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1st Sector

The First Sector or Core as it is commonly called, is the oldest Sector within the Empire. The Core is made up of Earth and the first colonies of Humanity. The worlds within the Core are old, and hold many of the largest population centers within the Galaxy. Often seen as the home or heartlands of Humanity the Core has known prosperity for many millennia, as the new colonies brought new resources into the Empire. Staunch supporters of the Empire, and with a long history of service the First Sector is the seat of both political and military power for the Empire.

Seated on Earth, in the city of Seattle is the Capital City of the Empire. Home to many of the most important buildings and organizations in the Imperial Government. The Council Chambers, Imperial Palace, Honorguard Hall, and The Great Archives are all located within the city making it a corner stone of the cultural, political, and military identity of the Empire. The long history forged from the initial of the Sol System set the ground work for Imperial Colonization of the larger galaxy, and shaping the peoples focus on expansion. Built on the outer edges of the Sol System is the greatest of their Stations, Station Alpha. Serving as the hub of the empire spanning communication network, and the seat of the Naval High Command, Station Alpha is recognized as one of the most valuable locations in the Empire.

Alternative Name(s)
Galactic Sector
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