Grupe, the Monster Hunter

Orc Fighter, Leviathan Hunter

Grupe was an orc fighter who appeared in Azimuth Campaign One. He was played by S.H.   In the course of their journey, the Zenethian Children aided King Alphonse Brancana in rekindling the old alliances of the world against the dual threats of Esturk, The World's End, and Psaro the Manslayer, they discovered the destiny of their bloodline, and they gathered the Zenethian Items left behind for them. They traveled the world and gathered allies and forces to their banner and became known to the rulers of the world as the Zenethian Heroes. The Heroes were instrumental in the victories in the Fourth Age of the Tarterian War and the Manslayer War.   Grupe was crucial to the rebuilding of the Queendom of Keeleon in Tarteria. He founded the port city of Porgorag and worked to aid the northern half of Tarteria’s recovery. After the publication of The Manual of Monsters and the creation of Grupe’s Sentinels, he spent many years defending the western part of the Tarterian wilds, before falling from history.    



Grupe was a big and broad orc man with scarred, leafy green skin and two prominent tusks. His eyes were sharp and bright with dark gray and brown irisis. He had a tall mohawk that he decorated with two roc feathers. He also had a long beard and slightly pointed ears, decorated with a few mismatched bone and gold earrings.   Grupe's skin was weather-lined, scarred, and leathery. According to stories told of him, it was said that his hide was so thick it was immune to fire.   He wielded the Zenethian Hook and Chain as well as a mask cut from a large spider's head, which he used to protect his vision while traversing harsh environments and tunneling with Rex, his sandworm.


Grupe had a very direct and straightforward mentality. He did not care for politiking or deception and would seek to reveal any subterfuge. He also displayed a strong desire to aid orcs in need and repair the damage done to orcish lands after the events of the Tarterian War. This was shown by his willingness to endanger himself by infiltrating Stephan's Folly alone and working to aid the prisoners kept there.   Despite his direct nature, Grupe was an intelligent tactician and did not seek out danger or seek to put civilians in harms way. This was shown by his willingness to bide his time in Stephan's Folly and construct a tunnel exit for the orc prisoners instead of directly engaging with the guards that patrolled this place. He also sought to even the odds by continually apprising his allies of the situation and request their aid with rescuing the prisoners.   Grupe was very knowledgable about bestial and monstrous anatomy and behavior. This was shown often during his travels with the Zenethian Heroes, such as when he crafted Krenshar hide armor for his sister, Trip, his taming of his sandworm, Rex, and his publication of The Manual of Monsters.



After the Great War, during his preparations to battle Esturk, The World's End, when next he arose, Zenthai, The Dragon King paired with each of the Zenethian Champions to birth worthy descendants. He put forth to his followers the prophecy of their destiny. On 24 Felim 4A 979, Grupe and the other Zenethian Children were born in Hometown.   Grupe's early life was spent fully in Hometown, where he was trained by the other villagers to prepare him for his future. He resided in Hometown's Zenethian chapel and was tutored by Eliza, a preistess. Grupe had a childhood friend in Hometown named Fellah.

Campaign One: The Zenethian Heroes

On 24 Felim 4A 995, Grupe's 16th birthday, Psaro the Manslayer and his armies attacked Hometown. Grupe and the Zenethian Children learned that their childhood friends were trained from a young age to magically disguise themselves as their counterparts and sacrifice themselves to save the children of prophecy, if needed. The Zenethian Children hid in a secret passage that led behind the waterfall in town. Psaro slew the residents and captured their childhood friends who were magically disguised to appear as the Children.   After Psaro and his armies left, the next morning the Children emerged and claimed the gifts from their parents the residents of Hometown had held onto for their 16th birthday. Grupe received a dagger from his father, Porgorag. After gathering what supplies they could, the Children left Hometown southwards towards the Kingdom of Branca.  

The Lands of Branca

In the forest near Hometown, the Children fought against a number of Krenshar. Grupe would use the hide of one to craft a set of hide armor for Trip.   In Branca, they went before King Alphonse Brancana. He offered to aid the children in their revenge against Psaro, but his army was scattered and his country was devastated. He wrote six letters to the rulers of other great lands in Azimuth and tasked them with rallying them into a new alliance. The King did offer a simple cart and a female donkey named Chedae.   They headed northwards and came across an abandoned temple. Inside, a figure attempted to deceive the party disguised as Brigitte, but Trip saw through the ruse and they repelled the attack. While inside, they rescued a young orcish merchant named Graank, a baby wolverine Brigitte named Fifi, and one of the Zenethian Orbs.   When they used the Zenethian Orb, they were transported to the Eternity Stair, where they met Zenthai, the Dragon King, as well as Rita and Ruin.   From Zenthai, the Zenethian Children learned of their heritage. Though Zenthai expressed sympathy for the loss of their home, he conveyed the urgency of their prophesied task. He encouraged them to seek the lost Zenethian Items. After listening to Zenthai's parting advice, they were returned to the Material Plane.  

