Rita, Wielder of the Zenethian Staff

Human Wizard

Rita was a human wizard who appeared in Azimuth Campaign One. She was an NPC played by M.B.   Rita was one of the legendary Zenethian Champions that fought alongside Zenthai, The Dragon King during the Great War. She was the original wielder of the powerful Zenethian Staff.   In the late Fourth Age, Rita was the parent of Ivan, the Oozemaster, one of the legendary Zenethian Heroes that would save the world against the dual threats of Esturk, The World's End and Psaro the Manslayer.



Depictions of Rita show her in flowing mahogany robes with a shawl of blue-tipped feathers held by a black crest. She had silver hair often tied in dual horn-like mahogany ribbons.


Rita seemed to have a strong reverance for fate and prophecy. She displayed a strong bond with the other Zenethian Champions. She honored the wishes of Sanazi to die in combat with her daughter though she seemed to allude that Zenthai may have disapproved.



Not much is known of the lives of the Zenethian Champions before Zenthai, The Dragon King, elevetated them in the fighting of the Great War. It is said that Rita was of the burmen in the human lands to the north of Lake Gimor.

The Great War

In the late Third Age, Esturk, The World's End used the Power of Evolution and started the Great War. Unable to meet this threat alone, Zenthai, The Dragon King, chose six Champions from the races of Azimuth. These 6 received the direct blessing of the Dragon King, and from his own divine heart he forged six crystalline weapons of holy power. For Rita, Zenthai forged the Zenethian Staff. With their strength and will to aid his own, Zenthai and his Champions brought the fight to Esturk’s forces across Azimuth.   The greatest battle of the age occurred on the shores of Tarteria: The Battle of the Demons' Blood Marshes. During this battle, Zenthai carried his Champions westward and battled with Esturk, setting him to slumber beneath Tarteria.   Though the battle was won and the world persisted, the two greatest gods of Azimuth were shuttered from it and too weak to interact with their followers. As the Zenethian Champions set to the task of repairing this broken world, the light of both Zenethia, the Plane of Light, and Nadiria, the Plane of Darkness, faded, and so ended the Golden Age of Azimuth.

The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow

In the early Fourth Age, Rita spent several years after the fight with Esturk traveling the world, mapping the changes that a century of fighting wrought.   According to later Zenethian scriptures, Rita battled against a genasi seeking residuum in the wake of the Great War. Stories say the battle was hard, and Rita buried the genasi beneath the Iron Range.   In the mountains north of Lake Gimor, Rita used her magic to carve Rita's Pass, which opened the way for easier travel between the new kingdoms of Branca and Burland.   Rita travelled across Azimuth to spread this knowledge, spending much time with the dwarves in their mountains, fashioning friendly relations between dwarves and humans. Rita gifted the Flower of the King to High King Faldrick Oathenhammer, which would become a shining jewel in the city.   At some point, Rita assisted Sanazi, Wielder of the Zenethian Armor, with the spell that would pull Sanazi's daughter, Brigitte back through time.   At some point, Rita's Zenethian Staff was entrusted to High King Faldrick and it was eventually placed in the Oathenhammer tomb of the Mausoleum of Dwarf Lords.   The Champions worked to repair and maintain the light they had fought for, but even their extended lives would eventually come to an end as the world continued on. According to the epilogue of The History of the Third Age, Rita was the last Zenethian Champion to ascend to Zenethia.

Campaign One: The Zenethian Heroes

During his preparations for the next time Esturk would rise again, Zenthai paired with each of the Zenethian Champions to birth the Zenethian Children. On 24 Felim 4A 979, Rita's descendant Ivan was born in Hometown.   In 4A 995, when the Zenethian Children retreived one of the lost Zenethian Orbs, they were transported to the Eternity Stair in Zenethia, the Plane of Light. It was here they met Zenthai, as well as Rita and Ruin.   In 4A 996, when Brigitte activated the time spell at Birdsong Tower and travelled back in time, she would briefly view Rita and Sanazi during thier final conversation.   Shortly later, Rita would be present in Zenethia when Zenthai reforged the Zenethian Items and bestowed the title The Zenethian Heroes onto his progeny and their allies.


Sanazi, Wielder of the Zenethian Armor

Rita and Sanazi seemed to share a close friendship. Rita showed a caring for Sanazi's culture and final wishes and assisted her with the spell set at Birdsong Tower.

High King Faldrick Oathenhammer

Rita shared a close relationship with the dwarven peoples. She was close enough with High King Faldrick to entrust the Zenethian Staff to his care.

Character Information


  • Rita compiled a world map of Azimuth after the changes made from the Great War. A copy of this map was later purchased by the Zenethian Children.
  • In the mountains north of Lake Gimor, Rita used her magic to carve Rita's Pass, which opened the way for easier travel between the new kingdoms of Branca and Burland.

Notable Items

  • Azimuth World Map


Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Ivan, the Oozemaster