Far Realm & Portals in Dramoor

Radiation & Mutations

Rifts & Portals

  Across Dramoor, small, enigmatic rifts and portals to the Far Realm sporadically tear through the fabric of reality. These anomalies are unpredictable and appear without warning, serving as gateways to a realm beyond comprehension. The areas surrounding these rifts are fraught with danger, as the very essence of the Far Realm seeps into Dramoor, warping the natural order.  

Radiation & Corruption

  The influence of the Far Realm manifests as a form of radiation, invisible and insidious, emanating from these rifts. This radiation has a profound corrupting effect on the environment, gradually mutating flora and fauna into grotesque parodies of their original forms. The land near rifts becomes blighted, with vegetation twisting into malevolent shapes and animals transforming into monstrous versions of themselves, often with heightened aggression and otherworldly abilities.   The mutations induced by this radiation are permanent, marking the affected individuals and areas as fundamentally altered. Living beings who spend prolonged periods near a rift undergo physical and, sometimes, mental transformations that can enhance their natural abilities in unpredictable ways or curse them with debilitating afflictions.  

Mutations & Heredity

  While individuals mutated by the Far Realm's influence do not emit radiation themselves, the genetic alterations can be hereditary, passing on to offspring and affecting the next generation in unforeseen ways. This hereditary aspect introduces a deeply rooted fear and stigma around the rifts, as the consequences of exposure extend beyond the individual to potentially affect future generations. Minerals, liquids, and even ambient energies within the radiation's reach are not immune, leading to areas that defy the natural laws of physics and biology, creating pockets of Dramoor where reality seems to unravel.  


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Cruelberry Creatures
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Cranberry Mawfiend
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Diagram of a mutated plant that became a creature, died shortly after walking out of the radiated zone of a Far Realm rift.

Known Portal Locations

Cranberry Swamp
Generic article | Mar 26, 2024

Thinking of entering a Far Realm Portal?

Players would want to avoid the Far Realm at any experience level due to several compelling reasons that stem from the inherent dangers and unpredictable nature of this realm:  

Psychological Impact:

Exposure to the Far Realm can have severe psychological effects on characters, inducing madness, paranoia, hallucinations, or irreversible changes in perception. The alien and incomprehensible nature of the Far Realm challenges the very fabric of a character's sanity, making it a perilous endeavor for players of all levels.  

Physical Transformations:

The energies emanating from the Far Realm can cause drastic and often detrimental mutations, altering characters in unpredictable ways. While some mutations may confer new abilities, many are harmful or disfiguring, potentially hindering characters in their adventures and interactions with others.  

Unpredictable Encounters:

The creatures and entities that inhabit the Far Realm or are influenced by its energies are vastly powerful and often hostile. Players might find themselves outmatched by these beings, whose abilities and tactics can be beyond comprehension, posing a significant risk to even the most experienced adventurers.  

Corruption of Gear and Magic:

The chaotic energies of the Far Realm can corrupt spells, magical items, and even the fundamental laws of physics. This unpredictability can render reliable abilities useless or dangerous, forcing players to navigate challenges without the assurance of their usual resources.  

Social and Moral Implications:

Characters known to have ventured into or been affected by the Far Realm might face social stigma, fear, or hostility from others in the game world. The profound alterations and the mark of the Far Realm could lead to isolation or conflict with societies and factions that view such influences with suspicion or dread.  

The Unknown:

Perhaps the most daunting aspect of the Far Realm is the unknown. The lack of knowledge and understanding about its true nature makes it a wildcard, introducing elements into the game that can dramatically alter the course of a campaign in ways that players and characters may not be prepared to handle.  
The Far Realm represents an extremely high-risk area that players must choose to avoid or approach with caution, regardless of their experience level.

Roleplaying Mutants

  Learn more about playing a mutant:
Species | Feb 17, 2024

Adventuring & Exploration

  The presence of Far Realm rifts in Dramoor opens new avenues for adventure and exploration, challenging players to navigate the dangers of corrupted landscapes, confront mutated creatures, and seek ways to close or contain these rifts. Adventures could involve investigating the origins of a rift, protecting communities from the horrors that emerge, or delving into a rift itself on a perilous journey into the unknown.  

Roleplaying Implications

  The mutations and the existential threat posed by the Far Realm introduce complex roleplaying opportunities. Characters may grapple with the fear of mutation, the societal implications of being affected, or the moral quandaries of dealing with creatures and individuals transformed by the rifts. The rifts' influence can also serve as a catalyst for quests to find cures, develop protections against the radiation, or understand the Far Realm's nature.  