The Lands of Burland

They headed north across the mountains to the Kingdom of Burland. They learned the crown prince was mising and the King was too distressed and would not hear them. Sir Ragnar McRyan accepted the missive on the King’s behalf. Ragnar expressed the only way he could convince the King to aid Branca was to find the missing prince. Sir Ragnar tasked one of his officers, Gruknock, with aiding them, and they departed.   Though the bridge crossing of the Ochre River had been destroyed by a band of gnolls, the party worked their way to the city of Izmit. Here some of them had a dream of a blonde woman surrounded by pink and white flowers, with tears of ruby on her cheeks, and the visage of a yellow-haired man. They heard a single name before waking: “Rose.”   Following rumors heard in town, they found an abandoned shack in the nearby woods with a deep well connected to a cavern system. Deeper in, a voice called to them, beckoning them forward. They found a treasure box of enchanted shoes that when worn, lifted them up and away to the west, to Loch Tower.   In Loch Tower, the party defeated a hag and her gargoyles, and learned she had been seeking children of a specific age, equal to that of the Zenethian Children. They rescued the crown prince and several other villagers and returned, earning the aid of the Burland King and the permanent addition of Gruknock to their party. The King spoke of stories of a shrine on the northeast coast in the Wild Lands, and the party departed.  

The Wild Lands

On the way to the Wild Lands, the party defended Chedae from a roc attack, and also learned that their donkey could change colors seemingly at will. They continued up the coast and found The Shrine of Breaking Waves. Inside they fought many water elementals. Though Grupe fell, Trip shattered the icy ground beneath it and sent it crashing to the waters below. It was here they learned the gifts they received on their birthday were the keys to these holy places. Once opened, Grupe recovered the party’s first Zenethian Item: The Zenethian Hook and Chain.   Headed south, they found Grank's Ten-Foot Pole Emporium. Graank had safely returned to the shop of his father, Grank. They resupplied and were safely lead across the desert by Graank to Konenbur.  

The Lands of Konenbur

At the city of Anneaux, the party visited a shrine to Angioletta. That night, the spectral visage of Angioletta visited Joseppe and revealed herself as his mother. She told them the cloak in Anneaux is a fake and told of a land to the east where the true one is hidden.   Headed east, they ventured to the lost land of Cascada. Following Joseppe’s burgeoning connection to Gaia, The Allmother, the party reached a gateway to a pocket dimension: Angioletta's Temple. Here, they battled earthen elementals and recovered the Zenethian Cloak.   Once back to the Material Plane, they headed north to a settlement they had heard of nearby. There, they found Rosaville and there were many talking animals. They learned of the history of Psaro and Rose and the Power of Evolution. At Rose's tower, they triggered an alarm and Psaro sent his fleets southwards after them.   The party fled back to Konenbur which was now under attack. At the capital, the party faced the decision of delivering King Brancana’s missive or fleeing to protect themselves and continue their quest. They chose to run and sought passage across the sea. They found the Black Barrow and her captain, Leo. They set out from port and sailed, as behind them Konenbur burned.  

