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The Land of Awalo

The Land of Awalo is a sandy desert nation themed around ancient Egypt. The people of Awalo see themselves as the "natives" of Cavas, as they were the first full nation to appear there. They feel as though they should own the entire landmass. The people of this land are fairly spiritual, believing in the spirits of all things, and tend to be very resourceful, using every piece of what little resources they have.  


Currency in Awalo is determined with precious metals, by type and weight. The amount that each metal or gem is worth are standardized by the Awalan government. Coins from the Land of Initia and the Paddel Dynasty are accepted in Awalo as well.  

Sexuality and Gender

All people are respected with their own gender or sexual orientation, and in Awalo specifically these things are considered to be free flowing. However, only women can rule as the Sun Queen, as they are meant to be an extension of Sunathe, and must reflect her gender identity.  


Speciesism is relatively non-existant in the general populace of Awalo.


People in Awalo have a strong sense of Nationalism, as they claim to be the first Cavasian nation. They are extremely exclusive with her citizenship, and tend to look down on other nations.

People's Feelings

The People's Nation of the Lost

People in Awalo feel that the Nation of the Lost is a poor nation, with no national identity. Most of them are disgraced by sharing a border with the Lost.

Crown's Empire

People in Awalo feel that the Empire is "taking their land" as Awalan people feel like they are owed all of Cavas.


People in Awalo are terrified, and feel extreme anger towards Daehurst, through centuries of propaganda and war.


People in Awalo speak Cavasian, with the Awalan dialect. This dialect doesn't change the language much, as Cavasian is based on the grammatical structure of Old Awalan.
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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