickly left the gardens, rushing by the guards that originally stopped him. He brandished the ring to the young cart driver and with it, Demitri convinced the driver to take him to Port Surene right away.  
Port Surene
Demitri arrived in Port Surene on 25 Madaet 5A 352. There he found the Provideniye loading on additional cargo via gangplanks. Captain Ruslan was coordinating this effort, and Demitri approached. Once Captain Ruslan started speaking with his Santeemite accent, Demitri was able to quickly match it. Ruslan recorded Demitri's name and he was quickly directed to assist with the loading of the last cargo onto the ship.   Once the crew and cargo were onboard, Captain Ruslan spoke to the members of the caravan on the deck of the Provideniye. In addition to Arwin, Gertrude, and Demitri, there were about 10-15 others who had taken the caravan escort job. Captain Ruslan gave a short speech of the history of the caravan and the purpose of the reparation aid caravans. Though it seemed that Ruslan himself believed in the cause, the party heard negative opinions from the others gathered, wondering why these goods were being sent away from Santeem when the citizenry here could benefit from them. Arwin clapped at the end of the speech and was the only one who did.   In short order, the Provideniye then embarked and set course southwards toward the Leviathan Sea as a light rain began to fall.

The Seaward Isles

A Long Voyage
During the voyage, the party talked and socialized. Arwin read a small booklet of orcish customs titled "How to Learn Orcish". Demitri noticed the book and identified it as one he himself had read at some point. Demitri was stressed during the journey and muttered to himself. Gertrude was jovial and merry during the voyage, annoying the other mercenaries but delighting the crew of the ship. She brought out a small, personal cask of ale that she herself had brewed. She shared some of the ale with Demitri, who attempted to subtely pour it out. When Gertrude saw this, she chastised him for wasting ale.   Eventually, the ship passed close enough to the Seaward Isles, which could be seen on the western horizon. At some point during the journey, the crew sang a shanty called The Four Great Beasts, which the party took note of.   On 29 Madaet 5A 352, the Provideniye reached Rune Pike, a known landmark island on this route, and began sailing around it. At this time, Captain Ruslan went to the banister and wished for the voyage to be over soon and stated he did not like boats. Arwin approached and asked if he was alright. Ruslan said he was frustrated that the Santeem Republic did not properly fund or supply the caravan to set them up for success. Demitri agreed, calling them "self interested assholes."   Arwin asked why Ruslan joined the Santeem military and he stated "for honor of Republic and to make difference." He also said much of his family was in the Rusguard. Arwin asked why Ruslan joined the caravan, and Ruslan said it was difficult to see the race relations between humans and orcs in Santeem, and he wished to do something about it. The caravan was a way to do that, though he also alluded to his posting to the caravan being "political punishment". Ruslan stated the caravan was sent about every four years and this was the first one he himself was a part of, and he stated with confidence this was the least funded aid caravan there had ever been.   Ruslan noted that the party seemed to be different than the other mercenaries that took the Hero Hunters job posting. Gertrude told them that the light of Chedae had faded from the lands of Tarteria. Demitri said he wasn't headed home but was looking for "the other half of me that I've never known".  
Rune Pike
When the Provideniye fully came around Rune Pike, they saw the Testudo. It was under attack from a flock of harpies who were attempting to throw her crew into the sea. Ruslan took command and ordered the ship to approach and lend assistance.   During the fight, the captain of the Testudo was thrown overboard, where reef sharks began attacking. Demitri and Arwin shot at the harpies as they approached, and Gertrude used divine magic to attack as more harpies began flying out from the Rune Pike rocks. Arwin climbed the main mast to the crow's nest, and Demitri jumped to the Testudo. A tortle there named Damu panicked and asked if they were there to help. When Demitri assured him, Damu began trying to get the ship underway.   Two harpies attacked Ruslan and he was thrown into the sea. Seeing this, Arwin tied a rope to himself and the crewmember in the crow's nest and attempted to dive between the two ships to help him. The crewmember panicked and cut the rope, causing Arwin to land on the deck of the Provideniye before bouncing into the water. Gertrude and Demitri used the cut rope to pull them both to the side of the ship and to safety. They slew several of the harpies, and the rest of the creatures fled.   The Testudo was unable to make way with only two crew, so Damu asked if they could spare a crew member to aid them. Demitri asked for a trade of goods as price. Ruslan suggested a dour man named Vincent and he headed over to the Testudo. Damu told them if they were ever in the Chelonia area, he would be happy to repay them for their aid. Gertrude gave a Zenethian blessing for the lost Tortle captain, Reefus. Damu thanked her, but said, "Blessings only go so far with dark things on the horizon. Bad luck being in the Leviathan Sea with no Leviathan."   After the battle, the ships departed and the Provideniye continued south towards Porgorag. As they sailed, Gertrude felt the fading of Chedae's light as they approached Tarteria. In the early morning of 1 Adroth 5A 352, they could see the northern edge of Tarteria on the horizon.
Report Date
14 Jul 2022
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Related Time
9 Madaet 5A 352 to 1 Adroth 5A 352