The Lands of Soretta

The party arrived in the Haradren Gaer Arnad where they met Leader-Elect Saelerain Laminafond. The elven leader was non-comital regarding King Brancana’s missive, but he promised to bring it to the elven court. When asked, he told of the holiest place known to the elves, the World Tree, but elven law forbade all but full-blooded elves from venturing to it. The party considered their options, but Trip suddenly headed east and the rest of the party quickly followed after.   They traversed through the caverns under the Padequia Mountains and Ivan set off an explosion with a gunpowder barrel to make an opening. At the Monastery of the World Tree, guards stopped them from entering. Acting quickly, the party incapacitated them and fled to the upper reaches of the tree. Following the feeling of holy energy, Trip led them to a split in the central trunk, and they slipped inside.   Inside the tree was an large wooden cavern with a vast petaled flower made of bark. In the center was an opening for Trip's present: a quiver. Around the party, forms materialized out of black smoke and formed each of their worst fears. Grupe's Chain Devil appeared as a crocodilian figure that taunted Grupe, stating no one would remember him after his death. During the fighting, Gruknock was tackled over a precipice and he fell to his death. When all the pieces of the swords were gathered, they formed into the Zenethian Swords and Trip took them. They recovered Gruknock's body and ascended out of the cavern.   Outside, the party was immediately confronted by Guardian Quarivon and were arrested. They were escorted away from the World Tree and they met Aoth Stormwind in transit, who had also been arrested. They were taken before Leader-Elect Saelerain Laminafond. The elven leader chastised them for breaking their laws and threatened to imprison them. However, Aoth convinced the elf ruler that as the children of prophecy, they should be allowed to leave and fight for the sake of the world. The elf was unable to deny the logic of it and quietly agreed. He promised to bury Gruknock according to elven custom, but banished the party from Soretta forever.  

The Lands of Keeleon

The party crossed over into the Leviathan Sea and found several bestial ships crashed along the Radags off the north coast of Tarteria. As they investigated, they were accosted by another minotaur ship. They captured it and took a sole prisoner. From him they learned more about Psaro’s plans and the Power of Evolution he wielded. The party also learned that The World’s End and The Manslayer were not allied; they were fighting a battle on two fronts. Finished with their captive, the party slew the minotaur and sailed on.   They arrived in Port Haville and were attacked by demons in the sacked city. Trip was slain in battle by a Bebilith, and was resurrected by Leo. They rescued an orc seer named Agatha, and she told the Heroes what had happened to the Kingdom of Keeleon. Agatha also forsaw the party's goal and directed them south to the Fire Spire Sands.   In the south they found the remaining orcs led by Princess Alena, the last surviving member of the Keeleon royal family. They delivered Brancana’s missive and Alena promised to aid if she could. They learned that some orcs had already fled to the north to Santeem and were held prisoner there. They promised to help and departed.   The Heroes crossed over to the Fire Spire Sands, and demons and elementals were everywhere in the dunes. Rath used his gift, Dragonscale gloves, to transport the burning heart of the desert and unlock a central shrine. During the fighting, Joseppe cast Explosive Runes on his own back to slay an elemental, however the damage cost his own life and he died. The party revived him in the battle, but the Zenethian Cloak was badly damaged. Inside the shrine, Rath found The Zenethian Axe. With the best hope of aiding those who remained in Keeleon being the completion of their quest, the party redoubled their efforts and left Tarteria.   Near the end of 4A 995, the party sailed northwards towards Santeem. While sailing, Ivan felt a pull eastward and they followed it to the Mausoleum of Dwarf Lords. They traversed the expansive interior tombs, but they were ambushed by the same illithid spellcaster that attacked their hometown with Psaro. He froze Brigitte and sunk his dagger into her, drawing her blood. They quickly retaliated but before the party could slay him, he magicked the bloodied dagger away.   Using Leo's magic to speak with the body, they learned Psaro sought their blood and knew the copies he kidnapped were fakes. Before the spell could complete, Aoth interrupted the magic with a holy arrow, and the spell rapidly finished. Using the gift Ivan had, the old clerical collar, and other items received from the dwarf tombs around them, they opened the way forward to Rita’s tomb and the next Zenethian item: The Zenethian Staff. Now just one item remained. Remembering their promise to Princess Alena, the party sailed forth to Santeem.  

The Lands of Santeem

The ship arrived on the east coast of Santeem, at the Grand Bazaar. They learned of an orc prison camp the Santeem government had created. They also had the missive to deliver to the ruler of Santeem, but they did not believe they could do so safely. With the threats of Esturk and Psaro looming, the party decided the best course of action would be to split up to more quickly meet their goals.   Grupe travelled alone to the prison camp to scout and learn what was happening inside. He learned of the dire state of things and of an apparent Princess Alena held here. Grupe met the pregnant orc couple Mugarod and Sharn and they helped hide him during patrols while he stayed low in the camp.   Grupe investigated the claims that the orc princess was here. He found someone that did look like her, but when he pressed them for answers, they revealed it was a magical disguise. An orc named Corthag was impersonating the Princess, hoping to calm the nerves of the orcs held here. He had hoped thinking their Princess was here would mean the orcs could overcome any desire to resist and fight back, which could lead to their execution. Grupe decided that lying to everyone would accomplish nothing and began working to free the camp on his own. He sent another message to his allies asking for their help and began work on creating a hidden tunnel out of the rocky valley the prison was in.   Eventually, Rath and his ally Boardud met Aoth, Joseppe, and Ivan and approached the prison camp. Grupe began leading the imprisoned orcs through the escape tunnel he had made, but there were too many and the guards would soon be alerted. The party chose to make a distraction to give the orcs time to escape. The party fought to give time to the rest of the orcs, and the party fled with them towards Frenor. With the corrupted military ranks of Santeem crossed and no further leads on the whereabouts of the last Zenethian Item, the party chose to ferry the rescued orcs safely to Endor and seek the aid of the dwarf king there to deliver the last missive and learn what they can about the last missing item.   However, the party noticed that Chedae was missing, as was their cart. They scried on their donkey and found her surprising far to the southwest, across the Flat Peaks Desert. Using magic, Joseppe transported himself to her. He attempted to understand how she could have gotten here so quickly and what her destination could be, and persuaded her back and they teleported again to rejoin the party on the ship. With orcs on board, they sailed for Endor.  

