Zenethian Orbs

The Zenethian Orbs are a set of magical items which are important to the faith of Zenethia, the Plane of Light. During the Great War, these were a set of six matching items each in the possession of one of the Zenethian Champions. In the Fifth Age, these objects are all but entirely lost.


Each Zenethian Orb is a small green crystal or glass sphere of ten to twelve inches in diameter. The sphere is held in a metal stand designed in the likeness of a Dragon's claw holding the orb.   These items seemed to primarily be a method of long distance communication, allowing holders of the orbs to communicate with each other or to be contacted by entities in Zenethia. Additionally, they have been seen to be capable of additional effects, such as teleportation and resurrection, though these energies seem to be limited and have the potential to severely damage the orb, as seen by the Zenethian Heroes.

Known Locations

In the late Fourth Age, the Zenethian Heroes possessed one of these orbs, after they recovered it from a lost Temple of Zenethia near the ruins of the Kingdom of Gimora. It is unknown where this orb is currently in the Fifth Age.


The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
It is said these were gifted to the Zenethian Champions so they could communicate across Azimuth during the Great War. Histories do not say if these orbs were created for this purpose or if they already existed.  
The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
At some point, one of the Zenethian Orbs was left in the care of the priests at a Zenethian Temple in the ruins of the Kingdom of Gimora.   In early 4A 995, the Zenethian Children found the lost Zenethian Orb located at this temple, and through it were transported to Zenethia, the Plane of Light.   In 4A 995, the Zenethian Heroes battled in the ruins of Port Haville. During the fight, Trip was slain. The Zenethian Orb's power was used to resurrect her, however, this severely damaged and cracked the orb.   In 4A 996, once the Zenethian Heroes recovered the last of the Zenethian Items, the orb once again transported them to Zenethia.   In late Drimon 4A 996, after the Zenethian Heroes defeated an echo of Ruin's anger, Ruin contacted them through the orb to discuss the battle.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
It is not known how many of the six Zenethian Orbs that existed during the Great War have survived to this age. It is also not known where any surviving orbs currently reside.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic