The Jungle's Claw #021

General Summary

Game date: 25th day of the Crow, Year 13944   The session begins in the aftermath of a fierce battle within an ancient temple. The militant Mistwatch reclaimers have overpowered Thronn and his vulture-dog companion Meat Beak, leaving them unconscious and captured. High above, hidden in a shadowy alcove, Fouk witnesses the scene unfold with growing concern.   Tuurkidrax, the imposing dragonborn gladiator, attempts to retrieve a pair of coveted magical antlers from Gherman's drowned corpse. Despite her efforts, the antlers remain frustratingly out of reach, sinking into the dark, murky waters along with Gherman's body. Undeterred, Tuurkidrax resolves to make the captives pay for her failure.   Desperate to rouse his companions, Fouk carefully positions his floating dagger, attempting to pour water from a canteen onto Thronn. The water splashes onto the unconscious half-orc, but Thronn repeatedly fails his Constitution saves, remaining stubbornly comatose. Meat Beak, too, lies unresponsive, his fate uncertain.   In a moment of weakness, Fouk contemplates using the insidious mummy dust to forcibly awaken Thronn. However, he quickly reconsiders, realizing the potential dangers. Unable to resist the pull of addiction, Fouk instead partakes of the dust himself, further entrenching his dependency on the vile substance.   As the Mistwatch prepares to depart with their prisoners, Fouk makes a daring move. He emerges from his hiding spot, revealing himself to the dragonborn. In a tense exchange, Tuurkidrax viciously strikes the helpless Thronn, her frustration boiling over. Fouk, overwhelmed and outnumbered, retreats back into the alcove's shadows, his hopes of rescue dwindling.   Unbeknownst to Fouk, help is on the way. Gherman's twin brother, Sherman, arrives at the temple accompanied by a formidable group of mercenaries known as "The Sinister Six." Sent by Kurgan, the proprietor of The Jungle's Claw Tavern where Fouk and Thronn were initially hired, the mercenaries seek to uncover the fate of their comrades.   Sherman, driven by a mix of grief and determination, dives into the dark waters to retrieve Gherman's remains. Ratek, a sturdy minotaur from the Sinister Six, lends his strength to the task, helping to pull the waterlogged corpse from the temple's depths.   Sensing an opportunity, Fouk employs his ventriloquism skills to communicate with the mercenaries from his concealed position. He reveals the tragic demise of Gherman and the dire predicament of Thronn and Meat Beak. Desperate for aid, Fouk proposes an alliance, offering to guide the mercenaries to the Mistwatch in exchange for their assistance in rescuing his captured companions.   During this exchange, Sherman retrieves a letter addressed to Fouk and Thronn from Kurgan. The missive expresses Kurgan's admiration for Thronn's knowledge of Bloodclaw secrets and the trio's daring exploits against Chief Gruznak. Kurgan extends an invitation for Thronn, Fouk, and the late Gherman to join the inner circle of The Jungle's Claw mercenaries.   Unaware of Gherman's recent demise, Kurgan stresses the urgency of their return, fearing the Mistwatch's relentless pursuit. He dispatches Vah and the Sinister Six to ensure their safe retrieval. The letter also hints at Kurgan's potential ties to the enigmatic shaman Veylok, a matter to be discussed upon their arrival at The Jungle's Claw.   Vah, a cunning dark fairy and the apparent leader of the Sinister Six, takes charge of the situation. As Sherman departs to return Gherman's body to their village for proper burial rites, Vah gathers the remaining mercenaries and Fouk, prepared to pursue the Mistwatch and their captives.   With Fouk's keen senses guiding them, the unlikely allies descend into a treacherous dungeon below the temple complex. The air grows heavy with danger as they navigate the twisting passages, each step fraught with hidden perils. Suddenly, Ratek's impulsiveness gets the better of him, and he charges recklessly ahead, rounding a corner and engaging an unseen enemy.   The sounds of combat echo through the dungeon's halls, a cacophony of clashing steel and guttural cries. The Sinister Six, their instincts honed by Years of mercenary work, rush to join the fray, ready to face whatever horrors await them. Fouk, his heart pounding, lingers behind, cowering in the shadows as the battle rages on.

Rewards Granted

Consumed Items:  
  • 1 canteen of water (used by Fouk to try to rouse Thronn)
  • 1 dose of mummy dust (snorted by Fouk)
  • XP Awards:   XP TRACKER  
  • Fouk: 750xp for stealthy tracking, successful deception checks, and quick thinking to secure allies in a dangerous situation
  • Thronn: 750xp for the "Kurnok Intel" resulting in recruitment into Kurgan's Crew.
  • German/Sherman: 750xp for valiant attempted rescue of a fallen comrade and compelling roleplaying of brotherly devotion
  • The party: 500xp for advancing the story in an unexpected direction by allying with the morally dubious Sinister Six
  • Character(s) interacted with

    Sinister Six   Mistwatch   The Reclaimers
    Dead Gods
    Fouk Shadim
    Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
    Rogue 4
    31 / 31 HP
    Thronn Zamda
    Lawfull Evil Goliath (Outlander)
    Barbarian 4
    45 / 45 HP
    Report Date
    14 Jun 2024
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    Related Plots


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