Flower of the King

The Flower of the King, or Zarik Vljouma in Dwarvish, is a giant, petalled gemstone of pinks and reds in the design of a flower in bloom. It sits at the top of the central column shaft of the city of Endor, the First Mountain. The gem emanates constant light to the city levels below.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
It is said the Flower of the King was gifted to High King Faldrick Oathenhammer early in the Fourth Age by Rita, Wielder of the Zenethian Staff.   In 4A 996, the Zenethian Heroes found passage above the Flower of the King to an abandoned and forgotten part of the city. Here, they discovered a dilapidated church containining a record of The History of the Third Age as well as two older tomes that were too decayed to be read.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
The tomes found by the Zenethian Heroes would later be gathered by Adepts of the Temple to Morounin, and they would begin the slow process of repair. The two books would become known as The Decayed Tomes.   In the morning of 17 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude Oathenhammer warned Bishop Rannyl about the Prophets of Regression and to guard the Flower of the King. Rannyl replied he would “put our best paladin on it.”
Founding Date
Early Fourth Age
Natural Wonder
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Iron Range   Continent
West of Gimora Mountains   Plane
Material Plane