The Gods Of Dramoor in Dramoor | World Anvil

The Gods Of Dramoor

The Old Chaos Gods


Pre-History of the Gods in Dramoor: The Age of Primordial Chaos

  Before the formation of Dramoor's rich landscapes and diverse cultures, the cosmos was a realm of unbridled chaos, home to proto-gods of immense power. These entities, beyond mortal comprehension, thrived in a reality where chaos was the fabric of existence. The Time of Chaos  
This era was defined by an endless expanse of turbulent energy, with cosmic entities engaged in ceaseless creation and conflict. From this primordial state, nine mighty beings emerged, laying the foundation for Dramoor's divine landscape.

Playing an Old God Cleric?

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Expand/Collapse Old Gods

Melthashem: Embodiment of Resilience and Potential

Melthashem is revered as the primordial force behind the unyielding spirit of creation. This deity symbolizes the innate ability of all beings to withstand trials and emerge stronger, embodying the raw potential within the chaos that predates order. Cults devoted to Melthashem practice rites of endurance, seeking to unlock the latent power within themselves and the world around them. Legends tell of Melthashem's avatars walking Dramoor, testing the resilience of its inhabitants, and granting boons to those who prove their mettle.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Neutral Good (NG) or True Neutral (N)

Granted Ability: "Bulwark of Endurance"

- Once per long rest, a cleric can invoke Melthashem’s resilience, granting them or an ally a temporary shield of hit points equivalent to the cleric's level + their Wisdom modifier, lasting for 10 minutes or until depleted.

Grizmoran: Champion of Free Will and Belief

Grizmoran champions the power of belief and the sanctity of free will. This deity is said to have woven the ability for conscious choice into the fabric of the universe, granting all creatures the capacity to shape their destinies. Followers of Grizmoran are often free spirits, opposing tyranny and celebrating the diversity of thought and culture. Myths depict Grizmoran as a wanderer, inspiring revolutions and enlightening individuals to the power of their own will.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Chaotic Good (CG)

Granted Ability: "Mantle of Conviction"

- Clerics can cast "Zone of Truth" once per long rest without expending a spell slot, their unwavering belief strengthening the spell to resist being dispelled by magic of a lower level.

Suplanter: Harbinger of Duality and Cycles

Suplanter governs the cosmic balance, presiding over the cycles of day and night, life and death, creation and destruction. This deity's domain encompasses the eternal dance of opposites that defines existence. Temples dedicated to Suplanter are places of meditation, where adherents study the nature of change and learn to embrace the inevitability of transition. Fables often portray Suplanter as a dual-faced entity, forever orchestrating the flow of time and the seasons.   Cleric Alignment requirements: True Neutral (N)

Granted Idea: "Balance of Night and Day"

- Clerics gain the ability to switch between blessings of the day and curses of the night. During daylight, they can enhance healing spells; at night, they can impose disadvantage on enemy saving throws against their spells.

Gulpazster: Architect of the Physical Realm

Gulpazster's might carved the mountains, filled the seas, and spread the skies across the void. As the architect of the physical realm, this deity's essence is interlaced with the very matter of Dramoor. Worship of Gulpazster is common among builders, craftsmen, and those who find solace in the tangible aspects of the world. Ancient texts describe Gulpazster shaping the land with giant hands, creating sanctuaries for life to flourish.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Lawful Neutral (LN)

Granted Ability: "Architect’s Command"

- Once per long rest, clerics can manipulate the terrain in a small area, creating obstacles, trenches, or walls of earth and stone to provide cover or impede movement for 10 minutes.

Tenebrous: Guardian of Shadows and Secrets

Tenebrous dwells in the spaces between light, a keeper of secrets and the mysteries that lie in darkness. This deity represents the unknown, encouraging the pursuit of hidden knowledge and the exploration of the unseen. Cults of Tenebrous often operate in secrecy, delving into forbidden magic and uncovering truths meant to stay hidden. Tales whisper of Tenebrous' followers moving unseen through the night, guardians of the mysteries they unearth.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Neutral Evil (NE) or Chaotic Neutral (CN)

Granted Idea: "Veil of Tenebrous"

- Clerics can envelop themselves or an ally in shadows once per long rest, granting invisibility for 1 minute or until they attack, cast a spell, or take damage.

