Hest Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Hest is a human sorcerer from Udarich. Born with the cursed gift of Wild Magic, she was raised as an acolyte in the Six Tenant Temple in the Sintar Farm Tribelands.


Hest is still trying to figure out who she is. Life in the monastery has left her very trusting of others to the point of gullibility. She has inherited her mentor's perspective that magic is neither good nor evil. She fears that she will not live up to Ravenna's expectations. To make up for this, Hest tries to project confidence she doesn't necessarily have in the hopes that others will believe it. In truth, she is still very naive and feels she has a lot to learn about the world.



Hest was born in the year 3183. When she was 10, she was involved in a magical accident that released Wild Magic. Her parents, fearing for her life, took her to the Six Tenant Monastery to hide her Wild Magic. The leader of the Wind God's Sect, a dwarf wizard named Ravenna, took Hest under her wing.

Campaign Era

11 years after joining the monastery, Hest was attempting to master magic that Ravenna warned was beyond her current ability. Hest, unable to control the magic, was unprepared when she unleashed a Wild Magic Surge. The magic ripped the older woman's soul from her body and bound it to Hest's necklace. The other monastery leaders banished Hest from the temple, stating she could only return if she figured out a way of returning Ravenna's spirit to her body. Hest heard that King Hespiro of the Rusha Kingdom was gathering territory leaders on a flying ship called the Raziel. Believing they would know what to do, Hest traveled to the Varda Shiphaven to meet with them. She found herself mistaken for one of the cooking crew and was onboard the ship when it took off.   Confused by her situation, Hest had her amulet stolen by Bigwig and Petrichor. She was thrown together with them and Larka when the ship was sabotaged, later escaping in King Hespiro's escape pod. Petrichor gave the amulet back after landing. The next day, Hest explored a mysterious underground cavern having never experienced a cave before and was burned like her fellow adventurers by a salamander. After exploring the cave, Hest and her friends found themselves in Popoki Village. They were put up for the night in the local inn by the village leader. Before Hest fell asleep, screams from outside revealed undead skeletons marching on the town. Hest was knocked unconcsious in the battle. The next day, she joined the rest of the party in following Zinnia's Platoon to the Raziel crash site.   When the group was ambushed, Hest stayed behind to help care for Sera and Felgo. She was too worried to stay behind, though, and eventually joined her friends at the necromancer's mansion. While exploring the mansion, Hest helped fight several zombies and freed Zinnia and Kilgrid. Hest's Wild Magic surges were becoming more frequent, prompting Ravenna to use some of her magic to help Hest keep control. The party soon came upon the Raziel crash site where they found no survivors and decided to join Zinnia and her group on their return to Ghispar. One night on the journey, Hest was on watch when an air genasi named Oten appeared in their camp. He revealed to Hest that he had watched over her since childhood per her parents' wish. Oten offered to help Hest restore Ravenna and control her Wild Magic on the condition that she travel north to locate his lost tome, to which she agreed even though she was disturbed by him.   Hest arrived with the rest of the party in Ghispar and accepted a job from Catchief Urthpaw to further investigate the Necromancer. While in Ghispar, the party met Amroth again, this time being harrased by cultists]. Hest learned that he had a similar problem to her. His wife, frozen in the moment before her death, was trapped in his necklace and he was journeying Udarich to find a way to free and save her. He seemed to think Hest would already have a solution and was dejected when she said she did not.
  Gender: Female   Species: Human   Class: Wild Magic Sorcerer   Age: 21   Favored Weapon:


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