Rawulf Character in Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


One of the members of the Mediators for Peace. He felt the sudden silence and then different tone of their patron Lightbringer was concerning. After the group was being chastized for requiring direct intervention, he followed a disturbance he felt was responsible for the change. He followed Erem Scathac and Shadow Reapers through a shadow portal without a second thought. First throwing accusations then becoming concerned on the impact of such a travel might have on him. At that time he showed no aparent signs of change. He agreed with Erem to propose his plan to the group how to bring about peace for the island. The plan was with their help either in defense or as distract of the group the mediators could convince Axel to peace talks and should that fail use psionics to make the talks occur. He listened in as the group discussed their options and plans.      He remained outside the Vault while the group ran their trials. Upon their return the vault was being assaulted by raiders he was given the choice to leave with the group or stay and fight. Under the idea he could do more good if he followed he joined them and their return to earth. What impact this new world will have and of what contributions he can provide, only time will tell.


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