Events of calamity and life of Striga and Corrin

From the moment the duo met in the dungeon of Early soldier keep, through their fateful battles and culminating in the events of Lonanoble ten years later, this is the life and history of the Devil slaying, goblin massacring, ally forging, elf bedding and dog loving pair of adventurers.

Before Annihilation

... 0 BA

Before the War of Life, the world was a much different place. These events may not be 100% accurate, there are seldom any texts from these times. This information is all the modern world has.

  • -1750 BA


    Birth of Akwesi
    Life, Birth

    A powerful archmage, Akwesi, is born. The only man of his culture still alive PA

Post Annihilation

0 BA and beyond

This period takes place after the War of Life. These events reshaped the world in such a way that many calendars, communities and lives. Millions died in this war, those who survived shaped the world to be what it is

  • 1000 PA

    30 Ambering

    Birth of Tanyl Paon
    Life, Birth

    The Tyrannical Lord Paon is born, at this time he is given the name Tanyl. He later decided to go by is family name alone as he grew to despise his parents. He was born into a poor Elven family, cast out from their homeland and wandering the world. They were destitute and alone.

  • 1020 PA

    Tanyl Turns
    Disaster / Destruction

    Tanyl Paon meets an ancient vampire Lord. The two become unlikely friends and the Vampire offers to turn the young wizard into one of his kind. Paon accepts, thus starting the horrendous undeath of Lord Paon.

  • 1439 PA

    1 Coldbreak
    1491 PA

    3 Seedsow

    Birth of Captain Rightor
    Life, Birth

    The Notorious military commander is born.

  • 1450 PA

    Formation of Kelemvors Guard
    Political event

    The formation of Kelemvors Guard, the original leader named Vir'En. 40 years later he was killed in combat, Leaving madam Steel to lead the organisation. The group are devout to the God Kelemvor, they were formed to fight against the Lich, Arkon Masterson, who was slain by Steel in 1488.

  • 1450 PA

    1 Dawn 06:00
    1491 PA

    10 Sunseye 18:00

    Lord Paon Begins
    Discovery, Scientific

    Lord Paon discovers the Spirit gate and realises the uses of it in relation to his loss and plans. He then decides, after failing to use several other beings, he must acquire a being with a higher soul which he can manipulate. This plan spanned to his eventual death at the hands of Enzo Yellen, using said Gate

  • 1458 PA

    5 Coldbreak

    Birth of Elenwyn
    Life, Birth

    Elenwyn is born to the Amastacia family. A family of Lords and Lady's. They disowned and cast the infant elf out for the simple reason that she was born female, they needed a male heir to further their social standing. She had no memory of this family

  • 1463 PA

    6 Bloomfield

    Birth of Striga
    Life, Birth

    The great warrior, Striga is born. The devil slayer, the one who escaped the wanderer and Vampire killer. Her birth and friendships shared with Corrin High-Hill would prove to change the course of the regions history

  • 1468 PA

    2 Jejunium

    Birth of Corrin High-Hill
    Life, Birth

    Corrin High-Hill, to be known by the Iustus as the Kraken. The warlock of Nissan and the one who wanders is born. He would later leave the home in which he is born in to live a life of adventure

  • 1469 PA

    The Birth of the Lost Son
    Life, Birth

    The Son of Arkan Milean Amastacia. It is said that he perished shortly after birth, sending his father into a spiral of insanity.

  • 1484 PA

    22 Steelbend

    Death of Liliana Tenebris
    Life, Death

    Liliana Paon is slain at the hands of Lord Paon, he then frames said murder on Krymus Draco. This left the young Clara without the one caring figure she had in life, her mother.

  • 1489 PA

    20 Harvest-Sky

    The Battle of Black Lake
    Disaster / Destruction

    A brutal battle broke out between the Kelemvors Guard and a bandit faction known as The Children of Baphomet. The battle decimated both factions, leaving under 20 of the Guard alive and non of the bandits standing. Among the casualties was Vir'En. Slain by the bandit lord Varrick the Brutal. This marked the beginning of Madam Steel's leadership.

