Psionics in Dramoor

History of Psionics

Psionics in Dramoor traces back to ancient civilizations that recognized the mind's potential to affect the material world. Initially feared and misunderstood, it has evolved into a sophisticated system of power, paralleling the development of magical studies but remaining distinct in its methods and understanding.   The historical context of Psionics in Dramoor reveals a fascinating journey from ancient, misunderstood art to a recognized and respected practice. Ancient texts recount tales of the first Psionicists, who were feared and revered for their mysterious powers. Over ages, these abilities have been studied, categorized, and taught, transforming Psionics from arcane legends to a structured field of study with its own traditions, schools, and ethical considerations.  

Becoming Familiar With Your Own Mind

  Learning new psionic powers is an introspective process that demands dedication, discipline, and a deep understanding of one's inner self. Unlike the memorization of spells or the invocation of divine entities, expanding one's psionic repertoire involves meditation, mental exercises, and sometimes, the guidance of a more experienced mentor. This personal growth ensures that the journey of a Psionicist is not only one of external exploration but also of internal discovery.   The system governing the use of Psionics hinges on the concept of psychic energy—a quantifiable resource that Psionicists learn to draw upon, control, and replenish.  
Managing this resource is crucial, as it determines a Psionicist's ability to perform psychic feats, from the simplest telepathic message to the most complex manipulation of reality.
  Embarking on the path of a Psionicist in Dramoor is to embrace a role of both power and responsibility. It requires an understanding that the mind's limits are yet to be fully explored and that within those uncharted depths lie abilities that can both protect and devastate. As you step into the world of Psionics, let this guide be your first step towards unlocking the vast potential that lies within.

System of Psionics

The system governing Psionics is based on psychic energy, a resource pooled from the Psionicist's mental fortitude and focus. Activating powers consumes this energy, requiring Psionicists to manage their reserves carefully during combat or exploration. Mastery of Psionics involves not only learning new powers but also understanding how to efficiently use and replenish one's psychic energy.  

Psionic Points (Psi Points)

  Psionic Points represent the mental energy reserve a Psionicist has at their disposal to manifest their powers within the world of Dramoor. These points are a crucial aspect of playing a Psionic character, as they quantify your ability to use psionic powers before needing rest or meditation to replenish your mental reserves.   Expand/Collapse Psi Calculations
Base Points: At Level 1, a Psionicist starts with 4 Psi Points. This initial amount represents their nascent ability to channel psionic energy.   Progression: As the Psionicist advances in levels, they gain an additional 2 Psi Points per level. This increase reflects their growing mastery and capacity to harness psionic energy.   Ability Modifiers: The total number of Psi Points can be further modified by the Psionicist's Intelligence (INT) and Constitution (CON) scores. These modifiers represent the mental acuity and physical resilience contributing to the Psionicist's psionic potential. However, specific calculations or modifiers from these abilities can vary based on campaign settings or DM discretion.

Usage of Psionic Points

Expand/Collapse Psi Usage
Manifesting Psionic Powers: Psionicists spend Psi Points to use their psionic abilities. Each power has a Psi Point cost, reflecting the mental effort required to manifest it. Standard powers cost 1 Psi Point, ensuring that even at low levels, Psionicists have access to their abilities.   Attempt Roll: When attempting to use a psionic power, Psionicists make an 'Attempt Roll' to determine success. This roll is a d20, possibly modified by the Psionicist's level and relevant ability scores. The difficulty of successfully manifesting a power might decrease as the Psionicist gains levels, reflecting their increasing proficiency.   Failure and Psi Points: Regardless of the outcome of the attempt roll, the Psi Points spent on attempting to manifest a power are consumed. This rule emphasizes the mental strain and risk involved in wielding psionic powers.

Managing Psi Points

Expand/Collapse Psi Management
Recovery: Psionicists can recover spent Psi Points through rest. A long rest fully replenishes a Psionicist's Psi Points, while short rests will replenish 25% of your total Psi points, rounded up.   Strategic Use: Given the finite nature of Psi Points, Psionicists must be strategic in their use of powers, balancing the need for immediate utility against the risk of depleting their mental reserves.   Enhancements: Certain class features, items, or circumstances might temporarily increase a Psionicist's Psi Points or reduce the cost of specific powers, allowing for dynamic gameplay and strategic depth.
  This framework for Psionic Points offers both a measure of a character's psionic capacity and a gameplay mechanic that encourages strategic thinking and resource management. It's a system designed to be flexible yet structured, providing clear guidelines for using one of Dramoor's most enigmatic and powerful forces.

Important! For Psi Point and DS (Difficulty Score) tables, see the bottom of this page.

Becoming A Psionicist


Psionicist PreRequisites:

No player may be a psionicist if either their beginning base INT or CON scores are below 10. Any player whose scores fall temporarily or permanently below 10 will lose their psionic abilities until the scores are repaired, healed or otherwise corrected.

Playing a Psionicist?

click below to learn more
Generic article | Apr 7, 2024

Learning New Powers

Learning new psionic powers requires deep meditation, self-reflection, and practice. A Psionicist must attune to their inner mental landscape, exploring the depths of their consciousness to unlock new abilities. This journey is personal and introspective, differing greatly from the study of arcane texts or divine rituals seen in other magical disciplines.  

The Role of Psionicists in Dramoor

Psionicists hold a unique position in Dramoor, often serving as advisors, healers, or scouts. Their abilities allow them to bypass physical obstacles and communicate silently, making them invaluable in diplomatic missions or espionage. However, the fear and misunderstanding of their powers can sometimes lead to mistrust from those unfamiliar with Psionics.  

Integrating Psionics into Your Character

When creating a Psionicist character, consider how their abilities have shaped their perspective and place in the world. Have they faced prejudice, or are they revered in certain circles? How do they view their powers in relation to the more traditional forms of magic in Dramoor? These questions can add depth to your character and enrich your role-playing experience.

Psionic Disciplines

  Diving into the world of Psionics in Dramoor opens up a realm where the mind's boundless potential reigns supreme. Unlike the elemental forces harnessed by wizards or the divine energies channeled by clerics, Psionics operates on a different spectrum of power—rooted in the psyche's depths. The disciplines of Psionics represent specialized areas of psychic mastery, each offering unique pathways for manipulating reality through sheer mental prowess.   Embarking on the journey of a Psionicist means choosing a discipline that resonates with your character's innate talents and aspirations. Whether you're drawn to the subtle manipulations of Telepathy, the defensive capabilities of Psychometabolism, or the raw force of Psychokinesis, each discipline offers a distinct approach to the challenges and adventures that await in Dramoor. As you delve deeper into your chosen path, you'll uncover new powers that expand your ability to influence the world around you, connect with others, and protect yourself and your allies from harm.   The study and practice of Psionic disciplines require not only rigorous mental discipline but also a profound understanding of oneself and the universe.  
Psionics is a path that blends the mystical with the cerebral, inviting Psionicists to explore the limits of their mental fortitude and to wield their intellect as their greatest weapon.


This discipline focuses on the manipulation of one's own body, including abilities like accelerated healing, altering physical form, and enhancing physical abilities.
Bonus: Reduce DS by 1 for powers related to healing and physical enhancement due to the Psionicist's heightened control over their body's functions.
Penalty: Increase DS by 1 for powers outside of the Psychometabolism discipline, reflecting the Psionicist's specialized focus on self-manipulation.


Involves the manipulation of physical energy and matter, encompassing abilities like telekinesis, control over elements (like fire or electricity), and energy-based attacks.
Bonus: Reduce DS by 1 for powers involving the manipulation of physical elements and energy, showcasing mastery over external forces.
Penalty: Increase DS by 1 for Telepathy and Psychoportation powers, as the focus on external manipulation detracts from proficiency in these areas.


Centers around the manipulation of space and time, including powers like teleportation, dimensional travel, and time manipulation.
Bonus: Reduce DS by 1 for teleportation and dimensional travel powers, indicating advanced understanding of spatial dimensions.
Penalty: Increase DS by 1 for Psychokinesis and Clairsentience powers, due to the specialized focus on space-time manipulation over other forms of psionic influence.


Focused on mind-to-mind communication and interaction, this discipline includes reading thoughts, mental communication, mental control, and emotional manipulation.
Bonus: Reduce DS by 1 for mind-to-mind communication and control powers, exemplifying a deep connection with the mental realm.
Penalty: Increase DS by 1 for Psychometabolism and Psychokinesis powers, as the inward focus on mental abilities lessens outward physical control.


