The Jungle's Claw #015

General Summary

Game date: 21st day of the Crow, Year 13944   The fierce battle between Gherman and Chief Gruznak reaches a pivotal moment as the enigmatic winged panther Xolotza observes from a nearby rock. Thronn, sensing Xolotza's agitation and desire to leave, attempts to probe her mind but is met with resistance. The panther urges Thronn to make a decision quickly, as an unknown threat looms on the horizon.
Amidst the chaos, Fouk hatches a daring plan. He instructs Xolotza to pretend to attack Gherman, then strike Gruznak hard before fleeing the scene. The panther, bound by her pact with the adventurers, reluctantly agrees. In a shocking display, Xolotza swoops down, her razor-sharp claws gleaming in the fading light. What was meant to be a feigned assault on Gherman turns into a devastating strike, her talons raking down his back, leaving him gravely wounded and bleeding profusely. Gherman collapses to the ground, his flesh torn asunder by Xolotza's merciless attack. The panther then turns her fury on Gruznak, dealing a brutal blow to the orc chieftain before vanishing into the sky, leaving the battlefield in stunned silence.   As the ground begins to tremble ominously, a powerful beholder known as Zerathoss, one of the dreaded Eyes of Tezra, materializes above the battlefield. The beholder chastises Gruznak for his petty vendetta against his own half-orc son, Thronn. Gruznak cowers in terror as Zerathoss lifts him off the ground, promising dire consequences for this unsanctioned conflict.   The beholder then unleashes a barrage of petrifying rays from its many eyes. Three beams shoot out at random, targeting the closest creatures - Thronn, Gherman, and a nearby Goliath mage. The mage manages to resist the effect, flexing his muscles as he takes the ray directly to the chest before falling behind the village wall. Gherman and Thronn, both caught off guard, must muster their own fortitude to avoid being turned to stone by the beholder's terrifying gaze.   Thronn, despite his upbringing among the Bloodclaw orcs, struggles to recall the specific identity of this beholder. He knows it is one of the Eyes of Tezra, a cabal of powerful beholders worshipped by the Bloodclaw as gods. These entities are known for their ability to manipulate reality and sow chaos, each one embodying a different aspect of destruction. Thronn remembers tales of this particular beholder, with its numerous eyes and crab-like claws, but the name eludes him. He is certain, however, that its appearance bodes ill for all those present, as the Eyes of Tezra are not to be trifled with. Their influence over the Bloodclaw is far-reaching, and their ultimate goals remain shrouded in mystery, known only to the highest-ranking members of the orc clan.  
Seizing the opportunity amidst the confusion, Thronn gathers Fouk, Gherman, and a captured vulture dog. Using her newfound genie powers, Xolotza teleports the group to the relative safety of a familiar Goliath tunnel a mile from the besieged village.   In the tunnel, Xolotza reveals the heavy price she paid for her powers - the sacrifice of her entire race to the genie Azural. She expresses a desire to avoid further entanglement with the Eyes of Tezra but agrees to fulfill her remaining promises to Thronn and Fouk before pursuing her revenge against the shaman Veylok.   As Fouk indulges in a potent mixture of mummy dust and dream weed to calm his nerves, the distant sounds of combat echo from deeper in the tunnel where Xolotza vanished in pursuit of Veylok. The adventurers must gather their wits and tend to their wounds as they plot their next move, the specter of the Bloodclaw and the Eyes of Tezra looming ever larger on the horizon.

Rewards Granted


  • 250 XP for devising the plan to have Xolotza strike Gruznak and shift the battle's momentum
  • 100 XP for roleplaying the effects of mummy dust and dream weed
  • Thronn:

  • 300 XP for telepathically communicating with Xolotza and sensing her agitation
  • 200 XP for rallying the group to retreat via the Goliath tunnels
  • 150 XP for successfully taming the vulture dog amidst the chaos
  • Gherman:

  • 300 XP for courageously engaging Gruznak in single combat, despite being outmatched
  • 100 XP for maintaining composure during Xolotza's feigned attack
  • Group:

  • 250 XP each for surviving the chaotic confrontation and uncovering more of Veylok and Azural's schemes
  • 200 XP each for learning of the Eyes of Tezra's direct involvement and witnessing their power firsthand
  • Notes

  • Explore the implications of Xolotza's race being sacrificed to Azural and how this may impact her allegiances
  • Research the extent of the Eyes of Tezra's influence in the region and their long-term goals with the Bloodclaw
  • Consider ways for the party to gather allies against the growing threats of Veylok, the Eyes of Tezra, and the Bloodclaw
  • Develop the relationship and shared history between Gruznak and Thronn, given the revelation of their blood tie
  • Campaign
    Dead Gods
    Fouk Shadim
    Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
    Rogue 4
    31 / 31 HP
    Thronn Zamda
    Lawfull Evil Goliath (Outlander)
    Barbarian 4
    45 / 45 HP
    Report Date
    08 Mar 2024
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    Related Plots


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