The Lands of Endor

In 4A 996, the Heroes arrived in Endor, the First Mountain. There, they met with High King Thorik Oathenhammer and learned of Endor's rising tensions with Branca. After King Thorik used his Truthseeker Axe to learn the party's intentions, he welcomed them and the orcs they had brought to Endor. To aid them, King Thorik brought forth the champion of the tournament of swords: Johanna, Shieldmaiden of Endor.   Curious about the tournaments, the party went to The Arena. They found that Aoth’s way into the archery tournament had already been paid by an anonymous benefactor. Winning the tourney would give Aoth the chance to fight the previous year’s champion. When they inquired who the previous champion was, they learned it was a fighter from Parthenia, and his name was Psaro.   With a day before the tourney would begin, the party decided to search for information that could help them on their journey and point them in the direction of the last Zenethian item. They found a History of the Third Age where the final actions of the Zenethian Champions were detailed, and learned Sanazi had gone missing in Santeem to the west of the Flat Peaks Desert. They had their destination, but the tourney and Psaro were too important. They alerted the King and prepared to face their enemy.   Aoth fought his way to the finals. The party prepared in the stands as Psaro walked onto the arena floor. Psaro knew they were here and he wished to talk. He offered a trade: their blood for the lives of their captured friends. The party declined, and Psaro summoned great fireballs above the arena and sent them crashing down into the stands. When the dust settled and the flames died out, a doppelganger of Psaro lay burned and dead.   King Thorik understood he had been deceived and declared war on Psaro for attacking his people. He promised full aid to Branca and ordered his armies make ready. The Endor Tunnel was blocked and needed to be cleared for the King’s army to march forth. His scouting parties had not returned, so King Thorik ordered his two champions, Johanna and Aoth, to clear the way.   They rode out to the tunnel to find the great mountain passage blocked sabotage. Nearby they found beasts working a great spell circle, loosing the blood from the dwarf bodies of the slain scouting parties. The party engaged, and the dark voice inside Rath directed him to alter the runes of the spell. With the spell shifted, Rath lost control of his body as the entity revealed itself as an aspect of Esturk. When the party rushed to help Rath, he plunged his sword into the chest of Trip. Her blood was spilled on the spell circle below, and her soul was pulled from her body.   Though the taint of Esturk had been removed from Rath, the body of Trip still lay on the ground. She could not be revived and magic cast to call her soul back failed. The party completed their work to clear the blocked tunnel pathway and carried the body of their sister back towards Endor.   Upon their return, the King’s army was marching forth to aid Branca. They brought Rath before the King who used his Truthseeker Axe and the party learned it was not his actions that slew Trip, but he did nothing to prevent it either. Disappointed and angry with Rath, but with greater evils ahead of them, they released Rath back to their party. King Thorik volunteered his clerics to watch over Trip’s body, so that should her soul be saved, she could be returned to life. They left her body in the care of them at Endor's Temple to Zenethia. Brigitte left Fifi to guard her sister and took Trip’s Zenethian Swords. Resolute, they boarded Leo’s ship and headed towards where Sanazi had last been seen in Santeem.  

