The Cycle of Ages

The Cycle of Ages is a historical textbook. It provides a broad overview of the ages of Azimuth, as well as theories on the events of the earliest ages. Though, the text is lacking in detailed information.


The book provides a basic overview of the earlier ages of Azimuth. The language is flowy, and at times, relies on poetic language. The text contains information on major historical events that occured across Azimuth during these ages. It's lacking specific details and contains little firsthand information. Additionally, so destructive was the Great War that information from ages prior is scarce.   Other texts, such as The History of the Third Age, are better for detailed research. However, The Cycle of Ages is very useful as an overview and summary of major events.   The book is separated into four major sections, one for each of the first four ages.  

The First Age: The Age of Creations

The sections on the first and second ages are flowly and indistinct.   Generally accepted as a record of the worlds founding, the Age of Creations story is held by many scholars and story tellers as the origin of Azimuth. The theory states that the world was formed by an outpouring of energy from the Elemental Planes. It refers to Primordial Elementals as a driving force of this, however is unclear if these were entities or personified natural forces.  
And at the end of this time of conflict, the great Primordials receded to their planes though the doorways of the world that led them here, and the divine and their creations stood victorious, and named their prize Azimuth. Though it was not to last.   Each would-be pantheon did not count the others as their allies, and they planned to claim this realm only for themselves. Fighting started anew over who would claim this prize. Gods of realms of prominence and those yet unknown warred using their creations at the loss of many lives. As those they had made dwindled and the world once more faced lifelessness, some gods, through empathy or clairvoyance, came to realize this place would never know peace while the divine could so freely influence the world and those upon it.   With the effort of those gods of good, the plane was cut from the reach of all divines. Azimuth, so removed from the fabric of the vast multiverse, was set adrift, out of reach from those who’d bring only more misfortune to those precious lives that inhabited this world.   And so ended the Age of Creations, and so began the Age of the Severance.

The Second Age: The Age of the Severance

There are discussions in the sections of the second age about the “footprint of the divine”, though it is unclear what this may be in reference to. Related to this, in research done in the wake of the Severance, it mentions the areas where these footprints can be found are rare, hard to find, or protected.  

The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia

The Cycle of Ages makes multiple references to the Zenethian Champions from the end of the Third Age. In some of these passages, they are said to have received blessings from Zenthai, The Dragon King.  
Zenthai realized he was unable to meet this challenge alone. From the races of Azimuth, the Dragon King chose six Champions: Sanazi, Angioletta, Rita, Porgorag, Ruin, and Morazar. These 6 received the direct blessing of the Dragon King, and from his own divine heart he forged six crystalline weapons of holy power. With their strength and will to aid his own, Zenthai and his Champions brought the fight to Esturk’s forces.
Despite the blessing bestowed upon them and the innate power of the Dragonheart weapons, the Zenethian Items, eventually the Champions of the Great War faded from the world.

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Authoring Date
Fifth Age