Eandor Geographic Location in Deabros | World Anvil


The land where most of the created races began. Everything south of the Braella Mountains, the Westedge Range, and the Yva'Illin Mountains, and everything west of the Aysus Mountains. Eandor hosts the Fae'sinya, the Dawnwood, the Divine Forest, and Aspen Hills. It is home to the Dokan, Zornik, Kalashtar, Lenosites, Vesynites, Fairies, Eladrin, and the Gnomes.


Eandor is bordered along its north by a stretch of mountain ranges. From the west to the east, those ranges and the known passes between them are: Yva'Illin Mountains, the Batiys Pass, the Westedge Range, the North Daal Pass, the vast expanse of Braella Mountains' highest peaks. Eandor's east is bordered by another stretch of mountains, from north to south as follows: the Braella Mountains, the Dwjord Vlin Pass, and the majestic Aysus Mountains. Further south beyond the Aysus Mountains, the rest of Eandor's edge is defined by the Eastern Wilds. Eandor's western edge meets up with the Tellera Gulf and the Sea of Fae. To Eandor's south, the Sea of Daylee, the Zaradni Coast, the Shadow Sea, and the Keltia Gulf are at its border.

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