Session 046: Off to fight a Beholder Report

The Menagerie return to the Vale, and go off to fight a Beholder

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Lowsun 12, 2023 KC, Evening

  Near Village of Skola Vale, Skola Vale, Kampos   Adventure Recap
The party had cleared out River's Keep, being told they can get 1,000 gp each or the opportunity (and responsibility) of rebuilding, maintaining the keep and security in the area.   As they cleared it -- they learned it was occupied by Jacoby & the Bloodhands, as well as Solec (Sas's Father). Jacoby took him and offered him as trade for the book from Grognard (Journal of Grognard, Meenlock Caves).   So they went to his hideout and fought a large statue, got tricked by Jacoby and then explored the hideout. Finding him in a library where he was attempting to use the book to get the secrets from Solec's shell... It seemed to backfire and he disappeared.   The floor began to fall into the earth and a Purple Worm attacked. They returned to the keep, seeing Jeets they gave him some of the stuff they found from Jeets as they are investigating his connection to Canthenth. They also found out that Barlo's childhood friend was working as a spy in the bloodhands for Captain Meklan.   They then met Calliope's mother, a woman who was a part of an interstellar cult. She gave them an astronomy lesson. Also told them how only the Astronomers could get them an Astronomer's Orrery which will grant passage. They made a deal -- the cultists would speak with an Astronomer contact, and then find Jacoby in exchange for their chair's return.   Then they traveled to Skola Vale after asking Jeets to keep an eye on the area. They then fought a Roc.  
    Tabletalk: What if they had just gone to space long ago...
Bastion thought about what would have happened if they had just taken the ship to space when they first got it. The DM stated that he recalled that according to Calliope's mom they would have just hit the Hex Shield of Dierde and the only way out without the Astronomer's Orrery would have been to try the hole over the Saurian Isles, but that is nearly impossible due to the many dragons in the area.  
    The party gets their stuff together, Barlo handles the carts this time...   On the road, there are two dwarven miners argueing... they are very much in their argument. They seem lost.   Barlo asks them where they are heading.   They were supposed to be working on an Emerald mine, some bigwig - a Neyer. Half-Orc. The old staff kept leaving. Morenars Neyers just purchased this mine, probably paid more than its value and has been experiencing many problems since then.   The party asks if they would like to travel with them and they accept. They have all their equipment with them. They are on foot.   These guys are very obviously miners. Asked if they had spent much time in the Vale, no they did not. Which is why they might not have had the chance to get the correct directions. There seems to be all types of problems. He is panicked, trying to get the value out of it.  