Maanzecorian: Beacon of Knowledge and Wisdom

Maanzecorian is the illuminator of minds, a beacon for those who seek understanding and clarity. This deity embodies the pursuit of wisdom and the accumulation of knowledge. Libraries and schools are erected in Maanzecorian's honor, places where scholars gather to advance the collective understanding of Dramoor. Stories recount Maanzecorian's avatars imparting wisdom to mortals, guiding civilizations towards enlightenment.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Lawful Good (LG) or Lawful Neutral (LN)

Granted Ability: "Insight of the Ages"

- Clerics can tap into Maanzecorian’s wisdom, gaining advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, or Knowledge checks for 10 minutes, once per long rest.

Veelofy: Celebrant of Emotional Dualities

Veelofy revels in the spectrum of emotions, from the deepest sorrows to the heights of joy. This deity teaches that to experience emotion fully is to embrace the essence of life. Festivals in Veelofy's name are vibrant affairs, where followers express themselves through art, song, and dance. Parables of Veelofy speak to the deity's ever-changing moods, reflecting the natural ebb and flow of the heart.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Chaotic Neutral (CN)

Granted Idea: "Embrace of Veelofy"

- Once per long rest, clerics can cast an aura that affects all allies within 30 feet, calming emotions to suppress fear or inspire bravery, granting advantage on saving throws against being frightened for 10 minutes.

Aetherbireshi: Font of Magic and Warden of Time

Aetherbireshi weaves the threads of magic through the fabric of reality, governing the forces that bind the universe. As the warden of time, this deity oversees the continuity of past, present, and future, ensuring that the tapestry of history remains intact. Practitioners of magic pay homage to Aetherbireshi, seeking the deity's favor to enhance their spells and understanding of the arcane. Legends depict Aetherbireshi as a timeless watcher, guardian of the cosmos's magical essence.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Neutral Good (NG) or True Neutral (N)

Granted Ability: "Aetherial Step"

- Clerics can momentarily step through the fabric of magic, teleporting to any location within sight once per long rest, as if casting "Misty Step."

Qulibihess: Essence of Life and Fire

Qulibihess embodies the primal force of life and the consuming blaze of fire. This deity represents both creation and destruction, illustrating the delicate balance between nurturing growth and unleashing fury. Worshippers of Qulibihess are often seen as passionate and driven, their ceremonies filled with fire and renewal rituals. Mythology portrays Qulibihess as a phoenix-like figure, eternally reborn from the ashes of its predecessors, symbolizing the cycle of regeneration.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Chaotic Good (CG) or Neutral Good (NG)

Granted Idea: "Flame of Renewal"

- Clerics can invoke the life-giving and destructive aspects of fire, healing an ally or dealing fire damage to an enemy within touch range. The amount equals 1d8 + their cleric level, usable once per long rest.

Who They Were

  The old gods, entities of unfathomable power and ancient origin, were the architects of the universe's primordial chaos. Each old god embodied a fundamental aspect of existence, transcending mortal understanding. They were forces of nature, concepts, and raw energies given consciousness, shaping the cosmos through their will and whims. Their names were whispered in the winds of creation, and their essences were interwoven with the fabric of reality itself.  

What Became of Them After the Union?

  The cosmic union that birthed the New Gods marked a pivotal shift in the divine hierarchy. The old gods, once unchallenged in their dominion, found their influence waning as the New Gods took up the mantle of guiding Dramoor's destiny. Some old gods receded into the background, their powers diluted but not extinguished, lurking in the shadows of the world. Others merged their essence with the New Gods, becoming facets of their personalities or domains. A few resisted the change, clinging to their ancient prerogatives and becoming sources of discord and strife.  

