Zenethian Hook and Chain

The Zenethian Hook and Chain is one of the divine Zenethian Items created by Zenthai, The Dragon King, during the Great War.


The chain is described as glimmering, crystalline segments that pulse with a heartbeat of divine energy. The sharpened hook is arched with green and red crystal that reflects jagged light.   It is said the Zenethian Hook and Chain amplified the strength of Grupe, the Monster Hunter, which increased even further against creatures of larger sizes.


The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
When the threat of Esturk, The World's End, proved too great at the end of the Third Age, Zenthai, The Dragon King, elevated the six Zenethian Champions and from his own divine heart he forged six crystalline weapons of holy power. For Porgorag, Zenthai crafted the Zenethian Hook and Chain.   After the events of the Great War, the power held in the Zenethian Armor slowly faded over time. Porgorag hid this item in The Shrine of Breaking Waves in the Wild Lands to await his progeny.  
The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
In 4A 995, the Zenethian Heroes rescued the crown prince of Burland, the Kingdom of the North from a hag. After returning the prince to his father, the King of Burland, the King advised them that stories of the Zenethian Champions told in Burland tell of a shrine in the Wild Lands to the east.   In 4A 995, the Heroes reached The Shrine of Breaking Waves. It was protected by a huge Ice Elemental that severly wounded Grupe but was felled when Trip stuck the icy ground with such force to break it, sending the Elemental tumnbling into the waters below. Further in, Grupe placed the dagger he received on his sixteenth birthday into a stone lecturn, colored water elementals emerged and attacked the party. By carefully slaying these elementals to fill basins below to create the Zenethian Symbol, they opened the way forward and Grupe claimed the Zenethian Hook and Chain.  
In 4A 996, the Heroes collected all the Zenethian Items. With Zenthai's blessing, the original relics were reforged into new and powerful forms.  
Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
It is not known today where the Zenethian Hook and Chain resides.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Creation Date
Known Wielders
Porgorag, Wielder of the Zenethian Hook and Chain
Grupe, the Monster Hunter

Current Location