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Battle of Persephone

The first major battle in centuries, the Battle of Persephone was the first armed conflict between Separatist Forces and the Imperial Military. After Separatist Forces took up arms against Imperial Personnel on Persephone, High Commander Lance Shepard ordered the largest deployment since the battle of Auertarus Prime. Deploying an entire Fleet Corps and its accompanying Legion Corps, Shepard led the Assault.

The Conflict


After months of growing protests, a large protest devolved into a riot. During the chaos Separatist radicals picked engagement with local security forces leading to the deaths of several protesters and security officers alike. Like fuel to a fire this incident erupted in a violent furry, Separatist militants had secretly planned to take action here and used the incident as a catalyst. Garrison Forces from across Persephone were called out to restore order but quickly found themselves out numbered, and Imperial contact with the planet was lost shortly there after.


Arrival to Persephone

Upon arrival to the system the First Fleet Corps under the direct command of Lance Shepard found a small fleet of a dozen retrofit civilian freighters holding position above the Capital City. The civilian vessels had been outfitted with weapons, and had been enough to hold the Persephone Defense Fleet at bay. Shepard engaged the few vessels with his fleet, wiping out the entire Separatist Fleet without any return fire. With the lane to the Capital now clear Shepard ordered the Legions to deploy.

Landing on the Capital Offensive

The 1st Battalion was tasked with securing a Landing Zone for the main invasion force. Following normal operating tactics the ASRO of 1st Company were to make initial land fall. Under Command of Lieutenant Jacob Reynolds 1st Platoon (49 ASRO) made land fall to take out the only surviving anti-aircraft gun in the Capital. Facing a larger than expected force of Separatists Reynolds was forced to recklessly advance on the AA Gun before his platoon was able to be pinned down. After fierce fighting on the approach to the AA Gun Reynolds team was successful in neutralizing the gun.


-Occupation of Persephone

-Rising tensions in the Outer Rim


Rise of the Separatist Party and formation of the Separatist Alliance.

Historical Significance


Garnered fame and reputation of the 1st Battalion as Shepard's Lancers, and secured Jacob Reynolds reputation as the hero of the Empire.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Year 7242
Conflict Result
The Imperial Forces reclaimed Persephone.




1st Fleet Corps (410 Warships)

1st Legion Group (110,817 Knights)



~700 Knights


Restoring order to the planet Persephone by driving out the Separatist Militants.
To hold the Planet, forcing the Empire to recognize Persephone's independence.


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