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Heaven's Peak

Heaven's Peak is an extremely tall mountain range. On the top of the highest peak the kitsune's civilization hides. The nation is known for being incredibly secluded, and having a strong connection with the divine. Other than that not much is known about the tribe, at least externally. The people are known to be deeply superstitious; and highly religious to their goddess, Aminari.


Near the base or lower parts of the Heaven's Peak chains are nomads, or small civilizations that are entirely self reliant. However, the true marvel of Heaven's Peak begins at it's apex, with the city of Heaven's Door. Heaven's Door is almost entirely, if not entirely Kitsune. Many Kitsune are accomplished hunters, shrine priests, or both. 'Classes' aren't present, but there is a social hierarchy with the eldest being at the top.


The village, Heaven's Door, is ruled by a council of elders, who are all the remaining Kitsune from the battle of the demons, some of which have ascended into a celestial spirit, but still remain on the council. The high priest is the avatar Aminari, and serves as a member of the council of elders, as well as a cultural symbol. Although she has ultimate power, she chooses to let the kitsune rule as they wish for the most part.


Hardly any, however they did invent the Tori gate, a gate that is said to be the gateway to heaven.


The founding of Heaven's Door was an illustrious affair. After a long battle between an awakened Demon Nayuta in their ancestral homeland, The Fox-folk aided Aminari in sealing the demon inside of the mountain which became Heaven’s peak, with the ruined land surrounding the mountain gradually morphing into the mountain range surrounding Heaven’s peak. As repayment for their aid in defeating the demon, and in return for their ruined homeland, Aminari created the sub-space that the Kitsune villagers live in as a way to communicate with the gods, and their ascended comrades for all eternity. The founding has dictated the lives of all of the Kitsune after that, giving them extremely long lives, a strong celestial connection, and entrusting them to guard the gate to the heavens.


Most buildings in this region are made using what is known as "shoin-zukuri" architecture, or Feudal japanese architecture. The buildings tend to be more colorness towards the base, but in Heaven's Door buildings are gold leafed, or brightly colored.


Heaven's Peak is a series of massive mountains, with mostly nothing on them.


The mountains tend to be cold, and dry places, allowing for edible fauna to not grow very well.

Natural Resources

Heaven's Peak is mostly untamed, as such there is a lot of land, lumber, as well as the possibility of mining.
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