Wild Gathering

Wild Gathering is a spring holiday in Azimuth. It is celebrated yearly on 20 Madaet, which is the spring equinox. It is known as a community holiday which is celebrated in the wild places near civilization.


The Wild Gathering is the holy day of Gaia, The Allmother. People gather in places of great natural beauty, usually in parks, groves, or wild places outside of cities, to celebrate community and give thanks for the new lives born the past year.

Effects of Holiday

The barriers between the Material Plane and the other planes of Azimuth have been known to become thinner during the annual solstices and equinoxes: Wild Gathering, Sun's Bounty, Harvest Home, and Winter's Feast.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
In 5A 352, as part of the festivities at the White Fountain Gardens in the Santeem Castle City, a small presentation stage was set up and food and drink were catered. Music could be heard and the gardens were illuminated by floating lights. Notable members of the Santeem Republic government and high society were in attendance.   Demitri went to the White Fountain Gardens during the Wild Gathering holiday, as he knew Asmik Makara would be celebrating the birth of his newborn child there.   In 5A 352, Mortimr Gwathagoldrin used the Wild Gathering holiday to gain access to the Kievs Morounin Archive, as he knew the celebration would mean fewer people would be in the Flowercrown District of Kievs.
Date of Holiday
20 Madaet