Towards Esturk, The World's End

On the way across the sea, they found the wreckage of several ships and one survivor, Petra D'Silva. Petra offered to help the party in exchange for safe passage. Later on, a flock of harpies attacked the ship and crew, and the fighting alerted a Leviathan who attacked the vessel. Joseppe and Ivan formed a magical wall of iron suspended above the creature and dropped the mass onto it, and they repelled the creature, slew the harpies, and continued on.   They arrived at Birdsong Tower on the southern coast of Santeem. Inside, they fought elementals and fire lizards. Brigitte used her gift, a golden locket, and with the activation of the tower's mechanisms, a vortex opened beneath Brigitte, and she disappeared through it. For the party, she was only gone a moment. Brigitte returned as the time ritual spell completed. With her return, all the Zenethian Items had been regathered. With a surge of holy energy emanating from each item, the party were whisked away in emerald light.   On the Eternity Stair, Zenthai, The Dragon King, congratulated the children for gathering the artifacts of their parents and thanked the others for their aid. With a breath, Zenthai recast the Zenethian Items into new crystalline forms. Each took the form best suited for its new wielder, and with his energy they were once more recharged and glowing with holy light. With these gifts, he named them the Zenethian Heroes, the ones with the power to defeat Esturk, The World’s End, and save Azimuth once more. Zenthai returned his Heroes to the Material Plane reenergized and with newfound power. With their task ahead of them, they quickly returned to their ship and set sail for Tarteria, where Esturk stirred.   The party arrived in Tarteria and travelled to the miasma-cloaked Aktempto. They found desecrated memorials to Morazar and Porgorag and the entrance to the mines was infested with demons. Petra was captured at the entrance, and as the party went forward to rescue her, Chedae would not proceed, and they left her behind. Petra had convinced the demons to bring them to Esturk directly, feigning that she had betrayed them. The ruse worked and they were led deep into the mines.   On 2 Avedar 4A 996, the Heroes went before Esturk, The World's End. Trip's soul was claimed by Esturk and she, along with Morazar and Porgorag, were turned into Dark Champions. Tunnelling through the dark and earth, Zenthai, The Dragon King, appeared and forced his way into this space between worlds to face his rival. The Heroes fought against the Dark Champions while Esturk battled Zenthai. Eventually the Dark Champions were defeated and their souls were saved.   However, the battle above went poorly for Zenthai. Alone and still wounded, he had not the strength to hold back Esturk indefinitely. Latching onto Esturk, Zenthai pulled a shining rainbow crystal from The World’s End, and as the dark Dragon screeched, the power exploded, sending Zenthai crashing into the battlefield below. Esturk flew down and landed heavily on the mortally wounded Zenthai. And with a final attack, Esturk killed The Dragon King.   The body of Zenthai scattered into lights that spread through the cavern and coalesced upon each of the Heroes, granting them Zenthai's Blessing, and the strength of resolve to face this fight. Though Johanna, Ivan, and Brigitte fell in the fighting, the Zenethian Heroes fought back against the darkness, and with a final blow, they sent Esturk, defeated, back into the darkness. They revived and recovered themselves, and as they left this place, they sealed the entrance behind them with an explosion. The demons were gone and the mines were empty as they ascended back to Azimuth.   When the Heroes emerged, they were met with the sun breaking through the storm above Tarteria, and their donkey approached in earnest. As Chedae came to them, she glowed with a similar energy to that which had infused themselves and their items. As the last energy faded from her, she transformed. No more was she the color-changing donkey that had journeyed with them from the start. Her true form was revealed, a young platinum-scaled Dragon. Zenthai had a daughter and hid her away on Azimuth so that if he were slain, Zenethia could continue.   Esturk was defeated once more, but Psaro still threatened the world. With the armies he had gathered he could still bring about the end of the kingdoms. The armies they had contacted were gathering in Branca to prepare for battle, and the Heroes would go to aid them. Returning to Leo’s ship, they sailed towards the Endor port and marched quickly towards Branca.  