Cults of the Old Gods

  Despite the ascendance of the New Gods, cults dedicated to the old gods persist. These secretive societies often operate at the fringes of society, their practices deemed heretical by mainstream religions. The cults seek to reawaken the ancient powers of the old gods, believing that true divinity lies in the primordial chaos from which the world was shaped. Their rituals are arcane and often dangerous, involving sacrifices, esoteric symbols, and chants that date back to the dawn of creation.  

Myth and Legends in the Current Era

  In the current era of Dramoor, the old gods live on in myths and legends. Stories speak of the Time of Chaos, when the old gods roamed the formless void, and the landscape of reality itself was malleable. Legends recount tales of heroes who bargained with these ancient deities, gaining immense power or cursing their lineage for generations. Artifacts imbued with the essence of the old gods are sought after by adventurers, for they hold the key to unfathomable power or unspeakable doom. Temples, ruins, and natural phenomena are often attributed to the work of the old gods, serving as pilgrimage sites for the faithful and curious alike.   Through these stories and practices, the old gods maintain a shadowy presence in Dramoor. Their legacy is a testament to the world's chaotic origins and a reminder that beyond the order imposed by the New Gods, the raw, untamed power of creation still pulses in the dark corners of the universe.    

The Union of The Chaos Gods and The Birth of The New Gods

  The fusion of these primordial forces gave rise to the New Gods of Dramoor, each tasked with guiding the world and its inhabitants. Below is the oldest known text about the Union. It dates back to long before time was kept by mortal minds.  
  Expand/Collapse Ancient Text
In the twilight of the before-time, when the firmament was yet uncarved and the foundations of the earth unlain, there came to pass the Great Union. From the maelstrom of primordial chaos, where the old gods roamed unfettered and wild, a confluence of divine might stirred the void. These ancient entities, whose essences were woven from the very threads of possibility, beheld one another across the expanse of creation and recognized a kinship, a shared destiny to forge from the unformed void a realm of order and life.   Thus, in an age when time itself lay dormant, awaiting the breath of purpose, the old gods convened in a council as vast as the cosmos. Their voices, a chorus of the ethereal and the infinite, resonated through the nothingness, weaving a pact of divine intent. It was Melthashem, whose strength was as the bedrock of worlds, who first laid down their arms of discord, pledging their power to the union. Grizmoran, whose whispers kindled the flames of belief in the hearts of the yet-to-be, followed, their light piercing the eternal night.   One by one, the deities of old, from Suplanter, guardian of the cycles, to Gulpazster, the architect of form, lent their might to the burgeoning pact. Tenebrous, veiled in shadow, bestowed the gift of mystery, while Maanzecorian, keeper of wisdom, illuminated the path of knowledge. Veelofy, dancer on the edge of joy and despair, wove the tapestry of emotion, and Aetherbireshi, master of the arcane, bound the fabric of magic to the nascent world. Last to join was Qulibihess, whose essence of life and flame kindled the spark of existence.   In their infinite wisdom and power, these beings transcended their solitary dominions, merging their essences in a spectacle of divine alchemy that birthed the New Gods of Dramoor. This pantheon, both part and whole of their progenitors, was tasked with the stewardship of the world's unfolding, to guide its peoples and shape its destinies.
  The ancient texts, scribed by seers whose eyes beheld the tapestry of fate, speak of this union in hushed reverence. The Scrolls of the Aeon Whisperers tell of skies ablaze with the light of creation, of lands rising from the deep, and of the first breath of life stirring in the bosom of the world. Prophets robed in the mysteries of the divine sang of the New Gods' ascendance, their hymns echoing through the ages as a testament to the covenant that wrought order from chaos.   And so, the legacy of the old gods endures, not as relics of a bygone era but as the bedrock of the world's very essence. In the whispers of the wind, the depths of the sea, and the shadows of the forest, their presence lingers, a reminder of the unity that birthed the heavens and the earth. The Union of The Chaos Gods and The Birth of The New Gods stands as the cornerstone of all that is, a sacred bond that weaves the fabric of Dramoor's destiny.  

