Zenethian Swords

The Zenethian Swords were one of the divine Zenethian Items created by Zenthai, The Dragon King, during the Great War. The swords were destroyed during the reforging of these items in the Fourth Age.


The swords were described as smooth and curved green glass blades. The hilts were leather wrapped and the pommels were pale rubies held in a emerald Dragonclaw.


The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
When the threat of Esturk, The World's End, proved too great at the end of the Third Age, Zenthai, The Dragon King, elevated the six Zenethian Champions and from his own divine heart he forged six crystalline weapons of holy power. For Morazar, Zenthai crafted the Zenethian Swords.   After the events of the Great War, the power held in the Zenethian Armor slowly faded over time. Morazar hid these items in the World Tree in lands of Soretta, the Undying Aristocracy to await her progeny. This was done in secret, and the elves of these lands knew not this had been done.  
The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
In 4A 995, the Zenethian Heroes reached the elven lands of Soretta, the Undying Aristocracy. In Gaerna Ambar the Heroes met Leader-Elect Saelerain Laminafond and they asked if he knew where they may continue their quest to gather the Zenethian Items. Though Saelerain knew no such items in these lands, he welcomed the party to Soretta and asked they respect their laws to not enter the valley of the World Tree. The party felt they must go here as a place of holy significance and they heard rumors of an orc woman that travelled these lands many years ago.   Inside a hidden knot, the tree opened up to a wide cavern with a great wooden flower inside. Using the quiver that Trip received during her sixteenth birthday, the petals of the flower opened ot reveal the crystalline pieces of the Zenethian Swords. The Heroes fought against representations of their internal fears, and though Gruknock, Captain of Burland, fell in battle, they combined the pieces in the center, revealing the Zenethian Swords, which Trip claimed.   In 4A 996, the Zenethian Heroes travelled to the Endor Tunnel on request of High King Thorik Oathenhammer. During the fighting, Rath's corruption caused him to fatally strike Trip, killing her. They returned her body to the city of Endor, the First Mountain. To continue their quest to gather all the items, Brigitte took Trip's Zenethian Swords in her stead.  
In 4A 996, the Heroes collected all the Zenethian Items. With Zenthai's blessing, the original relics were reforged into new and powerful forms. The Zenethian Swords were lost forever.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Creation Date
Destruction Date
4A 996
Known Wielders
Morazar, Wielder of the Zenethian Swords
Trip, the One Who Fell
Brigitte, the Grayguard

Current Location