Kezias Lightbringer Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Kezias Lightbringer

Kezias Culadson Lightbringer (a.k.a. Kaz)

Born into a lineage steeped in Lenosite devotion, Kezias Lightbringer's path seemed preordained by the traditions and expectations of his faith. His early life was shaped within the solemn confines of the temple, under the tutelage of High Priest Ezra and the watchful eye of Master Cleric Hedezzenar. It was a life of strict discipline, liturgical chants, and an unyielding dedication to the teachings of Lonysus. Yet, beneath the surface of this devout acolyte, a tempest of emotions brewed, a storm that Master Hedezzenar sought to channel into a force for protection and righteousness.   The pivotal moment of Kezias's life came when he was chosen for an experimental paladin program, a path diverging sharply from that of a cleric. This decision marked the beginning of his transformation from a passive observer of faith to an active guardian of its principles. Training under Hedezzenar's exacting standards, Kezias's natural prowess and latent fury were honed into weapons of divine justice. His bond with Grace, a young cleric, deepened his resolve and connected him to a cause greater than himself. Their union, both spiritual and personal, became the bedrock of his existence, yielding a son, Graham, and a love that transcended the bounds of their duties.   Tragedy struck with Grace's untimely death, plunging Kezias into a maelstrom of grief. Yet, from the depths of despair, he found renewed purpose. His plea for reassignment was granted, and he returned to the field with a heart heavy with loss but fueled by the memory of Grace. Despite the experimental program being deemed a failure, Kezias's resolve never wavered. He emerged as a stalwart defender of those in need, his life a testament to the enduring power of love and duty.   Kezias's journey led him to the Thalantir, a group of heroes with whom he shared a brief but impactful chapter of his life. Together, they faced myriad threats, from orc raids on Auris to the malevolent Wurvblight curse. However, their greatest challenge came with the Siege of Lucis. In these harrowing moments, Kezias's strength and leadership shone brightest. He helped his son, Graham, escape to seek the remaining Thalantir, ensuring the continuation of their legacy.   In the end, Kezias faced his destiny in Lucis, standing firm against overwhelming odds. Alongside Zachariah Valo, he fought valiantly to protect his home and the ideals he cherished. His final stand, a poignant echo of his life's journey, was a sacrifice for the futureā€”a future he entrusted to Graham and the Thalantir. Kezias Lightbringer, once a child of the temple, ended his days as a beacon of hope, his legacy immortalized not just in memory but in the spirit of those who continue to fight for a world of peace and justice.


Kezias Lightbringer

widower (Vital)

Towards Grace Lightbringer



Grace Lightbringer

spouse (dead) (Vital)

Towards Kezias Lightbringer



Kezias, a product of rigid temple teachings, bears the weight of his parents' devout hopes and the scars of an unquenchable anger. Transformed under the mentorship of Master Cleric Hedezzenar, he has emerged as a determined paladin, wielding his emotional

Character Location
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441 PL 475 PL 34 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died during the Siege of Lucis.
Place of Death
Grace Lightbringer (spouse (dead))
Current Residence
Light blue
Blond, medium length, wavy, pulled back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
238 lbs
Aligned Organization


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