Session 045: Back to the Keep Report

The Mighty Menagerie Get to Know Calliope's Mother

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Lowsun 8, 2023 KC, Evening

  River's Keep, Kampos   Adventure Recap
After finding Sas's father, Solec, the party began to leave Jacoby's hideout. Then the floor began to fall out underneath as a large Purple Worm had heard the sound of battle and came to "investigate". After the fight they left through the mirror returning to the River Keep. They met an old friend of Barlo's and learned more about Grognard and how he had been using her to spy on the Blood Hand Orcs.   After she left, a few strangers came looking for an old chair they said belonged to them. They were from a "cult" and it turns out one might be Calliope's mother.  
  We start with the three parties in three groupings, about to take a long rest. Shadow in the Snow hangs out with Arktos. Calliope Galanodel contemplates her existence.   wisdom saves
Calliope (20/22 (crit)) Sas (19) Bastion (8 (Fail)) Shadow (8) Barlo (17) no roll for Arktos  
  Bastion puts in a Shield and a Polymorph in his Ring of Spell Storing.  
Shadow begins a conversation with Solec:   Shadow: What are you going to do now?   Solec: "What I think I should do is head back and make sure the missus is okay, and will take me back."
    A long rest - sas, shadow, then Bastion.   Shadow, Perception 15   they take a rest. 3 new people take shifts on guard with construct taking bulk.   Jeets' group take shifts too, with one walking around from time to time.   Shadow sees two shadows resembling Rocs way off in the distance, east of the party.    

