White Fountain Gardens

The White Fountain Gardens are a series of public parks, gardens, and fountains found through the city of Santeem Castle. They are areas of wild growth that are tied to Gaia, The Allmother.


Though the grandest is in the Rusbloc, other white stone fountains can be found throughout the districts of the captial, with greenery and wild growth to accompany them.   The Rusbloc gardens are surrounded by a vine covered wall with several public entrances. Each entrance has two square stone pillar endcaps forming an entryway into the garden. Chiseled into the white stone sides and repeated on each side is the symbol of Gaia, The Allmother: a circle of vines surrounding a brown-red gem. Atop these pillars is thin and fine elven-style metal in the likeness of curling and circular vines, which forms a flowing arc over them.   Inside this wall, there are many white water fountains, winding paths, and gardens of multicolored yarrow blossoms and other wild growth.


The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
When the elves colonized Iluvitar, in the city that would become Kasltun, the White Fountain Gardens were built to honor Gaia, The Allmother. It is said that the fountains are all connected by a great underground aqueduct system built by the elves, however none know the full extent of this system.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 20 Madaet 5A 352, the White Fountain Gardens in the Rusbloc district hosted an event for the Wild Gathering. This event was attended by notable members of the Santeem Republic government and high society. As such, the entrances to the Rusbloc gardens were guarded by members of the elite Rusguard. A small presentation stage was set up and food and drink were catered. Music could be heard and the gardens were illuminated by floating lights.   That evening, Demitri entered the gardens and spoke with Asmik Makara after he gave a short speech. Makara gave Demitri his signet ring to allow him access to his estate's carriage, and Demitri quickly left.
Parent Location
Komi Plains   Continent
Iluvitar   Plane
Material Plane