The New Gods: Greater & Lesser

  In the celestial hierarchy of Dramoor, the pantheon is divided into two distinct echelons: the Greater Gods and the Lesser Gods. This division is not merely a measure of power but signifies the roles and domains these deities preside over within the cosmos. Greater Gods  

Distinctions in Worship and Influence

  The distinction between Greater and Lesser Gods manifests most clearly in their worship and influence over Dramoor. Greater Gods command large, organized religions with structured hierarchies and widespread followings. Their festivals are major events that can influence the socio-political landscape, and their edicts can sway kings and emperors. In contrast, the worship of Lesser Gods is more varied and personal. It might be centered around small communities, individual families, or even solitary practitioners. Their blessings are sought for everyday concerns, from a successful harvest to protection on a perilous journey. Interaction with the Mortal Realm   Another critical difference lies in their interaction with the mortal realm. The Greater Gods, in their omnipotence, often work through grand gestures and cataclysmic events, their will enacted by avatars or through the rare, direct intervention. The Lesser Gods, however, might walk among their followers in disguise, offer cryptic guidance through oracles, or bestow their blessings in subtle, mysterious ways. This direct engagement with their worshippers fosters a deep, personal connection that the grandeur of the Greater Gods seldom achieves.   Together, the Greater and Lesser Gods of Dramoor form a complex, interwoven tapestry of divine influence, each playing their role in the cosmic ballet. Their distinctions highlight the diversity of faith in Dramoor, offering myriad ways for its inhabitants to connect with the divine, whether through the awe-inspiring majesty of the Greater Gods or the intimate, immediate presence of the Lesser Gods.  
In the dance of the cosmos, the Greater Gods compose the melody, vast and sweeping, while the Lesser Gods craft the harmonies, intricate and intimate. Together, their symphony weaves the fabric of Dramoor.

Greater Gods

  The Greater Gods stand as the pillars of creation, each wielding control over fundamental aspects of the universe. They are the architects of reality, shaping the physical and metaphysical realms through their divine will. These deities embody the core principles that govern existence, from the cycles of life and death to the forces of nature and beyond. Worship of the Greater Gods is widespread, their temples grand, and their clergy influential, reflecting the significant impact these deities have on the world and its inhabitants.  

Playing a Greater God cleric?

To learn about cleric alignment requirements and granted abilites, expand below: Expand/Collapse Greater Gods

Ao Overpower: Supreme Guardian and Keeper of the Gods

Ao Overpower stands as the paramount deity, the unassailable guardian and arbiter of the divine order. This supreme entity oversees the balance and harmony among the gods, ensuring that their powers serve the grand design of Dramoor. Worshipers of Ao Overpower seek to embody the principles of divine guardianship, advocating for balance and justice in all things.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Lawful Good (LG) or Lawful Neutral (LN)

Granted Ability: "Divine Arbitration"

- Once per long rest, a cleric can call upon Ao Overpower to grant advantage on any one saving throw, ability check, or attack roll, symbolizing the god's power to influence the outcome in favor of maintaining balance and order.

Moradin and Diinkarazen: Protectors of all Dwarves

Moradin and Diinkarazen, twin deities forged from the heart of the mountain, serve as the stalwart protectors of the Dwarven people. Their divine essence is interlinked with the strength, craftsmanship, and resilience of Dwarves across all subtypes. Their followers are often seen as bastions of Dwarven culture, upholding traditions, and defending their kin with fervor.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Lawful Good (LG) or Neutral Good (NG)

Granted Ability: "Forgeheart's Blessing"

- Once per long rest, clerics can invoke the protection of Moradin and Diinkarazen, granting them or an ally resistance to physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing) for 10 minutes.

Larethianr, Fenmarel, Lolth, and Enmoreth: Patrons of the Elves

These four deities weave the intricate tapestry of Elven spirituality, each governing different aspects of Elven life and magic. Larethianr's light guides the noble paths, Fenmarel oversees the hidden ways, Lolth entangles fates in shadows, and Enmoreth whispers the secrets of the arcane. Together, they form a divine council that nurtures the multifaceted essence of the Elven races.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Good (NG), Chaotic Neutral (CN), Chaotic Evil (CE), Neutral (N)/ True Neutral (TN).

Granted Ability: "Elvenkind's Grace"

- Once per long rest, clerics can call upon their patron to enhance their agility and senses, granting advantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws, as well as Perception checks, for 10 minutes.

Nebelun, Garl Glittergold, Baravar Shadowcloak, and Byrvan Grasseater: Benefactors of the Gnomes

This quartet of deities embodies the quintessential Gnome spirits: innovation, protection, stealth, and harmony with nature. Nebelun inspires invention, Garl Glittergold safeguards treasures, Baravar cloaks in shadows, and Byrvan Grasseater nurtures the bond with the natural world. Gnomes under their watch flourish in their respective domains, their lives enriched by divine whimsy and wisdom.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Chaotic Good (CG), Lawful Good (LG), Chaotic Good (CG), Neutral Good (NG).

Granted Ability: "Gnomish Ingenuity"

- Once per long rest, clerics can instantly create a small, non-magical object or tool that is pivotal in solving a problem at hand, showcasing the innovative spirit of their patrons.

Gyomor and Aesterinian: Guardians of Elemental Forces

Gyomor, with her dominion over the destructive forces of nature, and Aesterinian, the herald of growth and renewal, govern the elemental balance. Together, they encapsulate the cycle of devastation and rebirth, their followers devoted to understanding the primal forces that shape the world.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Chaotic Evil (CE) for Gyomor and Chaotic Good (CG) for Aesterinian.

Granted Ability: "Elemental Command"

- Once per long rest, clerics can summon an elemental force (fire, water, air, or earth) to assist them for 1 minute, reflecting the dual nature of their elemental guardians.

Azuthishem, Mishikal, and Nomog: Masters of Magical Realms

Azuthishem, Mishikal, and Nomog reign over the arcane, the divine, and the mystical nexus that binds the fabric of reality. Their collective wisdom and power are the cornerstone of magical practice in Dramoor, guiding spellcasters towards mastery and enlightenment.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Neutral Good (NG) or Lawful Neutral (LN)

Granted Ability: "Arcanum Nexus"

- Clerics can, once per long rest, amplify a spell to act as if cast using a spell slot two levels higher, without expending a higher-level spell slot, showcasing the profound control over magic these deities bestow upon their followers.

Valatygeen: World's Caretaker

Valatygeen embodies the nurturing spirit of the earth, overseeing the cycles of growth and renewal that sustain life in Dramoor. As the world's caretaker, Valatygeen's essence permeates every leaf and stream, instilling a deep connection between the land and its inhabitants.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Neutral Good (NG) or True Neutral (N)

Granted Ability: "Blessing of the Green"

- Once per long rest, clerics can invoke Valatygeen's power to heal and invigorate, casting "Mass Cure Wounds" at their current cleric level without expending a spell slot, reflecting the deity's life-giving essence.

Lesser Gods

  Conversely, the Lesser Gods oversee more specific, often localized domains. They are the patrons of particular races, crafts, emotions, and smaller aspects of nature. Their power, while not as vast as that of the Greater Gods, is deeply woven into the daily lives of the people of Dramoor. The Lesser Gods are more approachable, their tales more intertwined with mortal affairs, making their worship intimate and personal. Their shrines are found in hidden groves, at the heart of bustling cities, and within the quiet solitude of a craftsman's workshop.  

Playing a Lesser God cleric?

To learn about cleric alignment requirements and granted abilites, expand below: Expand/Collapse Lesser Gods

Haizea Lurrina: Air Genasi Deity

Whisperer of Breezes, Haizea Lurrina governs the skies and the freedom that comes with the wind. This deity embodies the ever-changing nature of the air, inspiring Air Genasi to embrace change and adaptability.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Chaotic Good (CG) or True Neutral (N)

Granted Ability: "Gale's Embrace"

- Clerics can summon a protective gust once per long rest, granting advantage on ranged attacks and imposing disadvantage on incoming ranged attacks for 1 minute.

Iratzarri Muntanya: Earth Genasi Deity

Shaper of Bedrock, Iratzarri Muntanya embodies the steadfastness and resilience of the earth, guiding Earth Genasi to find strength in stability and patience.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Lawful Neutral (LN) or True Neutral (N)

Granted Ability: "Stone's Endurance"

- Clerics can, once per long rest, grant themselves or an ally resistance to all non-magical damage for 10 minutes.

Suargi Flamur: Fire Genasi Deity

Weaver of Eternal Flames, Suargi Flamur ignites the passion and creativity within Fire Genasi, teaching the importance of transformation and renewal through fire.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Chaotic Neutral (CN) or Neutral Good (NG)

Granted Ability: "Inferno's Call"

- Once per long rest, clerics can cast "Fireball" at their current cleric level without expending a spell slot, embodying the uncontrollable nature of fire.

Maridil Wavecaller: Water Genasi Deity

Sovereign of the Tides, Maridil Wavecaller teaches Water Genasi the virtues of adaptability and depth, embracing the ebb and flow of life's currents.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Neutral Good (NG) or Chaotic Good (CG)

Granted Ability: "Tide's Blessing"

- Clerics can manipulate water once per long rest, either creating a barrier of water that grants temporary hit points or calming turbulent waters.

Nebelun: Tinker Gnomes

Nebelun's spirit of invention and curiosity is shared among the Gnome deities, each reflecting the diverse aspirations and crafts of Gnome subtypes.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Varies by subtype, typically Chaotic Good (CG) or True Neutral (N)

Granted Ability: "Craftsman's Insight"

- Clerics gain an extraordinary ability to invent, repair, or disable once per long rest, showcasing the ingenuity of Gnomes.

Tengra: Symbol of Duality and Harmony

This deity, embodying the confluence of two worlds, guides Half-Elves in balancing the dual aspects of their heritage, fostering a unique perspective that bridges cultures and communities.   Cleric Alignment requirements: True Neutral (N) or Neutral Good (NG)

Granted Ability: "Harmony's Path"

- Clerics can mediate conflicts once per long rest, casting "Calm Emotions" without expending a spell slot and enhancing diplomatic efforts.

Harreman Arina: Half-Giant Deity

Warden of Strength and Fortitude, Harreman Arina empowers Half-Giants to wield their might with wisdom and to stand as protectors of the lesser.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Neutral Good (NG) or Lawful Good (LG)

Granted Ability: "Giant's Resolve"

- Clerics can imbue themselves or an ally with towering strength, granting bonus to Strength-based checks and saving throws for 10 minutes.

Galdakao Mistika: Patron of Mutants

Guardian of change and the unconventional, Galdakao Mistika embraces those who bear the mark of the unique, guiding Mutants to wield their peculiar gifts with pride.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Chaotic Good (CG) or Chaotic Neutral (CN)

Granted Ability: "Mistika's Boon"

- Clerics can, once per long rest, enhance a Mutant's natural ability, granting them advantage on rolls related to their unique mutations for 10 minutes.

Erdiko Piztu: Reptoid Deity

Master of Survival and Ancient Wisdom, Erdiko Piztu teaches Reptoids the ways of stealth, survival, and the primal knowledge encoded in their blood.   Cleric Alignment requirements: True Neutral (N) or Neutral Evil (NE)

Granted Ability: "Primal Instinct"

- Clerics gain heightened senses and reflexes, granting them advantage on Perception checks and Initiative rolls for 10 minutes.

Muldora: Tiefling Redeemer of Light and Shadow

Muldora embodies the struggle and redemption inherent in Tiefling blood, guiding them to find balance between darkness and light, and to harness their heritage for a greater purpose.   Cleric Alignment requirements: Chaotic Good (CG) or Neutral Good (NG)

Granted Ability: "Shadow's Grace"

- Once per long rest, Tiefling clerics can blend into shadows or radiate an aura of dim light, aiding stealth or revealing hidden truths.

Interplay and Influence

  The interplay between the Greater and Lesser Gods mirrors the dynamic between the universal and the personal. The Greater Gods' edicts might dictate the rise and fall of empires or the turning of the seasons, while the Lesser Gods' attentions foster the growth of crops, the inspiration of artists, or the courage of heroes.  
This relationship ensures a balance, with the Greater Gods setting the parameters of reality and the Lesser Gods filling those boundaries with life's richness and diversity.

Ready to play a cleric?

Generic article | Apr 3, 2024

Playing a cleric?

Generic article | Apr 3, 2024

Order vs Chaos

Oru'len Zharanith, Chaos Venalium,
Gorathim Eclunor, Astrum Finaleum.
Nevaris Quorin, Otharim Velor,
Zharalim Vortex, Temporis Celor.
  Malithar Kaelum, Divinor Resplend,
Ecliptor Aether, Lumina Extent.
Seraphim Dorun, Etheris Unbound,
Cosmara Nexus, Infinium Found.

  In the beginning, amidst the Chaos Sea,
The final dance of stars, a cosmic decree.
Nine forces emerged, from the void they soared,
In a vortex of time, the universe roared.
  Within the divine sky, they shone bright,
Crafting realms of ether, bathed in light.
Unbound seraphs, through the ether they ranged,
At the cosmic nexus, infinity changed.
  And thus was the union, of chaos divine,
From their celestial conclave, new gods align.
In this birth of the ages, a world was spun,
Dramoor emerged, a new epoch begun.
— Thalorin the Sage,
of the Broken Halls

Old Gods vs.
New Gods

  The divine landscape of Dramoor is intricately woven from the threads of old and new, a tapestry of deities whose followers navigate a complex web of reverence, rivalry, and relationship. This intricate dynamic shapes not only the celestial hierarchy but also the earthly interactions among the clerics of the Old Gods and the New Gods.  

Views and Interactions

  Clerics of the Old Gods tend to view their counterparts as adherents to a newer order that, while necessary for the world's current balance, lacks the primal connection and raw power of the ancient deities. They often see the New Gods as too structured and removed from the chaotic essence that birthed the universe. In contrast, clerics of the New Gods view those devoted to the Old Gods as relics clinging to a bygone era, their practices outdated and sometimes dangerously unpredictable.   Despite these differing perspectives, interactions between the clerics of old and new are not always hostile. Many recognize that both sets of deities have essential roles within the cosmic balance of Dramoor.  
Cooperation occurs when greater threats loom over the world, requiring a united front that blends the ancient powers with the structured might of the newer pantheon. Known Rivalries and Alliances
  Certain rivalries, however, are deeply rooted in the theological and cosmological differences between the gods:  

Melthashem vs. Valatygeen:

The rivalry between Melthashem, the embodiment of resilience and potential from the old pantheon, and Valatygeen, the world's caretaker among the New Gods, stems from differing views on growth and renewal. While Melthashem champions inherent strength through adversity, Valatygeen emphasizes nurturing and care, leading to clashes in their clerics' approach to healing and protection.  

Tenebrous vs. Aesterinian:

Tenebrous, guardian of shadows and secrets, often finds opposition in Aesterinian, guardian of elemental forces and renewal. This conflict mirrors the classic battle between light and darkness, secrecy and revelation, with their clerics often at odds over the use and control of magic and information.  

Suplanter vs. Azuthishem, Mishikal, and Nomog:

The duality and cycle harbinger Suplanter challenges the trio of magical mastery among the New Gods. This rivalry underscores the tension between change and stability, with clerics debating over fate, destiny, and the manipulation of time and magic.  

Interaction in the Mortal Realm

  In the mortal realm, clerics often engage in debates, theological discussions, and sometimes open conflict, each striving to uphold and spread their deity's influence. However, festivals, rituals, and calamities also bring them together, showcasing the complex nature of divine worship in Dramoor.   Sanctuaries and temples dedicated to the Old Gods might stand in stark contrast to the newer edifices of the New Gods, yet both serve as places of power, learning, and solace for their followers. The interaction between these clerics, whether in conflict or cooperation, weaves a rich narrative into the fabric of Dramoor's spiritual and temporal life.   This dynamic interplay highlights the evolving nature of faith in Dramoor, a world where the ancient and the new not only coexist but also shape each other's existence and the fate of all its inhabitants.