Lowsun 9, 2023 KC, Early Morning

  As morning comes, the party start asking Calliope how she plans to handle the mom situation.   Calliope is confused. She didn't even know about her mom existing in this realm. She wants to talk to her, but is also concerned about the tasks at hand, but the party suggests she should talk to her mom.   They discuss how there is the Dragon situation, there are Barlo's dice, the ship (which is one of the things with a firm timeline). Jacoby is still a threat, they discuss having the D'Jedi find Jacoby in trade for the chair. The party wants to get their ship back, and believe the ship will help find the dice. Barlo hasn't heard about the dice in some time.   They then have Calliope go and talk to the D'Jedi   She is going over the letter and wondering why her father wanted her to find her mother.    
She sees that that Garm Pavond is meditating about a foot off the ground. Relia is just finishing some food when she wipes up and gets up to meet the party. "So I take it you had a chance to decide how we could Aid you and earn our chair back?"   Shadow: You said you look for these Bogan, those who pervert The Weave.   Relia: yes. but there are not really any Bogan here, on your planet. It is nearly impossible for them to get here.   Shadow: Can you also find people who are not Bogan, that are manipulating magic?   Relia: I'm sure that we can I mean, with that is one of the things that we do is look for certain types of people.   Shadow: Because that's what we need help with.   Relia: We have no problem with that. I mean, we've already been marooned on this planet for some time now. And to be fair, I mean, there have been other things that we've been able to do that are beneficial to our order here. So it's not pretty much as it stands, as we kind of follow where The Weave takes us. And it seems that this is where it wants us to go...   I don't really know fully how all of it connected, but. There are often connections that you don't really notice until the end.   Barlo starts speaking about how he thinks someone is attempting to become Bogan.   Shadow tries to talk about Jacoby.   Barlo thinks Jacoby is trying to either become a Bogan or contact them.   Shadow brings up the Simulacrum, and Relia says he must be working with the Arcane Order -- Shadow says he is also working with the Bloodhand Orcs.   They say his name is Jacoby Drexelhand.
    Bastion starts checking the Scroll of Telescription & Enderbox   Since the Scroll is really just a Message spell, it has no Message. The box is the same stuff from before, no changes. It just has the coins.   They decide to ask the Basalt's Magic Ball a question. Thinking if he has the cube or has connected with the Bogan.   They discuss the Bogan.    
Q. Has jacoby come in contact with the cubes for the journal?   A."Don't count on it".
    They discuss using it daily to ask about the Simulacrum or the cubes...   Calliope pulls out the compass and makes it obvious she is using and it is pointing at Relia.   She gives her a look. A curious look. She is trying to read her. Calliope stares back. Relia whispers to her companion who then pats the "head" of the construct and they go to the other party.    
Then Relia walks up "I can see you are uncomfortable about this, should we talk about it?"   Calliope: "Feeling awkward about what?"   Relia: "Here's what I'm going to say. I realize you know something I didn't know until we got here. It makes you feel awkward, we can talk about it if you want, I just ask not to discuss it in front of the others." she nods to her compatriots.   Calliope: "What do you know?" She looks to her friends.   Relia: "The truth is that when we came here, we kind of crashed. I was separated from them two. I began to have questions about what my life was about. The problem is, with our order we are not allowed outside relationships. They become our "family", but I began to have doubts about that. I met a gentleman, and had more doubts. But I ... uh... then had found my answer and realized I needed to stay in the order. So I kind of disappeared. And as unsettling as that is... I'm not happy about any of the decisions I made, but the truth is that if they learn of my decisions when we were separated it puts me at risk of having to leave the order.   Calliope: "Do you know who I am?"   Relia: "I do now."   Calliope: "How did you know?"   Relia: "With our order, as we follow where The Weave takes us we "pick things up" from time to time. We, uh... it's not like we peer into people's heads -- but sometimes things come into our heads. So I was able to pick up some things from your group. Emotions and feelings you guys were having. Our lives are about picking up on these and interpreting them so we can decipher them and help things out. I know it is strange, but... it's... I know you guys think we're some kind of cult or something, but it is more than that. The things we've seen, that I've been a part of.   The truth is... at some point I will have to talk to you and your friends because another thing I've picked up on is that you are all planning to go to space. You might find out it is not as easy you think it might be. That said...   We are where we are, Living with our decisions... at the same time if some people were aware of some of my past decisions it could greatly change the trajectory of things for my life and others."   Calliope: "Basically, I'm a decision you made."   Relia: "no, your father was a decision I made. I think that..."
