Zenethian Armor

The Zenethian Armor is one of the divine Zenethian Items created by Zenthai, The Dragon King, during the Great War.


The armor is described as a pure white breastplate, emblazoned with the Zenethian crest upon each pauldron. Gold-crystal inlay in waved designs cover the armor, circling and connecting 6 red crystals on the torso. A set of crystalline wings jut from the back.   It is said the Zenethian Armor gave Brigitte, the Grayguard, the power of flight.


The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
When the threat of Esturk, The World's End, proved too great at the end of the Third Age, Zenthai, The Dragon King, elevated the six Zenethian Champions and from his own divine heart he forged six crystalline weapons of holy power. For Sanazi, Zenthai crafted the Zenethian Armor.   After the events of the Great War, the power held in the Zenethian Armor slowly faded over time. Sanazi hid this item in the Birdsong Tower in the Ash Spires to await her progeny. When Sanazi built the Birdsong Tower, she enlisted the aid of Rita, Wielder of the Zenethian Staff, to cast a spell that affected time.  
The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
In Endor, the First Mountain, the Zenethian Heroes studied the histories of the Zenethian Champions in the royal libraries but were unable to find the location of the last relic they needed: the Zenethian Armor. The party investigated into hidden and forgotten locations of the city. Above the Flower of the King, the Heroes found a delapidated church and inside found The History of the Third Age. Inside this history, the party learned Sanazi headed to the lands of Santeem after the events of the Great War.   In 4A 996, the Heroes reached Birdsong Tower. It was protected by flowing lava and drake beasts that fought the party while they completed a time-based ritual. When Brigitte, Sanazi's daughter, placed the locket she received on her sixteenth birthday into the keyhole on a giant clock face, Rita's spell activated and pulled Sanazi's Brigitte back in time to the Tower's completion, when Rita first cast the spell. In accordance with Sanazi's wishes, she and Brigitte fought to death to prove Brigitte's worthiness to wield the Zenethian Armor.  
In 4A 996, the Heroes collected all the Zenethian Items. With Zenthai's blessing, the original relics were reforged into new and powerful forms.  
Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
It is not known where the Zenethian Armor currently resides.
Item type
Creation Date
Known Wielders
Sanazi, Wielder of the Zenethian Armor
Brigitte, the Grayguard

Current Location