About acquiring knowledge through paranormal sensory means, this discipline includes abilities like clairvoyance, precognition, and remote viewing.
Bonus: Reduce DS by 1 for powers related to acquiring knowledge and sensing beyond the normal spectrum, reflecting heightened sensory perception.
Penalty: Increase DS by 1 for Psychoportation and Telepathy powers, since the focus on extrasensory perception diminishes the mastery over spatial and mental manipulation.

Psionic Tables:

Embarking on the path of a Psionicist in Dramoor unveils a realm where the mind's power transcends the boundaries of the physical world. As you delve into this journey, the intricacies of Psionic Points and the Difficulty Score (DS) system become pivotal in harnessing and mastering your psionic abilities. This guide serves as your compass, navigating through the essence of psionic energy manipulation, ensuring your adventures are both profound and impactful.  

Psi Points

Psionic Points (Psi Points):
At the heart of your psionic capabilities lie your Psi Points, a reservoir of mental energy that fuels your powers. These points are a reflection of your mental stamina, intellect, and the sheer force of your will. As you progress, the number of Psi Points at your disposal increases, symbolizing your growing mastery over the psychic domain. Each psionic ability you wish to manifest requires the expenditure of these points, a testament to the mental focus required for each feat.   Difficulty Score (DS):
The DS system represents the mental challenge associated with each psionic attempt. Factors such as your environment, physical condition, and the complexity of the task at hand influence this score. A lower DS signifies a task more easily within your mental grasp, while a higher DS denotes a challenge that demands greater focus and mastery. Your ability to modify the DS through your chosen discipline showcases your specialization and adaptability in the face of psionic endeavors.   As you prepare to wield the profound energies of the mind, remember that your journey is not just about the accumulation of power but also the wisdom to wield it responsibly. Each Psi Point spent and every DS challenge overcome is a step towards understanding the vast potential that lies within you.
Embrace this journey with both humility and determination, for the path of a Psionicist is paved with endless possibilities and profound discoveries.

DS and how to find yours

Understanding how to calculate your Base Difficulty Score (DS) for psionic attempts is crucial. This score determines the challenge level of successfully executing a psionic power, influenced by your character's mental and physical prowess, level of experience, and the environmental conditions they face. Here's a guide to help you navigate these calculations, ensuring your Psionicist can effectively harness their extraordinary abilities.  

Calculating Your Base DS

  Your Base DS is primarily influenced by two core attributes: your Intelligence (INT) and your Constitution (CON). These attributes reflect your character's mental acuity and physical resilience, foundational elements for channeling psionic energy.   Start with the Average: Begin by calculating the average of your INT and CON scores. This average represents your character's overall capability to withstand the rigors of psionic exertion and focus required for such feats.   Level Modifier: Your Psionicist's level plays a significant role in determining the Base DS. As you gain experience and mastery over your psionic abilities, the Base DS for your attempts will decrease, reflecting this increased proficiency. Refer to the Level Modifiers table to adjust your Base DS accordingly.   Environmental, Mental, and Physical Modifiers: The conditions under which you attempt to use your psionic powers can significantly affect the Base DS. Factors such as being in a disruptive environment, suffering from injuries, or mental strain, can increase the Base DS, making it more challenging to successfully execute powers. Conversely, favorable conditions can decrease the Base DS.   Discipline-Specific Adaptations: Each Psionic Discipline comes with its unique adaptations that can either reduce or increase your Base DS for powers within or outside the discipline, respectively. This reflects the specialized nature of your Psionicist's training and focus.  

Example Calculation

  • INT Score: 16*
  • CON Score: 14
  • Average: (16 + 14) / 2 = 15 = Base DS 10
  • *INT 16 DS Modifier = 2
  • Psionicist Level: 10 (Level Modifier: -2)
  • Environmental Modifier: None
  • Discipline Adaptation: Psychokinesis (Using a Psychokinesis power, Bonus: -1)

  • Total DS Score = (10-2-2-1) = 5
    (roll d20, 5 or higher to succeed in using your power)

    Fail the roll? Consult the 'Psionic (DS) Failure Roll Results' table below.

    Remember, the goal of these mechanics is to immerse you deeply in the psionic experience of Dramoor, offering a nuanced and strategic approach to wielding your psionic powers. By understanding and applying these calculations, you'll be better equipped to navigate the challenges and triumphs that await your Psionicist.