  Calliope Galanodel walks away.   Relia leaves it at that and lets her leave.   Sas W.T. Rayce, Shadow in the Snow, and Barlo do a check to see how much they picked up. Shadow (23) picked up the bulk of it. She has Arktos go to snuggle up with Calliope.   Barlo's Insight
you pick up that she was worried about her partners. She wasn't sure how to talk to calliope, and even as calliope walks away there is. abit of false front she is putting up to make herself seem strong, but it looks a bit too forced and so she is probably awkward in side  
Barlo makes the deal: "Relia, you think that is a fair enough trade? You do this favor for us, we'll give you back the chair.   Relia: "Yeah, I have no problem with that. I'm sure there is a reason for this and uh... well, one thing I was telling her was ... I am also aware that you guys were planning to take a ship also up to space and I wanted to give you some info. You will need to find "The Astronomers", they are responsible for who comes on and off your world.   Shadow: "The Astronomers?"   Relia: "Yeah. This would be a good time to teach you about the solar system. If you get your friends together I can give you a surface level overview of what is up there.   Shadow: "okay..."   Barlo: "Back to school..."   Everyone comes up, and there is a bit of slight awkwardness between the mother and daughter.  
  She pulls out her Astronomer's Orrery. This orrery floats from her hand and it presents an Illusion of the solar system all around them and the area gets a bit darker. In the center is the Sun. There are 12 dark spots around the Sun, these are the Sargassos. No one goes there, it kills magic and will stop your ship. The astronomers study the stars and the universe to understand the "mechanism" of the universe. These spots absorb magic. Many had died there in the early days of the universe.  
  Barlo asks if they are near the moon. no.   Shadow asks if they are like black holes, and they don't suck things in.   They don't move, they surround the Sun.   They discuss the three Moons of Dierde   Relia tells them how the Crystal Sphere protects the universe from the flammable Phlogiston that exists outside of the sphere. There are ways in and out of the sphere. The Tabaxi are starting to fade...  
  She speaks of how unique Deana is and its connection to the Elemental Plane of Water. The side near the Sun is boiling and storms, the water escapes to space leaving a trail of icicles that hit the other side on the return making a dangerous eternal hail storms of death.   The next is Jonahhelmun which is an air planet connected to the Elemental Plane of Air.  
  This means the Sun and the first three planets have strong connections to the 4 elemental planes, the Sun is connected to the Elemental Plane of Fire, and there are connections on Dierde with a strong tie to the Elemental Plane of Earth (as well as the other three). These connections seem important.  
  As she gets to Dierde, she zooms in and shows the Hex Shield of Dierde  
  This Hex pattern exists around the planet of Dierde, but has a major hole near the southern hemisphere above the Saurian Isles (Drake Rotse). This was a large continent destroyed when the Dragon last woke. It destroyed the civilizations there and is now populated by many dragons.   Some try to sneak in and out there, but the dragons tend to stop them. My order can get in and out through the Hex thanks to our partnership with the Astronomers as they give us these orreries to allow passage.   Bastion: "how do we get one?"   Relia; "You'll have to talk to the Astronomia Praesidium Societatis. If you would have flown up as you had planned with your ship you would have hit the Shield, stopping you from leaving. You could have risked it at the hole, of course.   You have 3 moons, used to tell time. One tells the week, the second for months. The third one is unpredictable, takes a year and a day to go around.   next is the rusted planet Citiel which is home to metallic dragons and others. It is avoided.  
  Most of the Wildspace is dangerous.   next is Blyvain which is interesting as it is a donut-shaped planet with a smaller planet in the center.  
  Zooms out to show more of the Universe and talks a bit about other things that orbit such as the nebulas.  
  They also see a few other interesting ones that are not really discussed:  
    Planets & Satellites   The team talked about how the mission was to go to Citiel. The D'jedi tells them that it will depend on how they approach that planet.   If the party wants to leave the planet they need to talk to the Astronomers, and the D'Jedi says she will talk to her contact for the party. She also says there used to be a lot more interaction between this planet and space.   If they are willing to help the astronomers with intel on space and are for exploration it might be possible. They just want information and so they make deals with explorers and merchants who bring back information as the orreraries work based on the information they have available. Also important to not help a Bogan or give them information or an orrerary.   Barlo: Merchants from space?   