Maria Stark Character in BIT World | World Anvil
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Maria Stark

Maria Stark- Carbonelli

Winter Soldier's Assassination On Dec 16th, 1991, Maria and Howard are driving in a car to the airfield when the The Winter Soldier attempts to steal their cargo and kill them. In the original Timeline, he succeeds. In this timeline, Tony Stark accompanies them and prevents WS from accomplishing his goals. Howard Stark doesn't survive.   Maria remembers most of the fight between Tony and James before Tony used the words to control James. THen James placed both mother and son a safe distance before destroying the car and all evidence of his presence. Maria asked if Tony was okay, and James placed her hand around Tony's wrist she could feel Tony's pulse. Tony confessed later that he'd known about the assassination order, but not who ordered it. Maria had a hard time with James for a while afterwards, James going so far to avoid her and Tony on the anniversary of Howard's death.   Maria stepped into the role of mother to Stark Industries's CEO admirably. While Tony was traveling and gathering contacts, Maria was molding the company to accept her son and his new direction upon his return. Once he returned, she stepped back, thoroughly exhausted. She was present to welcome Ivan Vanko and took on his integration to the US as her project as she tries to navigate her time and age with activities she wishes to do.   She is also very close to Nana Rhodes and has tea with several of the ladies periodically.   She loves JARVIS Jr and DUM-E as her own grandchildren and tries to help them experience having grandparents as best she can. She also has taken Matt Murdock under her wing. He calls her Nonna and she teaches him piano. Classical music is something Matt, Pepper Murdock and Maria share

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

SHe is older, well refined lady with a backbone and a head for business

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to an Italian Family, Maria Carbonelli met Howard Stark abroad. His technology playfulness and her quick wit and gentle patience swept them together. They married in 1957 when she was 25 and he was 40. She had a miscarriage during the Vietnam War.  They had a son, Tony Stark on May 30th, 1970. Maria Loves both stubborn men in her life.


Maria Stark

Wife (Vital)

Towards Howard Stark



Howard Stark

Husband (Vital)

Towards Maria Stark




Proposed with a mechanical Flower.  It was supposed to present the Ring to her, but it threw it at her instead.  They both laughed and she loved him

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both loved their son Humanitarian

Shared Acquaintances

Ana Jarvis Edwin Jarvis Obadiah Stane

Legal Status


Maria Stark

Mother (Vital)

Towards Tony Stark



Tony Stark

Son (Vital)

Towards Maria Stark




Tried to Balance her love of her husband and son.  Both men were very stubborn.

Commonalities & Shared Interests


Shared Acquaintances

Ana Jarvis Edwin Jarvis Obadiah Stane Howard Stark

Year of Birth
1932 63 Years old
Howard Stark (Husband)
Current Residence
Stark Manor
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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