  • 1490 PA

    29 Frosteye
    1491 PA

    8 Seedsow

    The Occupation of Early Soldier Keep
    Military action

    The Iustus take control over Early Soldier keep. This triggered the political events between Marcus Pitt, the Iustus and Lady Leona. They used said keep to geographical and military advantage. Leading the charge and occupation was the Iustus commander, Captain Rightor.

  • 1490 PA

    30 Frosteye

    Corrin and Dulin escape
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The dwarf and halfling are accosted at a tavern by Otis Heydrich. He slaughtered many of the patrons in the effort to execute Bomi the dragonborn, who eventually escaped despite the fact the two stole his horse. At the end of this Corrin was captured by the Iustus

  • 1491 PA

    15 Coldbreak 03:00
    1491 PA

    15 Coldbreak 04:00

    The Meeting
    Era beginning/end

    The two met, in Early Soldier keep. The details of which are outlined here: Awake and Escape

  • 1491 PA

    16 Coldbreak

    The Burning of Men
    Military action

    Captain Rightor sent Otis Heydrich to slaughter several villages close to Lonanoble. He, without choice, did so. On that day he killed hundreds, scorching the villages to the ground.

  • 1491 PA

    16 Coldbreak
    1491 PA


    Friendships and Quests
    Diplomatic action

    Striga, Corrin, Yellen and Brutus met the Kelemvors Guard. They completed many quests for the organisation and formed friendships with the members. Corrin also reunites with Ferren Vathold More details are found here To meet the Guard

  • 1491 PA

    17 Coldbreak
    1491 PA

    Spartower, El'es and resurrection
    Life, Death

    The Party faced a vampire, an abomination and witnessed a resurrection. For more details click here Spartower Keep They also found an unlikely ally here, Dulin Stonebreath.

  • 1491 PA

    18 Coldbreak

    The Goblin Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    Corrin reunites with Dulin Stonebreath. The two venture out together to fight back a horde of Goblins at the behest of Tyka. Throughout this quest they were stalked by Otis Heydrich. They brought Enzo Yellen along with them, a move they would later regret. During the quest, Dulin and (more intensely) Corrin lost control. They brutally massacred the Goblins in their home. This traumatised Enzo Yellen and sent a subspecies of Goblin into extinction.

  • 1491 PA

    21 Coldbreak

    The Ball
    Gathering / Conference

    Striga, Corrin HighHill, Enzo Yellen, Captain Isaac Rightor, General Heydrich and Otis Heydrich attend the Ball of Bellocheck Here, Yellen is swayed by General Heydrich to betray the Kelemvors Guard. Full details of this event can be found if you read about Bellochecks Ball

  • 1491 PA

    22 Coldbreak

    The Betrayal
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Kelemvors Guard are attacked by the Iustus. There were many casualties. The majority of the Guard were slaughtered, specifically by Otis Heydrich   Among the casualties were Lirizal and Mendar. The two put up a noble fight. They did not survive. The harrowing event was The Betrayal, click here to learn more.

  • 1491 PA


    The Spirit Gate
    Life, Death

    Enzo Yellen used the Spirit Gate to slay Lord Paon. In doing so he allowed Striga, Corrin and Elenwyn to escape and save the young Clara. He, however, died. He did not fear his death but instead thanked the only true friends he had and bid them farewell

  • 1501 PA

    1 Dawn

    The Rampage in Lonanoble
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Wanderer, Harton and their forces attacked Lonanoble. They pushed through the defences of the city. They slaughtered hundreds. Taking Striga captve. Believed major casualties are Corrin HighHill, Elenwyn and their court wizard

A New Dawn

1501 PA and beyond

  • 1501 PA

    1 Dawn

    The Rampage in Lonanoble
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Wanderer, Harton and their forces attacked Lonanoble. They pushed through the defences of the city. They slaughtered hundreds. Taking Striga captve. Believed major casualties are Corrin HighHill, Elenwyn and their court wizard