Yes merchants sneak in and out, much like the explorer ship. Get supplies and work with underground syndicate. Long-held secret, but there has been more travel lately and so it seems it might be less secretive these days.   The wealthy like to collect artifacts from space. This supports the Astronomers.   Then the discussion goes to the Ashla vs. Bogan. The Ashla have a supernatural connection to the Universe and it gives them power. They try to use it for good -- but some have used it for nefarious purposes which is why they became the Bogan.   This is all news to all the party.   Shadow asks how they can contact them, Relia says she knows ways and can hire people to do it.   Relia says she will go to Wideberth to see if she can help them get an orrerary and they will then look for Jacoby. just to be careful with chair.   Shadow calls for Jeets who is playing cards with Remington on top of F2C2G2   She asks Jeets to watch the chair and the area, Jeets plans to help here as they are getting a plot too.   Barlo thinks about taking the chair.   they discuss their cart or other things they could do if they had other things. Calliope suggest her Teleportation Circle.     Calliope's Teleportation Circle designs
Calliope just got this spell. They can't use jacoby's circle. As they were traveling though she knows the one in the ship and the one at their Outding Refuge home.   Also some discussions on the mats as well as how they can be bought/sold.   and some inventory changing...  
    Relia says she will talk to the Astronomers, and then go look for Jacoby. Jeets overhears and says he would like to speak with her since they also are looking for Jacoby. They all start talking while the Menagerie begin to load their cart. Barlo thinks if there is anything to give to Jeets, Bastion raises an eyebrow, Shadow lists junk.   A bit of metagaming tabletalk on inventory...   Loaded Chair (in crate and covered) onto the cart. Said goodbye as the two other groups talk, and Barlo shakes her hand to finalize the deal. Shadow's insight: She is dedicated to her order. Sincere. This is what they seem to do (based on what she said), they do what they feel the force is leading them to.   She reminds him to not let her team know her past.   The party leaves and hit the road. As they hit the T where Forlione is on one side and Skola Vale to the other, there is a cart fixing a wheel. It is Volo. He is fixing the wheel with the cart pointed north. He is focused on the wheel.   Barlo asks if anyone remembers his name, Shadow says "Volo." then lists a bunch of the items he had last time.   They trade salutations. Sas is leading the wagon. Volo talks about how he is doing trades and acquires. He made trades down south, he stops off at many places. He has a circuit for his trades, he tells Barlo   Shadow asks if he trades off world, Volo is a bit confused. Shadow's insight (20) says he is not aware of such things.  
Show spoiler
Sane says the mindshielding ring is 16000. brooch is 7500. (I might have screwed up -- selling tends to be 50%)
    They ask what he has and he starts with a Stone of Good Luck, Barlo is very interested. 4500 gp. Barlo less interested.   Necklace of Fireballs (3 beads). 960 gp.   He says he has a Mithral breastplate. Flail of Warning and Glaive of Warning, 60,100 gp each. Leather Armor of Resistance (Necrotic) for 6,010 gp. Mithral Breastplate for 1200 gp. Oil of Slipperiness of Slipperiness for 480 gp Healing Potion of Greater Healing for 150 gp Healing Potion of Healing for 50 gp Healing Potion of Superior Healing for 450 gp Healing Potion of Supreme Healing for 1350 gp Ring of Warmth for1,000 gp   Scroll of Clairvoyance Scroll 400 gp Scroll of Command Scroll 120 gp Scroll of Dimension Door Scroll 640 gp Scroll of Find Familiar Scroll 157 gp Scroll of Flame Arrows Scroll 400 gp Scroll of Skywrite Scroll 240 gp Scroll of Thunderclap Scroll 20 gp Scroll of Wall of Water Scroll 400 gp Scroll of Wrathful Smite Scroll 120 gp
    They look at the potions, and then selling the Ring of Mind Shielding for 20,000 and Brooch of Shielding for 7250. Barlo was looking at the luckstone, breastplate, and Ring of Warmth. Bastion was looking at the scrolls, he asked about the Spellbook with skin covering from the last time they saw him. That was already sold.   He holds the items in one hand and a book in the other hand.   Shadow was looking at the necklace.   Dimension scroll, actually all the scrolls. Volo also says he has some paper and inks for the wizards. Barlo asks about chalk, he says he has 2 sets.   There were 12 levels worth of papers & inks to transcribe (600 gp)   He had 2 quivers full of arrows that Shadow took, Barlo bought two cases of bolts.   spent over 12k, but got more back as Volo spent more than the normal value of the Ring of Mind Shielding. The difference came back to the party with some plat and Gold   Shadow asked if he had Owlbear Armor, he said no -- but he has seen Armor made of owlbears.   Barlo suggests they buy the oil...   They got 600 pp, and remainder in gp. (Volo puts items in cart, ruffles around and pulls out two bags.) The party splits the money and start doing some inventory.   Volo does take some of their Silver and Copper.   The party discuss investing the money in the keep and ship. Barlo talks about a smuggling operation.   Retcon: shadow asked about ink.   It's now late afternoon. They discuss using the Teleportation Circle, but decide to do the traveling.  

