Reckoning War Military Conflict in Devorn | World Anvil
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Reckoning War

The Reckoning War began on the 19th of Mier, 296 P.U. when the Estarin Empire invaded both the Kingdom of Aspua and Thermark. Expecting and finding little resistance in their initial assault the Estarin Imperial Army moved swiftly through the first towns and villages of both nations. By 300 P.U. the Estarin Empire advance had been all but halted in Thermark by the Mages of the Trion Sorcerer College working in unison with the Therian Army. The Estarin Empire had made much greater progress into the Kingdom of Aspua however and was close to capturing a majority of the major cities.   Just as the war seemed lost for the people of Aspua a light shone in the darkness and Prophet Azza of the Blessing a youthful Hellkin began to preach of a way to end the war. The people of Aspua began to listen to the powerful Prophet and began gathering to repel the invaders once and for all. Stories began to spread amongst the invading Estarin army of captured soldiers being burnt alive to empower the defenders and of other more unspeakable horrors twisted to the will of the Prophet.    By early 314 P.U. the Estarin Empire Army had been devastated by the Mages of Thermark and this new terrifying religion from Aspua. Prophet Azza who had so successfully galvanised the people of Aspua commanded them to ignore the outside world and focus on the purity of their own nation first rather than pursuing revenge on the Empire. Thermark seeing little worth in the Estarin lands bordering their nation sought monetary recompense from the now decimated Empire.     Shortly following the end of the war the Aspuan Kingdom became the Divine Republic of Aspua with Prophet Azza as their first leader.

The Conflict


Thermark and the Aspuan Kingdom had been released from the Estarin Empire prior to the Great Unshackling and were going from strength to strength following the Darkened Years. The Estarin Empire looked to reclaim some of its lost lands and looked to these nations as prime targets.


Thermark repelled the Estarin Empire army and remained independent. The Aspuan Kingdom collapsed and from the burning wreckage the Divine Republic of Aspua was formed.


Thermark sort reparations from the Estarin Empire and received 50,000 Mestor Crowns every year for ten years in recompense. The more radical beliefs and culture of the Divine Republic became known to the world and they began to exert their influence on the surrounding nations. The Estarin Empire had suffered yet another defeat and began searching for easier targets.
Conflict Type
Start Date
19th of Mier, 296 P.U.
Ending Date
28th of Noor-Kel, 314 P.U.
Conflict Result
Thermark repelled the Estarin Empire and the Divine Republic of Aspua was formed.



Led by


18,300 soldiers, 1,500 knights, 830 mages


38,679 including a large number of civilians.


Retain their independence and if possible assist the Aspuan Kingdom in retaining theirs.
Aspuan Kingdom

Led by


11,560 soldiers, 780 knights, 72 mages


30,671 including many civilians on the western border.


Retain their independence from the Estarin Empire and if possible assist Thermark in retaining theirs.
Estarin Empire

Led by


26,500 soldiers, 4,100 knights, 275 mages


25,112 almost the entirety of their standing army.


Reconquer the lands of the Aspuan Kingdom and Thermark.


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