Nix Character in Deabros | World Anvil



Nix, a spirited gnome cleric of just twenty years, carries herself with an air of youthful curiosity. Her short brown hair, bright green eyes, and lean, athletic physique might initially deceive observers, who often underestimate her physical capabilities. A natural-born leader, Nix's greatest strength lies in her ability to rally groups into action, although she finds reaching high objects to be a persistent challenge. Beneath her colorful, practical battle attire lies a deeply compassionate soul, ever eager to make friends and often seen as harmless. She hails from a family of entertainers but found her true calling when a life-changing event transformed her into a guardian of the helpless. Now, she dedicates herself to Daylee, the god of emotions, and stands ready to protect the innocent with her mace whenever danger arises on her adventures.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nix possesses a lean yet athletic physique, a testament to her active lifestyle and rigorous training as a cleric and entertainer. Her short brown hair and vibrant green eyes give her a lively appearance, while her colorful attire, though functional for battle, reflects her cheerful personality. While she may appear physically unassuming to some, others tend to underestimate her capabilities, a misjudgment she often uses to her advantage.

Apparel & Accessories

Nix's clothing style is both colorful and practical, designed to allow freedom of movement in battle while maintaining an entertaining and vibrant appearance. She favors attire that blends functionality with her cheerful personality, often opting for outfits that incorporate bright colors and intricate designs. Her clothing is well-suited for her dual role as a cleric and entertainer, reflecting her commitment to both her faith and her craft.

Mental characteristics




Nix's journey to becoming a cleric was an unexpected transformation. Initially an entertainer in a traveling caravan, her life took a profound turn during an eventful visit to a remote mountain village. When marauders threatened the villagers, Nix felt a divine calling to protect them. She swiftly transitioned from an entertainer to a gnome war cleric, rallying her troupe and fighting off the menace. This transformative experience set her on a new path, and she now travels with her companions, using her clerical powers to defend the helpless whenever danger looms.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Quick-witted
  • Resourceful
  • Intuitive
  • Empathetic
  • Strategic Thinker
  • Religious Devotion to Daylee
  • Problem-Solver

Morality & Philosophy

Nix's morality revolves around protecting the vulnerable and upholding the principles of empathy, compassion, and harmony. As a devoted cleric of Daylee, the God of Emotion, she believes in safeguarding those in need, respecting diversity, and opposing cruelty. Her faith guides her to maintain a simple and minimalistic lifestyle that minimizes her impact on the natural world. Nix's unwavering commitment to her duty to the Fae gods shapes her moral compass, inspiring her to create a world where emotions are valued, diversity is cherished, and the suffering of others is alleviated.

Personality Characteristics


Nix is primarily motivated by her strong sense of duty and her unwavering commitment to protecting those in need. Her faith in the Fae gods, particularly Daylee, the god of emotions, drives her to act as a guardian for the vulnerable and oppressed. She finds purpose in serving her gods and her people, striving to maintain the natural balance of the world and opposing any threats to it. Nix's motivation also stems from her desire to bring joy and laughter to the world through her performances, believing that humor and entertainment are essential for lifting spirits, especially during challenging times.


Religious Views

Nix holds deep and unwavering religious views, primarily centered around the worship of the Fae gods, with a special devotion to Daylee, the god of emotions. She believes that the gods play a pivotal role in the balance of the world and that by serving them, she can fulfill her duty to protect her lands and people. Nix's faith is a driving force in her life, guiding her actions and providing her with a strong moral compass. She is dedicated to upholding the values and teachings of the Fae gods, particularly in terms of compassion, empathy, and preserving the natural world.

Female Gnome War Cleric from a band of traveling entertainers.

View Character Profile
Date of Death
08 May 475
455 PL 475 PL 20 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed in combat while fighting the Avenging Warlord
Place of Death
Bright green
Brown, short, tousled; frames her face
Lean, athletic
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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