Player's Handbook in Dramoor

A Player's Guide to Dramoor


Creating Your Character and Embracing the World

  Welcome to Dramoor, a realm where magic weaves through the fabric of existence, ancient gods shape the destinies of mortals, and diverse races coexist in a land brimming with adventure. As you prepare to embark on your journey within this mystical world, this guide will serve as your compass, leading you through the steps of creating a character and diving into the rich tapestry of Dramoor's lore.  

1. Understanding Dramoor:

  Begin by familiarizing yourself with the world of Dramoor. Dive into its lore, exploring the pantheon of gods, the major races, and the geopolitical landscape. Grasp the balance of magic and mundane, and the societal dynamics that define Dramoor.  
Remember, this world values roleplay and narrative depth over min-maxing.

2. Choosing Your Race:

  Reflect on the variety of races in Dramoor, from Elves and Humans to Genasi and Tiefling. Each race comes with its unique history, abilities, and place within the world. Consider how your race affects your character's perspective, their interactions, and their place in the group dynamic.  

3. Selecting a Class and Specialization:

  Dramoor offers classic classes with unique twists, allowing for deep customization. Whether you're drawn to the arcane mastery of a wizard, the divine connection of a cleic, or the raw power of a warrior and many more, choose a class that resonates with your envisioned roleplay experience. Then, delve into specializations to further refine your character's abilities and role within the group.  

4. Fleshing Out Your Character:

  Details bring your character to life. Think about their background, motivations, fears, and dreams. How do they view the world of Dramoor? What drives them to adventure? Work closely with your DM to weave your character's story into the larger narrative of the campaign, ensuring it aligns with the group's dynamics and goals.  

5. Embracing Group Dynamics:

  Dramoor champions the idea of "group first, individual second." Discuss with your fellow players to ensure your characters have interconnected stories or shared goals. This collaboration fosters a cohesive narrative and enhances the roleplaying experience for everyone involved.  

6. Learning and Growing:

  As you explore Dramoor, remember that the journey is as important as the destination. Your character will evolve, facing challenges and making decisions that shape their path. Stay open to the world's mysteries and the possibilities it offers for personal growth and adventure.  

7. Enjoying the Adventure:

  Above all, Dramoor is a realm of wonder, danger, and discovery, designed to be enjoyed. Engage deeply with its stories, embrace the unexpected, and cherish the moments of triumph, sorrow, and laughter you share with your fellow adventurers.  
This guide is your first step into a larger world, one where magic, mystery, and camaraderie await at every turn. Welcome to Dramoor, where the story is yours to write.

Races of Dramoor

Dwarves Elves Genasi Gnomes Humans Reptoids



Welcome to Dramoor, a realm where magic infuses every stone and whispers on the wind speak of ancient secrets. This land is home to a diverse tapestry of races, each carving out their existence beneath the vast skies.  

Playing A Mutant?

Learn more about mutations and their source, Far Realm.

Playing a lycanthrope?

Learn more about lycanthropy and the challenges faced by human characters.

Generic article | Feb 17, 2024
Material | Feb 17, 2024

Which Campaign Are You Playing In?

Adventure Awaits!

As adventurers step into this vibrant world, they find themselves entwined in the ongoing saga of Dramoor, where alliances are as shifting as the sands and every legend holds a kernel of truth. Here, in the clash of cultures and the melding of ancient magics, lies the heart of countless stories waiting to be told. Welcome to Dramoor, where your journey into the extraordinary begins.

Classes & Sub Class


The Gods


Famous NPCs

  Lord Elion Aelthorn
Bobel Putzig
Emporer Lliedos
Empress Adora
Izorek Hammerthrow
Grogmar The Colossus
Mylofex Silentclaw
Acerana Olea
Griffin Vasimis