sold brooch and Ring of Mind Shielding, bought chalk for Teleportation Circle, bought ink and paper, and arrows and bolts
  Thanks Volo... see you guys later. he brings up the first meeting, in good humor.   They travel a bit and night comes. They set up camp. Barlo's shift - nothing of note seems to happen.   Bastion hears a scream off in the distance, not sure of source.    

Lowsun 10, 2023 KC, Early Morning

    Morning comes. The travel is mostly uneventful, but a cold front comes in slowing the horses a bit.   They are near the waterfalls and make camp as it starts to sprinkle a bit. Pretty normal here. They are on the major travel road it and the immediate bloodhands have been taken care of. The night has a bit more rain.  

Lowsun 11, 2023 KC, Early Morning

  The rain made it a bit difficult to start the travel. Sun comes up, cooler and no rain. no serious problems.   As they bed down... Bastion reads the Volo's Guide to All Things Magical book. Barlo does some more practicing with the lockpick kit.   The book goes into some history of wizards and spells. Bastion has a good arcana/history bonus about magic for a little while because of this. Finds no spells or anything, a lot was stuff he knew already.   (more inventory rebalancing as they have too many coins)   Barlo puts on the breastplate.   While Barlo is on his shift there is a screech in the air. they are near the road, but off it.   A Roc attacks.  



The Battle:

  note on swarm
  Calliope: Vicious Mockery mockery "you look like a Youngling's painting project", it lands. Uses her cloak to camouflage her.   Barlo: Rage, Claws, Shield, and holds attack until it gets close.   Bastion Bladesinger: Scorching Ray (5) and Bladesong. All but one hits, and he jumps up.   Shadow: stand up, move 20'. Casts Conjure Barrage. CRIT, which doesn't matter. The Cone is aimed up and hits. She used Swarmkeeper, but it shouldn't have worked. NBD, but moving forward "hits with an attack" means an attack roll. She has Arktos hold his action to attack when it gets close.   Round 01
NOTE: not important here, but need to note. "Gathered Swarm says "immediately after you hit". It is a separate source of damage, not being affected by the actual attack, meaning you don't get crit bonuses, but on the flipside, you could do things like trigger a separate concentration check."
  Roc: After all that damage he decides to continue in his forward momentum and gets struck by Arktos and Barlo. (Slowed and disadvantage attacks, but straight due to reckless). Talons attack and grapple Barlo. Then it chomps his beak at Arktos, then swoops up 50 feet in the air. Bastion also got an opportunity attack.   Sas: attacks with Chill Touch and it strikes. Stands up.  
  Round 02
  Calliope: Shatter in the area on the other side that Barlo is. He saves, but still takes damage.   Barlo: Grappled. Restrained. Attacks reckless, all hit. "Bastion, I got your Gold. Save me -- we'll have chicken for dinner".   Bastion: attacks... Ray of Frost.   Shadow: shoots two arrows. One in the back of neck, the second jams that even more.  
☠️ shadow

t Combat Experience: 7200 (ea: 1440) | Total: 52440 (Next Goal: 64,000) t
  Barlo falls to the ground and takes 19 points of damage and the Roc lands right next to him, the impact puts out the fire and knocks everyone over a bit.   Arktos runs up and does an alley-oop.   Shadow gets one of her arrows back.   The party begins to harvest.   They chop off the legs.   One leg they leave alone, the other they take off the talons. Two successful, one failed.   Nothing else really occurs through the rest of the rest. There does seem to be more wildlife as the large predator has been eliminated.     I forgot to have them do the rolls at a disadvantage.     sometime in the next day they should be at Skola Vale  

Some Roc legs/claws

t Milestone Experience: 560 | Total: 53000 (Next Goal: 64,000) t
**Left at their campsite about to continue in their journey to Skola Vale**

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience: 7200 (ea: 1440) | Total: 52440 (Next Goal: 64,000) t   t Milestone Experience: 560 | Total: 53000 (Next Goal: 64,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The party returned to the keep and learned a bit from Teeka & @relia
Hex | Kingdom | B1 D2



Local Points of Interest

  Skola Vale   Forlione   Village of Skola Vale   River's Keep   Village of Sutley   Village of Fondersrest

Session 45: Back to the Keep Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
21 Jan 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie