Azall in Dramoor | World Anvil

Azall (A-Zaul)

Nestled high amidst the craggy peaks of the Azall mountains lies Azall, aptly dubbed the Mountain City. This grand city, resplendent with its towering architecture, blends seamlessly with the natural mountainous contours, presenting a harmonious fusion of man's endeavours and nature's splendour. The echoing clang of blacksmiths at work, shaping precious Zymerium, and the cultural songs and dances from its many squares, together paint a vibrant tapestry of life.   The vast and robust walls of Azall are more than just a barrier; they're a testament to the engineering prowess of its ancestors. Every brick and stone is placed with purpose, radiating strength and assurance to its inhabitants while deterring potential adversaries with its sheer magnitude.   Azall's strategic location, perched atop the mountains and adjacent to the Kastam River, lends it both economic and tactical advantage. The well-maintained roads that wind down the mountainside connect it to a bustling port. Ships from distant lands dock here, making it a crucial trade nexus between the Northern and Southern regions of Neritoph. Commodities, culture, and information exchange hands in this vital trade hub, enriching the city's tapestry further.   At the heart of Azall stands an imposing castle, a beacon of power and authority. This is where Lord Lleidos, the mastermind behind Azall's prosperity and strength, resides. Under his leadership, Azall has grown not just in size but also in stature, emerging as the undeniable power centre of the Southern Kingdoms.   However, Azall's true gem lies deep beneath its streets: the extensive Zymerium mines. As the largest known deposit of this precious metal, the mines serve as the lifeblood of the city. The shimmering veins of Zymerium run deep, and so does the city's dependence on them. They fuel its economy, sustain its opulence, and underpin its military might.   In Dramoor, stories of Azall's splendour are spoken of in hushed tones, and tales of its majestic skyline, touching the clouds, are shared around campfires. For many, the city is a beacon of aspiration and represents the zenith of cultural and architectural evolution.