Player Classes in Dramoor

Creating Depth Of Character

  In the world of role-playing games, particularly in settings like Dramoor, "subclasses" and "specializations" are terms used to further define and refine the roles and abilities of player characters within their chosen class. Understanding these concepts is crucial for players as they create and develop their characters, providing depth and personalization to the gaming experience.  


  A "subclass" represents a particular path or focus within a broader class category. Think of it as a specialization or concentration that offers a unique set of skills, abilities, and sometimes even ideologies, distinct from those of the base class. For example, within the Cleric class, subclasses could include War Cleric, Mystic Healer, or Necromancer, each with its unique way of channeling divine power.  


Subclasses allow players to tailor their characters to fit their preferred play style or to fulfill a specific role within their adventuring party.  

Impact on Gameplay:

Choosing a subclass affects a character's abilities, spell access, and sometimes even their moral or ethical outlook. It can also influence the character's background story and their relationships within the game world.  


Different classes offer different numbers and types of subclasses, reflecting the diversity of roles within a particular class. Some classes, like Wizards, might have a wide array of magical disciplines to choose from, while others, like Fighters, may offer paths that emphasize different combat styles or weapons expertise.  


  "Specializations" are often a further narrowing of focus within a subclass, offering additional skills, proficiencies, or powers that align with a specific aspect of the character's role. While not all games or game systems use specializations, those that do provide an even greater level of customization.  


Specializations give players the chance to hone their character's abilities even further, focusing on aspects of the game they find most enjoyable or valuable. For example, a Cleric who's chosen the Mystic Healer subclass might specialize in "Herbalist" to gain more proficiency in natural remedies and healing techniques.  

Impact on Gameplay:

Specializing can grant characters unique abilities, enhance existing ones, or even provide new ways to interact with the game world. It often comes with specific advantages and sometimes trade-offs, requiring players to make strategic choices about their character's development.  

Flexibility and Narrative Depth:

Specializations can add depth to a character's backstory and motivations, reflecting their training, interests, or the influence of their mentors or deities. They can also offer flexibility in how players approach challenges, encouraging creativity in problem-solving and role-playing.   In essence, subclasses and specializations are tools for players to craft characters that are not just mechanically effective but also richly developed personalities with their own strengths, weaknesses, and stories. They encourage a deeper engagement with the game world and its lore, allowing players to experience the game in a way that feels uniquely their own.  
When creating a character, consider how your choices of subclass and specialization will shape not just what your character can do, but who they are and what they stand for in the vast, adventure-filled world of Dramoor.

Experience Levels XP (All Classes)

  Players earn XP through roleplaying, completing challenges & quests, overcoming obstacles, and defeating monsters. This system quantifies a character's growth, with accumulated XP leading to level advancement, which in turn unlocks new abilities, spells, and increased stats.   The fabric of society is woven with individuals of varying skills and abilities, from humble villagers to legendary heroes. It's important for players to understand that the majority of non-player characters (NPCs) they encounter will fall within the first two experience groupings: Apprentice and Journeyman.  



Apprentice (Levels 1-4):

This group forms the backbone of Dramoor's population. Apprentices are individuals just starting their journey or those who lead ordinary lives—farmers, merchants, minor officials, and low-ranking soldiers. Their skills and attributes are modest, reflecting their limited experience with the extraordinary. The average NPC will never move beyond this group for the entirety of their lives.  

Journeyman (Levels 5-10):

Journeymen are more experienced and may include skilled artisans, seasoned soldiers, and local leaders. While they possess greater abilities than Apprentices, they are still common enough to be a regular part of the societal landscape. Only a few NPCs will attain this group. Most will not move beyond this group for the entirety of their lives.   As characters progress beyond these initial stages to become Adepts, Masters, and beyond, they enter a realm of exceptionalism.  

Adept (Levels 11-15) and Higher:

Individuals at these levels are rarities, refined in their skills and often possessing remarkable abilities that set them apart from the common folk. Adepts, Masters, Paragons, Legends, Myths, Immortals, and Gods are increasingly less common, with their presence signifying significant power, influence, or mastery that can shape the fate of regions, nations, or even the entire world of Dramoor.   Expand All Level Groupings

Experience Table Groupings


Apprentice (Levels 1-4)

At this stage, characters are novices in their chosen paths, receiving small bonuses to attributes as they learn the basics of their roles and abilities.  

Journeyman (Levels 5-10)

With increased experience, characters develop their skills further, earning slightly higher bonuses to reflect their growing competencies.  

Adept (Levels 11-15)

Characters become proficient in specific skills within their field, gaining a decent bonus to their attributes as they master their crafts.  

Master (Levels 16-20)

Recognized as renowned masters of their professions, characters at this level receive a substantial bonus to their attributes.  

Paragon (Levels 21-25)

Embarking on legendary quests, these characters receive a large attribute bonus, marking their transition into the realms of the extraordinary.  

Legend (Levels 26-30)

Becoming legends within the realm, characters at this level gain a significant attribute bonus, reflecting their legendary status and achievements.  

Myth (Levels 31-35)

Characters undertaking mythical quests receive a major attribute bonus, signifying their ascent into myth and folklore.  

Immortal (Levels 36-40)

Achieving immortality through their deeds, characters are awarded a huge attribute bonus, embodying the pinnacle of mortal achievement.  

God (Levels 41+)

Ascending to godhood, characters at this level gain the 'limitless' attribute bonus, representing their divine status and influence within their sphere.

Experience Points by Level