Campaigns in Dramoor

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If you're playing any campaign within Dramoor, you'll need to get acquainted with the world and it's plethora of options, including races, magic, the gods, mutations, psionics and everything in-between.

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Of Rock & Fish

Type: Long Term, Multi Session

Beneath the sprawling skies of Dramoor, at the edge where the sea whispers secrets to the shore, lies Scarfig—a city carved from the very essence of survival and resilience. Here, amidst the juxtaposition of nature's beauty and the scars etched by time's relentless march, you are invited to embark on a journey unlike any other. Scarfig, cradled at the southernmost tip of the Neritoph Kingdom, is not just a city; it's a living, breathing testament to the power of unity and the unyielding spirit of its people.   Click the book below to learn more   Expand/Collapse Of Rock & Fish
As the region's lifeblood, Scarfig thrives on its bustling fish market, buoyed by the bountiful Great Reef. Yet, the city's soul lies in its roots, in the ancient ruins of Castle Scarfig—a beacon of strength that withstood wars and nature's fury before succumbing to the Loreech's cataclysm. From these ashes rose a new Scarfig, its foundations intertwined with the legacy of the past and the hope for the future. The blackish rock salvaged from dungeon ruins, now embedded in the town's modern edifices, serves as a poignant reminder of what was lost and what endures.  
Scarfig's heartbeat is the Great Reef Market, a kaleidoscope of color, sound, and life. Here, the city's pulse is most vibrant, showcasing its cultural richness and economic prowess. It's a place where tales of treasure and tragedy intermingle, where the past collides with the present, and where every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn.
  As players within this intricate world, you are not merely observers; you are part of Scarfig's unfolding story. Your actions, your decisions, and your courage will determine your path through this land of contrasts. Will you navigate the intricate dance of politics and power, or will you seek the secrets hidden beneath ancient ruins? Will you embrace the traditions that bind this community, or will you forge a new destiny?   Welcome to Scarfig, where every stone tells a story, and every wave sings of adventure. Here, within these hallowed walls and bustling streets, your journey begins—a quest for survival, for glory, and perhaps, for a place to call home in the vast, wild tapestry of Dramoor.

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Bound Fates

Type: Short Term, Single/Multi Session

In the shadowed heart of the world, where the echoes of clashing steel and the roar of the crowd reign supreme, lies Blakvüld—a place of dread and glory. Here, within these ancient, formidable walls, you, the players, will tread the fine line between life and death, glory and oblivion. Each campaign, a single session, a singular chance to etch your name into the annals of the arena or be forgotten in the sands of time.   Click the book below to learn more   Expand/Collapse Bound Fates
Blakvüld is not for the faint of heart. It is a crucible where only the bravest, most daring, and indeed, the most foolish, dare to dream of freedom. As gladiators, you are drawn from the farthest reaches of the land, each with a story, a desire for redemption, or a thirst for glory. Your survival hinges not just on skill and strength, but on cunning, strategy, and sometimes, the caprice of fate.  
Every battle is a spectacle, a dance with death under the watchful eyes of thousands. The clash of weapons, the cry for blood, the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat—all play out in the arena's merciless embrace. Here, alliances are forged and broken, rivalries are born, and legends are made.
  But Blakvüld offers more than just the promise of combat. It is a world within walls, teeming with intrigue and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Behind the spectacle of the arena lie the machinations of power, the whispers of rebellion, and the keys to your salvation or doom. Will you navigate these treacherous waters, outwit your captors, and earn your freedom? Or will you fall, one more forgotten soul in the arena's bloody sands?   Prepare yourselves, for the fight of your lives is about to begin. Only the most audacious can hope to survive the trials of Blakvüld and emerge victorious. Gather your courage, sharpen your blades, and step into the arena. The battle for freedom is a fierce and unforgiving one, but for those who can claim it, eternal glory awaits.   As your DM, I am the weaver of this tale, the voice of your fate, and the guardian of the world you are about to enter. Together, we will embark on a journey fraught with danger and excitement, where each decision can lead to triumph or disaster. Welcome to Blakvüld, where legends are born, and destinies are forged in the fire of combat.

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