Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring

The Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring is a mysterious item crafted for an unknown purpose. It was first seen by the Lost Vessel Seekers near Red Rocks Bay and later encountered by the Lightbringers in Porgorag in the Queendom of Keeleon.   It was created by the Prophets of Regression as a replica of the Great Leviathan's Severance Key.


The ring is constructed of Refined Residuum. It is a 2-foot-wide ring with 8 protrusions on either side of it. The ring has no symbols or designs that can be seen, leaving the surface pristine.   The Ring absorbs all elemental-based magic, spells, and spell-like abilities. The Ring pulls all divine-based magics, spells, and spell-like abilities and sends this energy elsewhere. So voracious is the pulling effect, that it can pull more energies from an individual, which can cause damage.   Magics and abilities that pull from places other than the Elemental Planes and Divine Planes are seemingly not affected.   It appeared that the ring was not attunable. Demitri had attempted to attune to the ring, but was unsuccessful.   The entity that spoke to Mortimr Gwathagoldrin identified the ring as a replica based on something “far older”. Later, it was learned it was crafted as a replica of the Great Leviathan's Severance Key.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
As some point after 2 Avedar 5A 351 and before 24 Felim 5A 352, the Ring was crafted in Santeem. It was transported on the Harolaud, a gnomish shipping vessel, headed towards Endor, the First Mountain. The ship became trapped in ice near the Red Rocks Bay.   On 24 Felim 5A 352, Durak Hamarhart, Corxim Loofallue, and "Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine, were hired by Maalik to venture northwards and retrieve the Ring.   On 3 Madaet 5A 352, the Lost Vessel Seekers reached the Red Rocks Bay, found the wreck of the Harolaud, and recovered the Ring. They took refuge in a nearby cave, where Durak attempted to discern the effects and purpose of the green ring item, but was unsuccessuful.   On 9 Madaet 5A 352 in Endor, the First Mountain, Maalik gave the Ring in a black box to Cirro, a member of the Santeem Republic Aid Caravan destined for Tarteria.   The box and Ring were loaded onto the Provideniye, which after departing Endor Port, arrived in Port Surene for 23 to 25 Madaet 5A 352, and Porgorag on 1 Adroth 5A 352.   On 2 Adroth 5A 352, the party confronted Cirro and took the black box. With the assistance of Godsguard Ankhan, the party opened the box and discovered the Ring, and they learned some of its properties. Unsure of what to do with it, they locked the box and ring in a safe in Romsca's room.   On 4 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers elected to bring the box and ring with them southwards, and it was packed into the aid caravan before it left Porgorag to the Northern Orcish Plains.   On 10 Adroth 5A 352, Demitri attempted to attune to the ring and was unsuccessful. During the ensuing argument, Romsca's divine spell was taken by the ring, damaging Demitri, Romulus, and Gertrude.   On 11 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr Gwathagoldrin and the entity that spoke to him investigated the ring. The entity identified the ring as a replica of something "far older". It said it appeared to have a "shadow" of that item's power.   On 12 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers reached New Keeleon and brought the ring into the city.   On 14 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers showed the ring to Argilla, son of Kla. He said the effects reminded him of larger, more complicated constructions in Tarteria, including Grupe’s Sentinels in the west and the Erdenet in the far south.
2022 Item Art by M.B.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Current Location