The Jungle's Claw #019

General Summary

On the 24th day of the Crow, Year 13944, Thronn Zamda, Fouk Shadim, and their Goliath companion Gherman found themselves deep in the Nolavor jungle, still reeling from their recent skirmishes. The night had been restless. Gherman, vigilant as ever, kept a close watch on the newly subdued sabertooth tiger, Azsmuntch, lying beside him. The jungle around them was alive with the whispers of hidden dangers.
As dawn approached, Gherman detected a faint, unfamiliar odor in the air. His battle-honed instincts screamed that this was no ordinary jungle scent. He roused his companions, explaining the presence of a toxin. The group, already wary, now faced the unsettling reality that they were being hunted. Fouk, ever the rogue, decided to investigate. His footsteps silent as he crept through the underbrush, he found nothing definitive but an increasing sense of danger.
Thronn, drawing on his knowledge of the jungle, identified the scent as Viper's Breath, a toxin used by the Reclaimers—a group of militant druids and mages. Realizing the urgency, they decided to head south towards a location Gherman remembered from his past—a potential defensible position in some ancient temple ruins. The journey was arduous, with the toxin's effects beginning to take their toll. Despite Gherman's efforts to keep Azsmuntch calm, the tiger remained wary and attempted to flee multiple times. Eventually, Azsmuntch bolted into the jungle, the fear and confusion proving too much for the creature.
As they moved, the party remained on high alert. Thronn, with his ranger skills, set traps and snares around their path, hoping to catch any pursuers. He used vines and sharpened sticks to create makeshift but effective snares. Near a narrow pass, he set a tripwire attached to a log embedded with poison-tipped spikes. Inside the temple, Thronn prepared more traps, including a pitfall covered with leaves and debris, and another set of spikes at the entrance. He also cast Cordon of Arrows, planting four arrows in the ground that would strike any intruders within a 30-foot radius.
Upon reaching the ruins, the group took defensive measures. The ancient temple offered potential shelter and strategic vantage points, but also posed the risk of ambush. Fouk managed to climb into a high alcove, despite his exhaustion, using his agility to find a suitable spot from which to observe the surroundings. Thronn and his vulture-dog companion, Meat Beak, attempted to hide in a ground-level alcove several levels below Fouk. However, the effects of the Viper's Breath proved too strong, and both Thronn and Meat Beak succumbed to the toxin, falling unconscious.   Gherman, feeling the toxin's effects but still standing, stayed near the entrance, keeping a watchful eye. The ruins echoed with the sounds of the jungle, every creak and groan of the ancient structure amplifying their tension. As they waited, the party remained vigilant, aware that their pursuers were closing in. The jungle seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of the impending conflict.   Their patience was soon rewarded. The faint rustling of foliage grew louder, and Gherman spotted movement among the trees. He signaled to his companions, though Thronn and Meat Beak were now incapacitated. Fouk, from his high alcove, notched an arrow and took aim, his heart pounding as the first of the Reclaimers emerged from the jungle.   Five figures entered the temple, their movements deliberate and cautious. Thronn's spell, Cordon of Arrows, immediately came into play. One Reclaimer triggered the spell, causing arrows to shoot out and strike true, sending the intruder reeling. Another stumbled into the pitfall Thronn had set, falling with a startled cry. The remaining three, more wary now, advanced slowly, their eyes scanning for further dangers.   As the Reclaimers moved deeper into the temple, the party prepared for the inevitable clash. Fouk, from his alcove, held his bow ready, waiting for the right moment to strike. Gherman, muscles tense and eyes sharp, stood in plain sight, ready to confront the intruders head-on.

Rewards Granted

XP Awards:   XP TRACKER   Successfully subduing the sabertooth tiger: 100 XP (Gherman)   Identifying and dealing with the toxic threat: 150 XP (entire party)   Setting effective traps and strategic use of spells: 50 XP (Thronn)   Roleplaying and maintaining character continuity: 50 XP (entire party)     Consumed Items: The party consumes the remainder of the magical meat Gherman had been using to heal the sabertooth tiger. Due to the effects of the toxin and the interrupted rest, the party likely consumed a day's rations of food and drink.


Notes for the DM:   Review the rules on animal handling and the taming of wild beasts, especially in relation to barbarians.   Clarify the effects and handling of toxins in the game, particularly those used by NPC groups like the Reclaimers.   Ensure accurate tracking of conditions like exhaustion and their impacts on gameplay.
Dead Gods
Fouk Shadim
Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP
Thronn Zamda
Lawfull Evil Goliath (Outlander)
Barbarian 4
45 / 45 HP
Report Date
17 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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