Genetic Dissolution

In the eerie landscapes surrounding the Far Realm portals on Dramoor, mutated creatures undergo a deadly and grotesque transformation known as genetic dissolution when they stray too far from the corrupting radiations that birthed them. This process, varying in speed among different beings, remains one of the most horrifying phenomena linked to the Far Realm's influence.   The dissolution begins with the creature's rapid swelling as if their very essence rebels against their unnatural form. This swelling is not just a physical expansion but a tumultuous internal struggle, as the mutated genetics that once empowered them start to unravel. Witnesses describe the sight as deeply unsettling, a visual cacophony of flesh and bone warping grotesquely before their eyes.  
  Following the initial swelling, the creature implodes, collapsing into itself in a gruesome spectacle. This implosion is not a quiet end but a violent, painful retraction of form and function, where the creature's body turns against itself, condensing into a steaming, convulsing mass of ooze. The final stages are the most pitiful, as the creature's remains twitch and shudder, breaking down further into a pile of putrid black dust that leaves nothing of the once fearsome being.   This genetic dissolution poses a significant risk to anyone in the vicinity. Those within a 5-foot radius during any stage of this ghastly process must make a save against poison with a -5 penalty. Failure indicates exposure to the residual mutagenic energies, with a mutation developing within the individual over the seasons. The nature of these mutations is unpredictable but invariably linked to the chaotic essence of the Far Realm, underscoring the insidious and far-reaching dangers of its portals' influence on the world of Dramoor.  
The genetic dissolution process in Dramoor affects only creatures and plant life that have undergone prolonged and consistent exposure to Far Realm radiation. This phenomenon occurs when beings habitually residing within the radiation-affected zones venture beyond their irradiated sanctuaries.
  The mutations, while stable within the radiation field, begin to unravel once the creature or plant is removed from its influence. The disintegration into a steaming ooze and subsequent dust is both a grotesque and painful end, showcasing the volatile nature of Far Realm's influence on the genetic fabric of affected life forms. This catastrophic breakdown serves as a grim reminder of the potent and corrupting power of the Far Realm's radiation, which binds the very essence of mutation to its source, leading to inevitable decay once separated.  

Determine Your Mutations

  As a player, you have the unique opportunity to incorporate these mutations into your character's creation, embracing the unpredictable and often dangerous gifts bestowed by the Far Realm's radiation. Here is how you can integrate mutations into your character's backstory and abilities, using the mutation tables provided.  

Step 1: Understanding the Context

  Before rolling for mutations, understand the narrative context of your character's encounter with the Far Realm radiation. Was your character born near a rift, exposed to its energies from a young age? Did they seek out the rift's power, hoping to harness its strength? Or was their mutation the result of an accident, a moment of curiosity turned awry? The story behind your character's mutation will add depth to their background and motivations.  

Step 2: Rolling for Mutations

  The mutation tables are divided into categories, including physical appearance, psychological changes, abilities, and random effects. Each category offers a range of potential mutations, from beneficial to detrimental.  

Step 3: Integrating Mutations into Your Character

  Physical Mutations: Adjust your character's appearance based on the mutations. This could involve changes in skin color, the growth of non-human appendages, or other visible alterations. Consider how these changes affect your character's daily life, their clothing choices, and how others perceive them.   Psychological Mutations: Reflect on how psychological changes influence your character's personality and behavior. Enhanced mental abilities or detrimental effects like paranoia can shape your character's worldview and interactions.   Ability Mutations: Mutations can grant unique powers or alter existing abilities. Integrate these changes into your character's skill set, considering how they complement or complicate their chosen class and profession.   Role-playing Tips: Embrace the narrative potential of your character's mutations. They can serve as a source of conflict, a secret to hide, or a power to master. Your character's journey to understand or control their mutations can be a compelling aspect of their story.  

Step 4: Balancing Gameplay

  While mutations can offer exciting abilities, they also come with challenges. Work with your Dungeon Master (DM) to ensure that your character's mutations are balanced and enrich the gameplay experience for you and your fellow players. The DM may adjust the effects of mutations to better fit the campaign's narrative and difficulty level.   Creating a character affected by Far Realm radiation offers a unique opportunity to explore themes of transformation, power, and identity. As you embark on adventures in Dramoor, your character's mutations will serve as a constant reminder of the world's chaotic beauty and the thin line between destruction and evolution.      
Embrace the unpredictability, and let your character's mutations shape their path in unexpected ways.

Mutation Tables


Rolling Process:

When creating your character, you'll roll dice as directed by the mutation tables. The results will determine the specific mutations your character has undergone. Remember, mutations can significantly alter your character's interaction with the world and other characters, so choose the moment of mutation thoughtfully.   Expand/Collapse Roll Instructions
Step 1. Roll a d10:
Result 1-3 use Table 1: Abilities Mutations
Result 4-6 use Table 2: Appearance Mutations
Result 7-9 use Table 3: Random Mutations
Result 10 roll two9 mutations   Step 2. Mutation Roll d100:
After determining table 1, 2 or 3, players roll again on the specific sub-table to determine the subtable (a-e)   Step 3. DM rolls d10 from DM-only sub-tables:
After determining the mutation type, the DM determines the exact mutation for the player.

Table 1: Abilities

Once you've rolled from Table 1 (above), your DM
will roll from the relevant sub-table (below).

Sub-Table 1a: Minor Helpful

Sub-Table 1b: Major Helpful

Sub-Table 1c: Detrimental

Sub-Table 1d: Harmful

Sub-Table 1e: Useless

Sub-Table 1f: Controlled

Table 2: Appearance

Once you've rolled from Table 2 (above), your DM
will roll from the relevant sub-table (below).

Sub-Table 2a: Helpful

Sub-Table 2b: Detrimental

Sub-Table 2c: Harmful

Sub-Table 2d: Useless

Sub-Table 2e: Adaptive Response

Table 3: Random

Once you've rolled from Table 3 (above), your DM
will roll from the relevant sub-table (below).

Sub-Table 3a:
Psychological Benefit

Sub-Table 3b:
Psychological Detriment

Sub-Table 3c: Social Benefit

Sub-Table 3d: Social Detriment

Sub-Table 3e:
Environmental Adaptation

Sub-Table 3f: Sensory

Sub-Table 3g: Stat/Trait Change