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Armand Wolf

Colonel Armand Wolf (a.k.a. Wolf)

Armand Wolf was a skilled and loyal officer with the Imperial Legion. With a long service record in Command of the First Regiment, Wolf had always maintained himself to the highest of standards. Recognized for both his loyalty to the Empire he served, and the Knights under his command Armand was held in the highest of esteem.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Born on Earth to a wealthy family in Kiev. His Father Andrik Wolf pushed him towards military service. Teaching Armand from an early age the skills and tools of war. With the clear focus pressed upon him, Armand quickly took to this role, excelling in the face of all adversity. With his reputation for excellence he was accepted early into military school. It was here he found his first challenge, younger, smaller, and less experienced than the other cadets Wolf was met with a great deal of failure in his first year. These failures forged his strong will into an indomitable spirit, and made him the man he would be come.

Early Career

Having completed officer training before he was eligible for service Wolf joined the Legion as a Lieutenant in the First Battalion. As a Lieutenant Wolf's first few years were uneventful.....

Battle of Persephone

When the 1st Fleet Corps and 1st Legion were sent to Persephone Wolf was to lead the First Battalion during the opening of the Capital Offensive. The plan was simple, the First Battalion would make the initial landfall and with rapid deployment seize the Capital City hopefully throwing the Separatist leaders off balance. When the last of the anti-aircraft guns in the city were taken out by the ASRO teams on the ground, Wolf and the rest of the First Battalion down in a massive wave of dropships. His landing craft, as well as the rest of the battalion were taken down, when the Separatists set off an EMP within the city. The EMP disabling the electronics, and control surfaces within the dropships, the whole Battalion plummeted to the city below. Surviving the crash with only minor injuries Wolf and the other survivors of his dropship quickly found themselves under attack. While holding back the first wave, they quickly found themselves out numbered and surrounded. Before long a strike team led by Jacob Reynolds arrived at the crash site, driving back the pressing Separatists. Forming up with Reynolds, Wolf followed his lead as they worked their way through the city looking for Commander Shepard crash site. After fighting their way to Commander Shepard, Wolf and Reynolds reinforced his position holding firm against the mounting Separatist assault. Fighting side by side with Reynolds, and Cameron Vec they held strong as the main Imperial line faltered. Along with Reynolds he helped rally the battered Knights for a final counter attack. Inspired by the valor of their officers the Knights rallied long enough to hold back the Separatists until reinforcements from the 2nd and 3rd Battalions could arrive.

After the battle Wolf was commended for his Valor, and decisive actions by Commander Shepard. Receiving a promotion to Colonel, he took the place of the late Colonel Samuelson for Command of the First Regiment. With his former position vacant, Wolf lobbied heavily for Lieutenant Jacob Reynolds to be promoted to Commander of the First Battalion. As the First Battalion was so heavily depleted by the fighting they were rotated back to the First Sector to be refit, while Wolf stayed in the field to Command the 2nd and 3rd Battalions.



Has a subtle Eastern European Accent.


Armand Wolf

Captain (Important)

Towards Lance Shepard



Lance Shepard

Commander (Important)

Towards Armand Wolf




Having served as the Personal Captain to the Emperor for many years, Wolf and Shepard have come to have a very close and direct relationship with one another. Bordering on friendship, their working relationship has always been one of extreme respect, and faithful service to one another.

Armand Wolf

Commander (Important)

Towards Jacob Reynolds



Jacob Reynolds

Subordinate (Important)

Towards Armand Wolf



Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Kiev, Ukraine, Earth
Aligned Organization


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