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Rue: Time on Our Side

Gathering / Conference

31/7 16:00
1/8 1:00

With a plan in place to try and take down Discord, the various members of The B-Team have been told to call in any favours they might be able to, and Rue has an idea of a certain supervillain who might be willing to help them out under the right circumstances.

Having spent the rest of their morning cleaning the scorched tiles and buying Rachel a new shower curtain, Rue is almost relieved to reach Century HQ and be out of the apartment for a while. Almost.   Seeing the building up close once more feels strange, knowing what they lost the last time  they were there, but that was exactly why they’d returned. They had to do whatever they could to set things right.   Having paid the cab fare, Rue walks towards the entrance for the holding facilities, notebook and hero ID in hand as they approach, “Excuse me,” They start, holding up the ID for the person at the reception, “I was hoping to speak to The Chronaturge.”   "My, my, my," the young man behind the desk in a Century uniform mutters, "Our dear Alexi is pretty popular these days. I'll let the guards know you're on your way." With a quiet buzzing sound, the door into the prison proper slides open, and Rue is allowed further into the vaguely familiar halls. Arching a brow at the young man’s response, Rue gives a curt nod thanks before turning towards the opened door, navigating the hallways.   Though almost all traces of their previous visit are gone, Rue can still almost smell the coppery scent of the blood that was shed here, their skin crawling at the memory. They can see a guard not far up ahead and walk up to meet him, showing their ID once more before asking where to find the inmate they wish to speak with.   "Ah right," the guard says, nodding as they check the identification, "We've got someone taking him through to one of the visiting rooms. I'll take you over there."   The guard nods towards the left and begins to lead Rue through. The silence between them is fine at first, but soon broken when he speaks again, his voice a little less certain than it had been before, "Listen, err... Rue. I just wanted to say," he stumbles over his words a little, "Thanks... for what you guys did. I can't imagine what you had to go through, but that demon... she did a number on us, and you saved a huge number of guys here. I just wanted to let you know how grateful we are."   Taken aback by the words of gratitude, Rue pauses briefly. If it hadn’t been for Harmony taking the deal, who knows how many more guards and agents would’ve been lost. The thought doesn’t sit well with them, their stomach twisting into a knot.   “We were just doing our jobs,” They say gently, following the man down another turn. “there’s no need to thank us… I’m sorry that you had to go through it in the first place.”   "Job or no job," he says, finding his voice a little as they neared the visitation room, "I probably wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you guys. I dunno if you guys get a lot of people thanking you for what you do, but I just wanted to make sure you know we appreciate it."   “I…” Rue trails off, a little flustered.   “Thank you. What’s your name?” They offer the guard a small smile, “Just so I can tell the team who thanked us.”   "It's, er... Yancy. But really, the message is from all of us. I was just the guy lucky enough to see ya."   ''Thanks, Yancy,'' Rue says, ''I'll be sure to let them know.''   "Thanks," he says, stopping outside the doorway to the interview room, "Alright, he's in there. Just holler if he causes ya any trouble."   ''Appreciate it.'' Rue replies politely before stepping inside. They take a seat in front of the thick glass window, placing their notebook on the table before them as they face the Chronaturge, silently appraising him before they smirk and say ''I hear you've been quite popular lately.''   The Chronaturge, looking much like they'd last seen him, though with a few less bruises marring his face, looks over to the hero, his lips curling into a grin, "Well, you and your teammates have made sure to keep my time here fairly interesting," he sits forward and clasps his fingers together attentively, "So, what can I do for you, Rue?"   ''Mercy mentioned he'd paid you a visit,'' They say with a shrug, flipping their notebook open on the right page and clicking the top of their pen. ''I was hoping we could have a talk about... Well, you, sort of.''   They tilt their head slightly, eyes squinting curiously, ''I wonder if you're really as much of a waste of time as Mercy thinks you are.''   "Well, when you have as much time as I do, you tend to have some to waste," he says, grinning with a not-so-subtle superiority, "But I suppose I can spare you a few minutes. What are you hoping to find out?"   ''How generous.'' Rue deadpans with a huff. ''Lets start with a fun question, shall we? How old are you right now?''   "About thirty-five," he says, returning Rue's sarcasm with some of his own, "Good age. A favourite of mine."   ''Uh-huh. How long have you been thirty-five?'' They ask, deftly swirling the pen around in their hand.   "A few months this time," he says, before deciding to be a little more helpful, "I tend to go back and forth every few years. Generally in the late forties I'll decide to go back to early twenties and do it all again."   ''Not quite ready for fifty yet, are you?'' Rue teases, scribbling something down in their notebook. ''Alright, next question: how many, ummm... versions, I guess, of you are there out there?''   "Nah. I've seen what that looks like and... trust me, everyone's much better off looking at this charming mug," he chuckles before considering the next question, "There's only one Chronaturge, Rue." He says, rolling his eyes at the hero's raised brow, "Okay, fine. Enough vague allusions, you're clearly not the type. I'm just one person, but by jumping hither and thither across the timestream, I may look like I'm appearing in several places at once. Any other 'versions' of me you've seen are simply me at different points in my life popping in for a visit."   ''Huh, so it would be possible for an older you to visit a younger you if he went back in time?'' They ask with genuine intrigue, ''I'm by no means an expert on any of this time travel stuff, so I'm just trying to make sure I follow what you're saying.''   "Oh yeah," he continues, "I try to avoid it if I can as temporal paradoxes can be a little tricky, but it's happened before. It's how I was able to escape my cell during the riot. An older version came and gave me a spare cloak so that I could make it back to the armory in one piece and collect my stuff... but, that's when you showed up and..."   ''Put you back in here.'' Rue finishes for him, holding up their hands placatingly and saying ''Just doing our job... but wouldn't the older version of you have known that would happen?''   "Of course he did," he says, grinning at their attitude change, "So clearly me actually leaving this place wasn't a part of his plan."   ''Does this plan have an end goal?'' Rue asks with a frown, leaning forward in their seat, ''Why do you do all of this?''   "His plan? Probably to die," he says, with the face of a man confronted with an idea he doesn't want to think too much about, "As for me, I'm not too complicated. I'm just a man who, when confronted with a choice to either languish and die in mediocrity or dare to grasp at something greater, chose the latter. If you were confronted with the whole of time at your fingertips, Rue, could you say you'd do any different?"   ''Depends on this 'greater' thing you're trying to grasp at,'' Rue says after some consideration. ''If your- if his plan is to die, like you suspect it is, does that mean it's not worth it in the end? So what is it?''   "I'm sure you're pretty tired of hearing this, Rue, but it's a little more complicated than that," he says, deflating a little as he realises he's going to need to explain things a little better, "Now, this is just my theory. I can't really be certain as he always refuses to give any more information, but I think that the versions of me that come back to save me every now and again are from around the same point in my timeline. The way I've always seen it, Rue, I can't really die in any meaningful way as the fact that future versions exist and have come back proves I have more to do, since I haven't gone back to be those versions yet. The only reason that I can think of that I'd willingly go back and perform those is if I'm finally ready to die. I guess even infinity would get boring after a while..."   ''I guess so...'' They say quietly, looking down at their notes in thought. They fidget with the pen in their hand, visibly mulling over their next words, ''Hypothetically speaking...'' Rue starts, locking eyes with the Chronaturge as they carefully form their question, ''...if I wanted to meet with an older you, could I just ask you now and give you a time and place?''   "I suppose you could..." he muses, stroking his chin, "But I don't give out spoilers if that's what you're after."   ''It isn't,'' Rue assures him, ''So, hypothetically, if I told you to meet me in The Railyard tonight at midnight, there may be a chance that I'll be able to speak with an older you? Theoretically, of course.''   "I suppose hypothetically there may be a chance of that," he says, sitting back in his chair and folding his arms, "But even if that was the case, what hypothetical reason could this hypothetical me have for wanting to meet this hypothetical you?"   ''Now I wouldn't want to give you any spoilers, would I?'' Rue grins defiantly, mirroring him and leaning back in their chair. ''But, for argument's sake, I'm sure there will be something in the future that I could help with in return.''   "Right then," he says, seemingly intrigued by their proposal, "I guess you'll have to wait and see what happens..."   ''I suppose so... Hypothetically, of course.'' They say casually, closing the notebook and putting it away. They get up from their seat, giving him a meaningful look. ''Well, thank you for your time. I'm sure we'll see each other again.''   "I'm sure we will, Rue." he replies.   Before they walk out the door, they turn back one more time, ''How many times have you been thirty-five?''   The Chronaturge grins knowingly, "You know, I might just have lost count. Gotta be upwards of sixty-five times by now, though."   Rue snorts at the answer, ''Yeah, I'm not very good with maths either.'' They say, leaving the visitation room. They say their goodbyes to Yancy, they make their way out of the building. Checking their phone, they decide to get a taxi towards Chapman's Bargains to pay Arthur a visit.   After a catch up involving hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows, Rue starts their usual patrol route around the Railyard, taking their time to play a game of chess with Sally, have a chat with Russel, and speak with the other Railyard roaches.   They continue to hang around the area for several hours, the night growing darker. When they send a brief update to Rachel, telling her they won't be home for a little while longer, they note that it's getting closer to midnight. They have found a quiet corner in the Railyard, notebook perched on an empty crate as they keep their senses sharp, wondering if their visit earlier that day would prove fruitful.   