Towards Parthenia and Psaro

King Brancana had arranged a war council for the leaders to discuss their strategy against Psaro. The Heroes attended and provided what information they could about Psaro and his plans. The armies set out for the eastern coast to board the gathered vessels, but they did not yet know what they were getting into. The Heroes scouted ahead using a Wind Walk spell to see what defenses Parthenia had. They found where the enemy fleet was holding and went to turn back, however Petra split from the party. Without the means to end the spell and not endanger all of them, they had no way to prevent Petra from leaving them as she headed towards the beasts. Thinking themselves betrayed, the party returned towards the gathering forces.   Leo’s ship was still in Endor, so they joined the forces on Branca’s flagship, the Occidentalis, with King Brancana. Paired with them was the elven warship, the Effervescent. Chedae took to the skies and the fleet set sail and headed towards Parthenia.   In the Parthenian Sea, the allied fleet met the bulk of Psaro’s navy at the Battle of the Bay of Shipwrecks. The Heroes fought their way to victory and into the Parthenian Bay, and Petra aboard the Falcon rejoined them, guiding the Burland fleet to aid them. Breaking through, the Falcon and the Occidentalis landed on the shores of the Iron Marshes, and they made for the ruins of the city of Gardenbur. In the ruins of Gardenbur, they rested in a dilapidated temple. Inside, a spirit assaulted the party and King Brancana was wounded, and the darkness leached into the wound. The spirit was banished, but the King could no longer continue with them. King Brancana ordered the Heroes to head to Psaro's northern fortress, the Citadel of Bronze.   On 3 Janafen 4A 997, the Zenethian Heroes entered the Citadel of Bronze and traveresed through the trapped halls to the throne room. Psaro congratulated them and welcomed them before him. In the rafters of the room were the taken friends of the Zenethian Children, chained and rigged to fall to their death at Psaro’s whim. Psaro offered them their friends and their lives. All he asked for was their blood so he could perfect his use of the Power of Evolution. They refused. With a snap, Psaro summoned music and his minotaur general, Black Phillip, and drew his sword. Of their friends, only Cher and Gertrude were rescued; Grupe's friend Fellah died in the Citadel. Black Phillip was slain and Psaro forced into an incomplete evolution, and with arrow and spell and blade, the Heroes pummeled damage into Psaro, and the Manslayer was killed.   With Psaro gone, the magic that surrounded Parthenia destabilized and great shards of the anti-magic barrier began falling from the sky. The Citadel of Bronze shuddered and crumbled around them and the Heroes made their escape. They found the allied armies had won the battle in the Iron Marshes. Though there were fatalities and injuries, with Chedae present and with the Zenethian Heroes the victors against both Esturk and Psaro, the world was saved once more.   They eventually returned to Endor, where they found that Trip had recovered, and they introduced her to Chedae. The Heroes worked to aid the recovery and rebuilding of the displaced and wounded, and with the aid of Chedae in her material form, they accomplished great things at the end of the Age.   On 31 Jeran 4A 997, Chedae travelled to Hometown with the Zenethian Heroes. She said her goodbyes to each of them and ascended to Zenethia, succeeding her father as the next Dragon Deity of Zenethia and starting the Fifth Age.

The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings

Grupe was crucial to the rebuilding of the Queendom of Keeleon in Tarteria. In 5A 005, he founded the port city of Porgorag and worked to aid the northern half of Tarteria’s recovery.   In 5A 010, Grupe published the first edition of The Manual of Monsters. Over the rest of his life, he would publish a total of three volumes.   Around 5A 044, Grupe was believed to have explored the inner elemental planes alongside Ivan, the Oozemaster.   Trip had a long recovery after her resurrection at the end of the Fourth Age. It is not known what became of her, but many years later, her siblings built a monument in their hometown named Trip’s Tower in her honor.   After the creation of Grupe’s Sentinels, he spent many years defending the western part of the Tarterian wilds, before falling from history.


Zenethian Children

Grupe displayed a strong trust in his siblings and their abilities. Grupe was often at the front of engagements and would often strike the largest or toughest of their enemies in the various battles they undertook. Grupe displayed a sense of understanding of the strength they as a whole possessed, shown by his petition for aid to them after he infiltrated Stephan's Folly.

Mugarod and Sharn

Mugarod and Sharn were vital to keeping Grupe hidden after he infiltrated Stephan's Folly. It was also with their aid he was able to learn of what was happening in the prison. Grupe took special care to ensure both Mugarod and Sharn were safe as they fled. Later, Mugarod would provide aid to the allied forces and informed Grupe that he and Sharn had named their daughter Grupina in honor of him saving their lives.

Character Information


  • The Manual of Monsters series was written by Grupe, and has become the standard for monstrous taxonomy and study since their publication.
  • Grupe’s Sentinels in western Tarteria were constructed by Grupe, though their purpose is unknown.
  • The Fifth Age painting "Tor Mimba, Tarteria", by Tolkk, son of Gahn, depicts Queen Alena and her son, Argil. The representation of Argil, though young, shares a resemblance to Grupe.

Notable Items

  • Rex: Grupe's Sandworm.
2022 Character Art by J Pleshe
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Presumed dead
Date of Birth
24 Felim 4A 979
Date of Death
Circumstances of Birth
Child of prophecy
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements