Batiys Pass Geographic Location in Deabros | World Anvil

Batiys Pass

The Batiys Pass, a once open and traversable route between the rugged expanse of the Storm Grasslands and the verdant realms of Eandor, stands as a monumental testament to the tides of war and the shifting alliances that shape the world of Deabros. Historically, this pass served as a vital link for trade and travel between diverse cultures and lands, fostering connections and exchanges that enriched the tapestry of the continent.   In the year 475, the serenity of this passage was shattered when the Ukavrike Horde, a formidable force of unity and vengeance under the banner of the Avenging Warlord, Dhogim Warsinger, poured through the Batiys Pass in a devastating invasion aimed at the heartlands of Eandor, the mystical Fey territories, and the stalwart dwarven lands of Dokan. This strategic maneuver ignited the fires of conflict, drawing lines that would redefine the balance of power across the region.   The turning point in this bloody chapter came when Thubbo the Great, son of the Avenging Warlord, aligned with the legendary heroes known as the Thalantir. Together, they not only quelled the tide of invasion but also struck a decisive blow by slaying the Warlord himself. In the aftermath, to prevent future incursions and to seal the fate of the Ukavrike's ambitions, the Ranaak Alliance, forebears of the nascent nation of Ranaak, orchestrated a catastrophic cave-in, effectively closing the Batiys Pass to any large-scale movement.   Today, the Batiys Pass stands as a somber reminder of the past, its once-busy trails silenced and its gateways barred by the rubble of the deliberate collapse. Though whispers abound of hidden paths and narrow ways through the debris, allowing the daring or desperate to traverse the pass, such journeys are fraught with peril. The military presence of Ranaak at the sealed entrance serves as a stern warning to any who would seek to reopen old wounds or challenge the peace that has been hard-won in the shadow of the Pass's towering cliffs.   The Batiys Pass, now a symbol of division and the cost of war, remains a poignant chapter in the ongoing saga of Deabros, a physical and metaphorical divide between what was and what has come to be in the ever-evolving narrative of the continent.
Alternative Name(s)
Closed Path of Ranaak Betrayal
Mountain Pass
Location under
Owning Organization
Deabros Map in 691


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