The night air is cool and they watch as the Railyard shifts from its daytime persona to the night, the sounds of back-alley deals, the unlicensed railcar bars and the fight pits beginning to echo into Rue's superhuman ears. The sounds of violence, danger and sin. The sounds of home.   It doesn't take Rue long to sense a change in the flavour of the air, the odd, almost-indescribable smell of magic getting closer with every moment, causing their features to curl up into a self-satisfied smile knowing that the Chronaturge had come through for them.   They watch through the cars as he approaches, seeming quite different from the one they'd seen earlier. Younger, maybe in his late-twenties, and sporting a slightly longer haircut, Alexi was dressed in his full cloak and armour, though his staff seems to have been replaced by a similarly-designed scepter, and he's wearing a fairly arcane-looking satchel that Rue had never seen before. He turns the corner and sees them, their features lighting up with a rather wide smile that the hero hadn't quite been expecting.   "Good evening, Rue," he says, his voice softer than usual, "It's good to see you."   “Evening,” Rue says, closing their notebook and slipping it into the pocket of their hoodie. “I suppose I should say thank you for taking the time to meet with me.”   They allow themself a moment to inspect this different version of the Chronaturge, a smile pulling at the edges of their mouth as they ask “How old are you right now?”   "Well, if there's one thing I have an abundance of, Rue, it's time," he says, grinning, "It's... Well, embarrassing as it is to admit how long it took me to get back here, I've just passed fifteen-hundred years."   Rue lets out a low whistle at the number, “Just passed, eh?” They say calmly, “And how long has it been for you since our hypothetical conversation at the holding facilities?”   "About sixty years," he says, grimacing slightly as he admits how long it'd been, "You have no idea how fast that feels when you get to my age."   “I can only imagine,” Rue chuckles before gesturing for the Chronaturge to take a seat beside them. “So what made it possible for you to visit sixty years later? What changed?”   "I just... needed to be sure it was the right choice," he says, and Rue can't help but notice a certain fondness in his tone that hadn't been there in the version they'd known, "I hope you don't hold it against me if I leave it at that. Y'know... Spoilers and all that."   “Of course.” They say, dropping the subject after adding “like I said, though, I appreciate you taking the time,” There is a moment of silence between them during which Rue’s demeanour starts to shift, some of their usual nervousness becoming more apparent as they once again find themself searching for the right words, “I take it you have at least some idea as to why I wanted to talk with you?” Rue asks, carefully observing his expression.   "This about the Archdemon?" he asks, bluntly, "She's quite the thorn in your side at this point, isn't she?"   “Yeah, she really is,” Rue admits, somewhat appreciative of his directness, “We’re working on a way to bring her down and bring Harmony back, and frankly we could use all the help we can get with it,” Their shoulders and back straighten a little as they lock eyes with the man besides them, “So really, I have three things to ask you… First of all, could you help to defeat Zaebos?”   He thinks for a moment, leaning against one of the nearby railcars as his mind wanders, "I suppose I could, yes. But I hope you realise that I couldn't face her directly. I'm not immune to her corruptive influence, and if she gets access to the magic at my disposal, she could go back to the dawn of time and..." he shudders at the thought.   “Yeah… wouldn’t want that.” Rue pulls a face before shaking it off. “Alright then, question number two: would you help us defeat her?”   "Well, I must admit that I have no love for Zaebos or her demonic ilk," he says, turning his face away from Rue and looking to the floor, "You know, over the last sixty years, I've been watching you, Rue. What kind of person you turn into. Trying to work out whether you even deserve my help..."   “I see…” They say, pursing their lips in thought. “Well, I obviously don’t know how I’ll turn out, because ‘spoilers’… I don’t know if you think I deserve it, right now or in sixty years time… but what about Harmony?” They hesitate for a second before adding “What about her family? Would you help them?”   He looks up from his thought, his hands raising in a placating act of surrender and, as their eyes meet once more he speaks, "I'll help you, Rue."   “Thank you,” Rue responds, smiling warmly as their shoulders sag in relief, “Now, question number three may be a bit of a stretch, but I have to ask… in the fifteen hundred or so years that you’ve been around, have you ever come across another version of yourself? One that wasn’t a different age, per se…”   "Another version?" he asks, raising a brow, "What do you mean? Evil duplicates? Doppelgangers? Clones? It's a weird world out there, Rue. But of course, you know that. So I'm curious, what is it you've seen?"   “Can I take that as a ‘no’, then?” Rue says vaguely. “I’m not sure I can tell you, but I had to ask.”   "Are you seriously going to leave me in suspense, Rue?" he asks, deadpanning, "Even while asking for my help?"   “Uhh you’ll find out when you’re older? Maybe?” Rue shrugs innocently, “You’re the one who doesn’t do spoilers.”   "You can't use that against me!" he says, stifling a chuckle as he stands up straight, trying to seem impressive once again, "Time-traveller privilege."   “You have your secrets, I have mine.” They say nonchalantly, clearly unfazed by the man looming over them. “I’ve got to say, it’s nice to know there are things even you don’t know about this weird world we live in… yet, anyway.”   "Alright, Fine," he says, rolling his eyes, "Now, did you have any more questions, or shall I just get on with it?"   ''No further questions, for now...'' Rue grins, hopping up from their seat and stretching their arms above their head. ''Have I said 'thank you' yet?''   "Maybe wait until after I do something for you, eh?" he says, smiling as he takes his sceptre in hand and begins twirling a blue sigil into the air, "Now, are you ready to see something cool?"   ''I just meant thank you for agreeing to help, but sure,'' They chuckle, their curiosity piqued by the blue sigil. ''I'm ready to see something cool.''   "Alright then. Now after this, don't say I never did anything for you," he says as the sigil begins to glow and reform in mid-air, forming into a clock face as the sceptre begins to float in place below it.   The hairs on Rue's arms begin to stand on end as the air around them crackles with arcane energy and the Chronaturge's hands begin to weave signs towards the clock. In response, the hands of the clock begin to move, seeming to struggle as they fight to both stay still and move forward at the same time. The wizard's hands seem to grip the air before them as he pulls in both directions, grunting as the effort seems to place some significant strain on him.   The outline of the clockface begins to shudder as it seems to be fighting against the wizard, but Rue quickly sees that the Chronaturge's fearsome reputation is nothing to scoff at as, defying all logic and reason, the clock splits in two, with one beginning to tick and the other remaining in place. More notably however, Rue notices that the sceptre has also been duplicated, with the Chronaturge reaching out and grasping both by the handles and feels the surge of incredible power.   "Here," he says, grinning at Rue's dumbfounded expression as he takes the sceptre with the ticking clock and holds it out to them, "It'll take some time to get used to, and it's not forever. But I think you'll find it incredibly useful."   Rue stares at the sceptre in awe, hesitating for a moment before taking the proffered item. They feel the weight of it in their hands, can feel the power coursing through it, and they can't help but feel a little excited.   ''Yeah, okay,'' Rue says, ''That's pretty cool.''   Looking back at the Chronaturge, they only half joke as they ask ''I don't suppose it comes with an instruction manual?''   "Glad you approve," he says, clearly feeling pretty proud of himself before chuckling at their question, "What? Not familiar with powerful magical artefacts? Who'd have thought. I'll write you up some notes, and leave them..." he trails off slightly, holding out his hand as a small rift opens in reality and a bundle of scribbled notes stapled together falls through, into his waiting palm, "Here."   He offers Rue the papers, his self-satisfied smirk not leaving his face for a moment, "Now, be careful with that thing. It's not a toy, and if you break it you could open up a rift in spacetime."   Rue takes the papers with a lighthearted mutter of “show off…”, flicking through the pages before slipping them into their pocket.   “I promise I’ll be careful with it, thanks.”   He shrugs in response to their comment and grins, "You'd better. I don't want to hear you've ended up handing it off to some shady guy in the Railyard for some magic beans."   “I’ll be sure to resist the temptation to do so.” Rue snickers, “So how do I give it back to you afterwards?”   He points at the ticking clock atop the sceptre, "You won't have to. I've set a timer for it to dissipate once you're finished with it."   “Huh.” Rue says, perplexed, “That’s handy, kind of wish my library books had that.”   He smiles as he watches the hero getting used to the weight of the sceptre in their hands, "Well, I suppose the last thing I've got to say is good luck. Give her a kick from me, won't you?"   “A kick? Is that all?” They quip, though there’s a determination in their eyes that speaks volumes, “I’ll be sure to kick her hard enough that she’ll feel it for the next fifteen hundred years or so.”   "Sounds good to me," he says as he prepares to depart, waving his sceptre in the air, "So long, Rue." And with that, he's gone, leaving Rue alone.   “So long…” They say into the air that’s still crackling with magic. Taking the instructions and their notebook out of their pocket, Rue somewhat reluctantly takes off their hoodie, shuddering against the cold of the night. They carefully wrap it around the sceptre before taking all the items in hand and leaving the Railyard.   Arriving back at Rachel’s apartment, Rue quietly opens the door, listening out for the soft snoring coming from inside. Settling onto the sofa after putting on another hoodie (a dark blue one which has a few loose threads around the hemline and probably will need replacing soon, but Rue can’t quite bring themself to part with yet), they start reading through the instructions, carefully memorising each word to heart before they even start thinking about doing any kind of practice with the actual artefact.   They open up the first page and chuckle to themself, "Thank you for your purchase of a Chronaturge brand time scepter..."