The Jungle's Claw #016

General Summary

Game date: 22nd day of the Crow, Year 13944   Fouk, Thronn, and Gherman find themselves transported to a familiar Goliath tunnel by Xolotza's genie powers, narrowly escaping the chaotic battle between Chief Gruznak's Bloodclaw warband and Goliath forces. As they catch their breath, distant sounds of combat echo from deeper within the tunnel where Xolotza vanished in pursuit of the shaman Veylok.   In a moment of respite, Thronn tends to his new vulture dog companion, naming it "Meat Beak," while Fouk prepares poisons. Gherman, still reeling from Xolotza's feigned but vicious attack, expresses his frustration. As they discuss their next move, Thronn and Fouk recall the information Xolotza had shared with them about Veylok's history and his connection to The Shadim, the mysterious desert guild from Fouk's homeland of Vorcia. They also remember her mentioning the Corpseflower Temple, a sacred site that Veylok had been desperately trying to locate.   Intrigued by the intensifying sounds of battle, Fouk and Thronn decide to investigate cautiously. Moving stealthily through the tunnel, they spot Xolotza engaged in a fierce magical duel with Veylok. Despite her genie powers, Xolotza appears wounded and struggling against the shaman's dark magic. Veylok's arm, previously lost in a failed teleportation spell, has been replaced by a ghostly, skeletal limb crackling with arcane energy.   Fouk, ignoring Xolotza's telepathic warnings to stay back, fires a poison arrow at Veylok, striking his magical arm but failing to bring him down. Xolotza, enraged by the interference, lashes out psychically at Fouk before redoubling her efforts against Veylok.   As the tunnel begins to collapse from the magical onslaught, Thronn convinces a reluctant Gherman to fall back. They watch as Xolotza, in a desperate bid to end the fight, grabs Veylok in her jaws and takes flight, carrying him out of the tunnel and into the jungle canopy.   Regrouping outside, the adventurers are caught off guard by the sudden appearance of a massive dragon eel erupting from a nearby river. Gherman, unfamiliar with the creature, and Thronn, poisoned and fatigued, decide to retreat. Fouk, in a drug-addled haze, attempts to taunt the beast from atop Meat Beak but is quickly rebuked by Xolotza's psychic jolt.   As Xolotza and Veylok's battle reaches a fever pitch in the treetops, the adventurers witness a startling transformation. Though Xolotza had been struggling against the shaman's dark magic, it becomes apparent that her djinn powers had not yet fully manifested. Suddenly, as if a switch had been flipped, Xolotza's form begins to glow with an otherworldly light. Her wings, once battered and torn, unfurl to their full span, shimmering with an ethereal radiance. With a renewed surge of power, Xolotza quickly overtakes Veylok, her strength and speed now far surpassing the shaman's. Gripping him tightly in her claws, she takes to the sky, her luminous figure a stark contrast against the jungle canopy. As she ascends higher and higher, Xolotza's laughter, now tinged with a hint of malevolence, echoes through the air. The adventurers watch in awe as she soars over the horizon, Veylok firmly in her grasp, disappearing from view and leaving them to ponder the true extent of her newfound abilities.   In the aftermath, Thronn receives a vision implying a connection between Veylok and Kurgan, the proprietor of The Jungle's Claw Tavern. Realizing they may need Veylok alive for information, Fouk suggests intervening, but Xolotza's single-minded rage and Gherman's reluctance to get involved further complicate matters.   The session ends with the party facing a difficult choice: pursue Xolotza and Veylok in hopes of uncovering Kurgan's role in the unfolding plot, or prioritize their own survival and regroup to plan their next move. The implications of Veylok's connection to Kurgan, the increasing volatility of their uneasy alliance with Xolotza, and the ever-present threat of the Bloodclaw and the Eyes of Tezra weigh heavily on the adventurers as they ponder their next course of action in the treacherous wilds of Nolavor.

Rewards Granted

XP Awards:
  • 300 XP to Fouk for his daring attempt to intervene in the battle between Xolotza and Veylok, showcasing his combat prowess and quick thinking under pressure.
  • 250 XP to Thronn for his strategic decision-making, convincing Gherman to fall back and assessing the potential importance of keeping Veylok alive for information.
  • 200 XP to Gherman for his resilience and adaptability in the face of unexpected challenges, particularly in dealing with the unfamiliar dragon eel and Xolotza's unpredictable behavior.
  • 150 XP each to Fouk, Thronn, and Gherman for their continued efforts to unravel the complex web of connections between Veylok, Kurgan, the Shadim, and the Corpseflower Temple.
  • 100 XP each for surviving the perilous encounter with the dragon eel and the collapsing tunnel, as well as maintaining their composure in the face of Xolotza's growing power and instability.
  • Notes

    Note to transcript: The DM mentioned finalizing the rules for mummy dust, an important plot element that has been featured in previous sessions. This suggests that the properties, effects, and potential uses of mummy dust will be further developed and clarified in future sessions, likely playing a significant role in the unfolding story.
    Dead Gods
    Fouk Shadim
    Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
    Rogue 4
    31 / 31 HP
    Thronn Zamda
    Lawfull Evil Goliath (Outlander)
    Barbarian 4
    45 / 45 HP
    Report Date
    22 Mar 2024
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    Related Plots


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