Auris Settlement in Deabros | World Anvil


Auris, once nestled along the banks of the Unity River, was a town born from the unity of exiled Vesynites and Lenosites. This community of outcasts came together to form a haven amidst the untamed wilderness. Surrounded by the sprawling Dawnwood to the west and northwest, and the mysterious Duskwood to the south, east, and northeast, Auris stood as a beacon of resilience and hope.   Despite its humble beginnings, Auris grew slowly but steadily. The town served as a gathering place for those seeking solace and a fresh start. Its peaceful atmosphere was occasionally enlivened by the arrival of the Enchanted Caravan, a magical and mysterious group of traveling performers. When the Caravan visited Auris, the town came alive with vibrant colors, enchanting melodies, and captivating performances that ignited the imaginations of both residents and visitors. The Caravan's presence added an air of excitement and wonder to the already thriving community.   Auris's location along well-traveled paths further enhanced its connections with the outside world. One path wound south and then west, skirting the edge of the Dawnwood, leading travelers to Friendship Woods in the distant west. Another path extended north, hugging the eastern coast of the Great Lake, crossing a bridge over the Hukdrin River, and meandering through the picturesque Aspen Hills and the Dokan Lands, before finally reaching the city of Rikgrasz.   In early April 475, Auris was responsible for organizing the Enclave of Deabros and forming the "Volunteers of Auris," who would eventually be known as the Thalantir for their heroic deeds. However, on 19 April 475, Auris became the site of the Genocide of Auris. There, Hedezzenar, the dictator of the Lenosites and commander of the Crusaders of Lonysus, marched on the largely undefended city and conquered it. He ordered his troops to purge any non-Lenosites and to take down all idols and symbols of gods other than Lonysus. He purged the city, known for its diversity of cultures and people, of anything "other than."   After the fall of Lucis, Hedezzenar made Auris the new capital of the Lenosites and robbed it of its brilliance. The transformation marked a dark chapter in the town's history, stripping Auris of the diversity and vibrancy that defined it. The unity forged by the exiles from Vesyna and Lenosia, once strong, was shattered by Hedezzenar's ruthless campaign.   In summary, Auris was a flourishing town situated along the Unity River, serving as a refuge for exiled Vesynites and Lenosites. Surrounded by the untamed beauty of the Dawnwood and the enigmatic Duskwood, Auris stood as a symbol of unity and resilience until its tragic fall. The enchanting visits from the Enchanted Caravan brought an extra touch of magic and excitement to the town, complementing its thriving community and connections with the outside world, until the Genocide of Auris irrevocably changed its fate.  


Primarily inhabited by Kalashtar (mixed, Vesynites, Lenosites). Some Fey and Dwarves have also settled here, though they are far fewer in number.


Headed by an elected official. A small council of advisors is selected by the leader once elected.

Industry & Trade

Lumber and Woodworking: With abundant forests in the Dawnwood and Duskwood, lumber and woodworking remain essential industries for construction, tools, and basic craftsmanship. Agriculture: The fertile land along the Unity River still supports farming, cultivating various crops to feed the city's inhabitants and for trade with neighboring settlements.   Fishing: As mentioned earlier, the Unity River provides a significant source of food through fishing, supporting a thriving fishing industry.   Trade and Commerce: Located along a river, Auris could remain a trade hub for the region, serving as a central marketplace for goods produced by local artisans and craftsmen.   Craftsmanship: Without bards, artisans might use alternative forms of entertainment such as storytelling, visual arts, and theater. Craftsmanship could extend to creating artistic works like sculptures and paintings.   River Transport: The Unity River would continue to be used for transporting goods, so boatmen, port workers, and shipbuilders would still be crucial to this industry.   Mystical Studies: Auris is known as a hub for mystical studies, where patrons may seek to hone their natural magical gifts. Additionally, a great deal of study goes into the prophesies of nightmares and dreams in Auris.

Guilds and Factions

Unity Accord
The political faction whose leader is the currently elected leader of Auris. The Unity Accord believes prophesies may only be truly understood by interpreting both dreams and nightmares.  
Faithbreaker Circle
A rival political faction that believes Kalashtar, Vesynite, and Lenosite strife is deeply rooted in prophetic interpretations of dreams and nightmares. Doctrinely, the Faithbreakers do not break from the Lonysus and Vesyna faiths, but do insist that dreams and nightmares are nothing more than the imaginings of one's mind.  
Twilight Faith
A religious sect that unites the teachings of Vesyna and Lonysus.  
The Riverwardens, a private organization, has made it their responsibility to ensure the safety and flow of commerce along the Unity River. They build, maintain, and repair boats, handle cargo loading and unloading, and offer protection against river threats.  
Comprising scholars, seers, and mystics, this faction is dedicated to studying dreams, nightmares, and prophecies. For a price, they offer guidance to individuals who seek to interpret their dreams and believe that the river holds the key to understanding the future.  
Harvesters Society
A collective of farmers and agricultural experts who work the fertile lands around Auris, providing the city with food. They are responsible for crop cultivation, livestock raising, and ensuring a steady food supply.  
Artisans' Alliance
This faction represents craftsmen and artisans in Auris who specialize in woodworking, sculpture, painting, and other forms of artistic expression. They organize exhibitions and cultural events to showcase their creations.  
Trade Consortium
A group of merchants and traders who facilitate commerce in Auris. They oversee marketplaces, trade routes, and negotiations with other settlements to ensure a steady flow of goods in and out of the city. Led by a dwarven immigrant.  
Sanctum Sorcery
An organization that houses young sorcerers in training. Originally established to provide a safe place for the naturally-gifted youth, the Sanctum has since evolved into a fully-fledged educational academy that instructs its sorceror students in magic and other topics of the world.  

Natural Resources

Auris has access to a great deal of lumber, flora, and fauna from the Dawnwood and Duskwood and fertile lands and fish from the Unity River.

21 April 475

Founding Date
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Old Deabros Regional Map (475)


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