  Auxlan, Roken are their names. They kept a careful on the party, but were welcoming. They say they are "cousins", but not really. They've spent their lives together working mines looking for a mine they could really enjoy and stay in.   They speak of how great, smart, and organized Morenars Neyers was believed to be, but since he bought this mine that image has been suffering greatly.   The party offers to travel with them. Another 2 hours and they get to Skola Vale. The Village of Skola Vale has resettled very well and the Feywild connections are still in place...
  Late Afternoon.   The party decide to go to the Elder of the Dawngreets to see if she can find a safe place for the Spelljamming Helm. They discuss leaving it on the ship.   At the keep they see their ship is still there. It hasn't moved it seems. The guards at the front remember them, they send a go-fer to get her. They go in, and the cart is attended to. Barlo takes the Helm off.  
The Elder of the Dawngreets greets them. They discuss the keep, and how Jeets is out there. The elder promised them land, and she asked Calliope if she got the dagger.   Barlo brings up how they found Blood Hand Orcs at River's Keep, but they are cleared out. The Elder speaks of how there has been a rise in attacks, on the road and elsewhere -- especially from the Blood Hand Orcs. It is why repairing and maintaining the Elder's Keep of Skola Vale is so important.   They need a security checkpoint as there are villages in that area and the commerce relies on the security of the roads. She knows they are going on adventures, but if they can get it set up and help it run in their off-time that would be helpful.   She reminds them they can just take the reward as well, but either way they need to get that going.   She also brings up the contract situation with the Adventurer Class Airship of the Vale, v.2. Ever since Apple Cedarfrost was arrested for colluding with Bargle and she was responsible for the "adventure clause" in the contract, the Elder has her people working with the "courts" to get that part of the contract overturned. It seems that there was a recent purchase Morenars Neyers had and that has been causing him problems.   Barlo sits in the chair and asks if they can help.   The elder said it's in the courts, they want to help the party as the party was a great helper to the Vale. Besides the elder's druids did a lot of the work, so they have some rights and obligations to this too.   She says the party should contact Jeets as soon as they can so they can figure out the costs and needs or whatever for the keep - especially the financial situation.   Barlo checks her out to see if there is any concern or differences with her. She seems more concerned with her responsibilities, and less for the party at the moment. More concerned with time management as she a community to take care of.   she says she will check in on ship situation.   Barlo asks if she has a place to store the chair. She summons a few guards, but he says not yet.   "just let one of my guards know."   Bastion asks if she knows the astronomers, and she brings up their official name, "Astronomia Praesidium Societatis" They are a pretentious lot of scientists and mages who work with governments, and likes to stay in the shadows. There is a representative who comes and goes into Skola Vale Village, as they are very interested in its connection to the Feywild. They don't just study the solar system, but the planes as well.   The elder didn't want to discuss the Astronomer's Orrery situation with Morenars Neyers, and she wasn't sure if that was going to really happen. Most people are unaware of the Astronomers. They handle things that are of importance to those of us in government, but not so much for average citizens.   A bit of discussion on Apple Cedarfrost and her connection to the Arcane Order and how that situation is playing out in the courts (a tiny bit). She is still in prison.   Bastion asked if Morenars Neyers is connected to Apple Cedarfrost (or the Order). She doesn't believe so, but does believe the Order was of the opinion they could control Morenars.   Barlo asks if they should be very careful about bringing up the Astronomers, and the Elder suggests that would be a good idea. There are lots of factions in the world... There are many which rely on secrecy and don't want knowledge of their existence to be shared. Some will kill those that talk about them or share their names, the Astronomers are not like that. It's just that in the past they were hunted down for the actions of their more eccentric members.   Barlo asked if they studied how to use such ships like theirs to visit other planes, or just other planets. She says she isnt sure, but she has heard they have people who have abilities to planeswalk and visit other planes - going back and forth between planes for various reasons. That is how they do some of their research.   They have theories about The Weave and the end of all things.   Barlo asked about how Morenors' business venture situation can affect the ship situation, is it better if he succeeds or fails (pretty much).   The elder is hoping either way it will help the contract situation, especially as the used magic item market has been drying up lately.   Bastion asks if it is a good time to buy, the elder says if you happen to have it is a good market. (in other words, a sellers' market).   Barlo starts to think about Volo. What is his connection?   The elder said that in general, within the borders, the market has been drying. Barlo asked about other villages. She said they are responsible for many settlements, but borders are not really strong in Kampos.
  NPCs of the adventures table talk    
Note to Lars using the Scroll of Telescription   How much for a studded Leather +2?   response: I have what I need for that. It will be 8,000 gp.
    The Elder says it is time for her to take care of some things. She says to let the guards know if they need to watch the chair, that they can stay at the keep, and of course food is no issue as she will look more into the ship situation.   Barlo asked about a tanner, but they remember they went to one already...   Shadow asks about wanting to take the ship, the elder says it could put them into trouble with Morenars, until the situation is handled since it is now in the courts.   Barlo says they can take the chair, he goes with it. They go to the Donjon, not totally in -- but deep enough. He tips the guy a Gold coin (and he says he will share it with the other guard.) Barlo is given the key to Skola Vale Donjon Room 312 and told it will have to be him to retrieve it.     tabletalk on the Enderchest
The Enderbox is in their Outding Refuge basement. No one has direct access to it, but Lars does have access to the basement as he was setting up the Teleportation Circle as a permanent circle.  
The party returns to the leatherwork by Griffon's Emporium to check up on the Armor for Arktos. She asked about enchantments on it, but they can't. They suggest Griffon's Emporium. The party also suggests getting more ink for Calliope to get a tattoo.   The leatherworker also says that the guy doesn't do enchantments himself, but hires out. He was about to suggest a name...   but then a bit of tabletalk and inventory stuff...   The party is reminded of the Banker, who also has a "savings" capacity as well.   A bit of table talk on teleportation circles... Calliope knows the one on the ship, and the one on Outding Refuge. She has never seen one in Skola Vale. They tend to be secret.   Discussion on the Keep costs. They pool together the funds. We suggest they can give it to the Elder and she can take care of that...   The tanner suggests they go see Grumminfiz Finklebottom to get the enchantments done. He makes a map to a backalley with a red door where he can be found.   Bastion asks if he is related to the guy who worked on the ship. The tanner has no idea of what they are talking about...
  Shadow asks if he has any Monster Harvesting kits.  

harvesting kit...
  Kit - 7 lbs. 30 gp. This kit contains everything the average harvester needs to prepare and harvest a carcass for usable parts including a skinning knife, a bonesaw, 2 glass vials, pouches of salt, and tweezers. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency to any check made to harvest a creature.   still no name...   Shadow goes to The Illustrated Woman and talks to Mirabelle Wheatflow. Purchases some main color inks. She gets the full set for 20 gp. She asks about the Chaos Quadrapod ink, it would be a slight glow ink. She asked about using "essence" as an ink, the tattooist doesn't know.   She asked about any new designs. She is able to persuade her for a trade. Shadow takes the Wings of Ink, and gives Protection.  

  They then go to Grumminfiz Finklebottom to see if they can get enchanted saddlebags.   They ask about enchanting. He says he can't just enchant an item, he has to craft an enchanted item. For a Bag of Holding he will need special Leather, and he might have an answer. He had sent a party to retrieve a creature, but they never came back.   He could use the parts for this and other...   It's a Beholder in a lair.   If the party can bring back the corpse, as complete as possible, then he will craft them a set of saddlebags of holding, and not charge them for it.   The party also decides to start selling stuff... Pretty much all of the creature parts are offered for sale.   Bastion also suggests to Shadow and the group that maybe they can start some magic item selling here with lars...   about a month ago there was a party of four sent out.  

sold 2 Troll hearts 5vials Troll blood 1 flask Dragon blood 2 Troglodyte stink organs 4 chaos tentacles

1850 gp.   bought some potions   Bought some diamonds (5 100gp ea) (gems are behind the desk... then 5 more. given a map to the Beholder, about 6 hours walk away. 2 sapphires worth 1000 gp ea (well cut)
  Barlo keeps trying to spy on the Gnome's hiding spot.   Barlo took one of Bastion's gems, but then handed it back.   The party also looks at some of the other random "loot" and think they need to find an adventure shop or something to sell it too...   "Ogre's Ladder" will buy it.   They give 10,000 gp to the Elder to cover the costs for the keep and they say they will take care of that with Jeets.   Barlo asks for more on the Emerald mines for intel on how to help. She'll see if she can use that in the negotiations.   it is getting evening. So they rest. They fill up on standard gear. meat for Arktos   also 1400 for the legs. 16 lbs. of Roc meat  

Lowsun 13, 2023 KC, Morning

  They take the cart.   (retcon: Bastion asked the Gnome about the drying up of the magic market. Prices don't seem like they are changing, but the trend is that it is harder to get items.)   They head out.   it's a bit colder than recent days in the morning. They head out North and get to the large wall that gives the vale its name. ON the sides of the wall are various caves and mining operation. They come up to a cave and see that this one is away from most of the others. There are some tracks coming in and out of the 25 ft opening. Orcs and hobgoblins it seems. A few older tracks of probably the adventurers. In the lair entrance it is very natural looking and opens up with various suits of Armor in various states of disrepair and decay line the walls.   (retcon: last night Shadow did the Darkvision tattoo on Calliope. They are eyes on the tips of her ears. white. 6 hrs. retconned healer kit purchase)   note: turns out black bears eat about 11-18 lbs. of food a day.   The three tattoo wearers pop their Darkvision.   Sas and Shadow begin to notice various mushrooms growing on the suits.   Note after the fact from DM: the shriekers only had a few alive, and many of them were Dead.  


  The shriekers begin to scream. Shadow shoots an arrow, Calliope uses her Mage Hand, Barlo uses athletics and jumps at another, Bastion uses Ray of Frost...   they do it pretty quickly.  
☠️ Shadow ☠️ Calliope ☠️ Bastion ☠️ Barlo

t Miilestone Experience: 1000 | Total: 54000 (Next Goal: 64,000)) t
  They squish the heads of the shriekers and Silence them. They start going down the hall looking for traps. Noticing the tracks they see how they follow patterns.   They spot the traps. Shadow slips on one edge and falls into a 20' hole with spikes. She is able to climb out. Barlo starts to open the other tarps.   Since Barlo has read the Monster Hunting Guide he is aware that Beholders float and like traps on the ground since they are safe. Barlo goes up to check out one of the holes in the roof. Using the rope he gets up about 60 feet and still sees it goes up.   He comes down as he isn't sure how the group would handle it.   He then goes into the other hole, and he sees it goes up another 60 feet, but this time there is Light up there. He sneaks up.   He sees some hobgoblins sleeping and others playing cards. He tells the party what he saw. They are about to go through the other path as it is easier for the party.    
**Left at Beholder Lair north of Skola Vale Village**

Rewards Granted

  • Kit - 7 lbs. 30 gp.
  • She asked about any new designs. She is able to persuade her for a trade. Shadow takes the Wings of Ink, and gives Protection.
  • sold
  • bought some potions
  • Bought some diamonds (5 100gp ea) (gems are behind the desk... then 5 more.
  • given a map to the Beholder, about 6 hours walk away.
  • 2 sapphires worth 1000 gp ea (well cut)
  • They give 10,000 gp to the Elder to cover the costs for the keep and they say they will take care of that with Jeets.
  • it is getting evening. So they rest. They fill up on standard gear. meat for Arktos
  • also 1400 for the legs.
  • 16 lbs. of Roc meat

  t Miilestone Experience: 1000 | Total: 54000 (Next Goal: 64,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Went off to defeat a beholder
Hex | Kingdom | B1 D2



Local Points of Interest

  Skola Vale   Forlione   Village of Skola Vale   River's Keep   Village of Sutley   Village of Fondersrest

Session 46: Off to fight a Beholder Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
05 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie