Firearms Technology / Science in Dramoor | World Anvil


Firearms in Dramoor: A World Ignited

  A new era of weaponry has emerged. Firearms, as they are known, have cast a spell of fascination and apprehension across the land. These powerful and often enigmatic weapons have changed the face of warfare on a smaller scale, introducing a touch of the unknown into the realms of steel and sorcery.   A World of Rarity: Firearms in Dramoor are a rare find, yet not entirely mythical. They exist in the hands of modestly outgoing individuals, adventurers seeking to arm themselves with innovation. The tales of a great 'factorium' hidden deep within the hostile deserts of Kazarr, where whispers of mass production circulate, have piqued the curiosity of many.   Craftsmanship and Diversity: Each firearm is a testament to craftsmanship, reflecting the skill and artistry of its creator. From ornate pistols engraved with intricate runes to rugged rifles carved from the heart of ancient trees, every firearm tells a unique story.  

Origin of Firearms

Expand/Collapse Ancient Text
In the depths of antiquity, when the world of Dramoor was still veiled in the mysteries of creation, a legend was born—an enigmatic tale that whispered through the ages, bearing the name of Elban Stickfarmer Chicken Blaster Armdemall Top Of the Hill. This gnome of fabled renown emerged from the annals of myth, shrouded in layers of intrigue and ambiguity, a figure of great repute whose genius ignited a revolution that altered the very fabric of the realm.   The saga commences in the primordial darkness of time, during an era when the heavens themselves bore witness to a cosmic marvel—the "Loreech Explosion." It was a night of celestial tumult when an astral enigma, a meteor of unfathomable origins, streaked across the boundless expanse of the Dramoor sky. With a thunderous roar, it collided with the terrestrial realm, birthing a colossal chasm now known as The Loreech—a gaping wound that cleaved the lands between Neritoph and Scimio, the dwarven realms.   But the meteor's arrival heralded more than a celestial spectacle. It was the inception of the legend of Elban Stickfarmer Chicken Blaster Armdemall Top Of the Hill, a name whispered with reverence or dismissed as mere fanciful tale, depending on the teller.   Elban Stickfarmer Chicken Blaster Armdemall Top Of the Hill, shrouded in the mystique of ancient myth, was a gnome of unparalleled intellect, bearing a name that rolled off the tongue in elaborate rhymes, an intricate tapestry of great deeds and titles that demanded recitation in its entirety. Legends spun diverse narratives—some spoke of a solitary savant, a wanderer of untold wisdom, while others alluded to a concealed gnome citadel hidden within the labyrinthine depths of Dramoor, a crucible of innovation and marvel.   Within the heart of this clandestine sanctuary lay the "Gnomish Forge," an elusive realm where steam hissed ethereally, and molten metal glowed with arcane fervor. Here, amidst the mysteries of the forge, it was said that Elban Stickfarmer Chicken Blaster Armdemall Top Of the Hill wrought the world's first firearms—a fusion of artistry, engineering, and long-forgotten enchantments. These firearms, born of celestial fires and meteoric inspiration, harnessed the very essence of The Loreech Explosion itself.   The weapons, veiled in mystery, emerged as symbols of unbridled potential, capable of reshaping the very tide of warfare. Their bullets, whispered to be forged from stardust and graced with cryptic incantations, possessed an otherworldly might.   Yet, the legend takes a labyrinthine turn when it delves into Elban Stickfarmer Chicken Blaster Armdemall Top Of the Hill's motives. Was it ambition that drove their genius, an audacious desire to sculpt the world according to their vision? Or did a deeper, inscrutable purpose guide their hand? The tales remain divided, inviting storytellers and historians to ponder their own interpretations.   The legacy of Elban Stickfarmer Chicken Blaster Armdemall Top Of the Hill, shrouded in the mists of ages, endures through the firearms that now punctuate Dramoor's history. The Loreech, a gaping maw between realms, stands as a testament to a celestial event that birthed both innovation and enigma in equal measure.   As for Elban Stickfarmer Chicken Blaster Armdemall Top Of the Hill, the gnome of myth and obscurity, their ultimate fate remains cloaked in the ether, a name whispered by the winds of time. Did they ascend to the stars or descend into the abyss of Dramoor's arcane heart? Such are the riddles of legends, enigmas carried through the ages, forever bound to the allure of the unknown.   ~ From the ancient autobiographical scrolls of Elban Stickfarmer Chicken Blaster Armdemall Top Of the Hill, as written by Elban Stickfarmer Chicken Blaster Armdemall Top Of the Hill. With special thanks to Elban Stickfarmer Chicken Blaster Armdemall Top Of the Hill.

Other Stories from Dramoor

  In the bustling City of Caelandria, a rogue known as "Silvershot" has made a name for themselves as a master of concealed firearms. Their quick draw and precise aim have left a trail of awe and envy among fellow rogues.   In the remote village of Whispering Pines, an old gnome tinkerer named Zephyra invented a contraption known as the "Thunderclap Blunderbuss." Villagers recount how it once saved the settlement from a marauding ogre with its deafening roar.   The elven archeress Lyriana, hailing from the tranquil Sylvan Glades, is famous for her unique blend of traditional archery and a beautifully crafted elven musket. Her aim is said to be so true that she can split an arrow in flight with a single shot.  

Species Associations:

  Here's how different races generally view firearms in Dramoor:  
  • Aasimar (Divine Bloodline): Aasimar tend to be cautious about firearms, leaning towards the clerical opposition due to their divine heritage. They believe in more traditional and honorable forms of combat.
  • Dwarves (Various Subraces): Dwarves, especially those from desert, mountain, and urban backgrounds, have a practical outlook. They appreciate the craftsmanship involved in firearms but are wary of their potential for destruction. Dwarves from desert regions have a niche expertise in crafting firearms.
  • Elves (Various Subraces): Elves, particularly the noble and sylvan subraces, are often skeptical of firearms. They prefer their traditional bows and have a strong connection to nature. However, some sea and urban elves have shown interest in the precision of firearms.
  • Genasi (Various Elements): Genasi of the air and earth elements tend to be more conservative and resistant to change, while fire and water genasi are more open to adopting firearms, seeing them as extensions of their elemental affinities.
  • Gnomes (Various Subraces): Gnomes, especially those from deep and tinker kin, have a natural affinity for invention and firearms innovation. They are known for their expertise in crafting and enhancing firearms.
  • Half-Elves and Half-Giants: These races are diverse in their views, with individual preferences varying widely. Some embrace firearms as versatile tools, while others stick to traditional weapons.
  • Humans (Various Backgrounds): Humans exhibit a wide range of attitudes toward firearms based on their upbringing. Rural humans may view them with suspicion, while urban dwellers are more likely to adopt them as part of their daily lives.
  • Mutants and Reptoids: These non-traditional races often have a pragmatic approach to firearms. Mutants, in particular, find them useful for self-defense in a world that often shuns them.
  • Tieflings (Fiendish Bloodline): Tieflings, with their fiendish ancestry, have a unique fascination with demonic firearms. They see them as symbols of power and may actively seek them out.
  • Class Associations:

      The adaptation and utilization of firearms by various classes manifest through distinct pathways, including specialized subclasses or unique specializations. This differentiation reflects the multifaceted relationship between traditional class roles and the innovative application of firearm technology. Whether through dedicated subclasses that deeply integrate firearms into their core identity or through specializations that allow for the incorporation of firearms into existing class frameworks, each approach underlines the intricate and sometimes complex integration of firearms into the fabric of Dramoor's societal and combat systems.  
  • Druids: Druids as a group avoid and shun the use of firearms. Refer to their class for further details.
  • Warriors and Mercenaries: Many warriors and mercenaries have adapted to include firearms in their arsenal, using them alongside traditional melee weapons. They embrace firearms for their combat versatility.
  • Rogues and Assassins: Firearms offer rogues and assassins new tools for stealth and surprise attacks. Pistol-wielding rogues and snipers are becoming more common in the shadows of Dramoor, relying on firearms for precision and speed.
  • Rangers: Rangers incorporate firearms as a complement to their traditional bows, especially those who venture into more technologically advanced regions. Firearms aid in long-range engagements and hunting.
  • Wizards and Artificers: There is a growing interest among wizards and artificers in combining magic with firearm technology. Enchanted bullets, spell-enhanced rifles, and other magical augmentations are a field of study in some magical academies, bridging the gap between magic and technology.

  • See all classes by clicking the book below  

    Psionicists & Firearms

    Psionicists, those who wield the profound powers of the mind, maintain a distinctive stance on the use of firearms. The violent discharge, the cacophony of explosions, and the abrupt shockwaves associated with firearms are antithetical to the serene focus required for mastering psionic abilities. The jarring noises and chaotic energy emitted by gunpowder weapons can severely disrupt a Psionicist's concentration, making it exceedingly difficult for them to harness the subtle energies and mental faculties needed for their art.   Consequently, Psionicists are often found at a deliberate distance from the clamor and tumult of firearms. This aversion extends beyond mere preference, becoming a practical necessity for the preservation of their mental integrity and the efficacy of their powers. On the rare occasions when a Psionicist must engage in environments rife with gunplay, they employ advanced techniques to shield their senses and maintain their concentration amidst the discord. However, such measures are not always foolproof, leading many Psionicists to eschew situations where firearms are prevalent altogether.   This unique relationship with firearms underscores a broader theme within Dramoor: the clash between the old ways of mysticism and the emerging tide of technological advancement. While some embrace the new possibilities offered by gunpowder and steel, others, like the Psionicists, remain guardians of the world's more arcane and cerebral legacies, seeking harmony and power in the realms of the mind far removed from the explosive reality of firearms.  

    Clerics & Divine Casters


    Clerical Opposition & Divine Intrigue:

    Clerics across various faiths generally hold a negative view of firearms. They see them as tools of destruction that disrupt the balance and harmony of the world. Firearms are often associated with the chaotic forces of technology, and many clerics believe that they are instruments of the gods' displeasure.   Firearms have not escaped the watchful gaze of the gods and their clerics. Many clerical orders frown upon these technological marvels, believing them to be disruptive to the divine harmony of Dramoor. Yet, amidst this disapproval, there are tales of sacred firearms, imbued with otherworldly powers, seen as holy relics capable of smiting the darkest of forces.  

    Religious Exceptions:

    Clerics and divine casters stand at the confluence of tradition and innovation regarding firearms. For many, these mechanisms represent a challenge to divine authority, offering mortals a power that some believe should be reserved for the gods alone. This perspective sees firearms as profane, a threat to the sanctity of divine magic and the established order of combat and worship. As a result, several religious orders and sects have renounced their use, clinging to the belief that true power flows directly from divine will, not through the barrels of guns.   However, a contrasting view has also taken root among the devout. A faction of clerics embraces firearms as divine instruments, interpreting their emergence as a sign of the gods' evolving expectations for their followers. These "Gun Zealots" integrate firearms into their religious rites, blessing ammunition and sanctifying firearms alongside traditional relics. They argue that as Dramoor itself evolves, so too must the ways in which they serve and protect their flocks. This pragmatic adaptation represents a broader theological debate on the role of innovation in spiritual practice, showcasing the dynamic and ever-changing nature of faith in Dramoor. (Learn more about Gun Zealots by reading about the Cleric class)  

    Spiritual Guardians:

    Many clerics and divine casters find themselves at odds with the prevalence of firearms. Their faith in the divine often leads them to view these instruments of destruction as disruptive and dishonorable. To them, the cacophony of gunfire and the chaos of battle can be seen as a stark departure from the sacred rituals and spiritual harmony they hold dear.  

    Divine Approval:

    However, Dramoor's diverse pantheon of gods and deities means that each divine caster's perspective on firearms can vary greatly. Some gods and goddesses see the potential for balance and justice in the use of firearms, granting their blessings to those who wield these weapons with righteousness in their hearts. In such cases, firearms are viewed as tools of divine retribution, capable of delivering judgment to the wicked.  

    Holy Relics and Firearms:

    An intriguing exception arises when it comes to firearms with a demonic, necromantic, or spiritual essence. These rare and powerful relics are strangely revered as holy artifacts by certain divine casters. They see in these firearms the potential to channel otherworldly forces and serve as conduits for divine intervention. The wielders of such firearms are often considered chosen champions, tasked with wielding these powerful weapons against supernatural threats.  
    Mishikal's Divine Arcani. Held in the vault at the Mishikal Cathedral in Norleen City  

    Theological Debates:

    The clash of views regarding firearms has sparked theological debates and fervent discussions within the various religious orders of Dramoor. Some clerics advocate for the careful integration of firearms into sacred rituals and holy quests, while others vehemently oppose their use, fearing that the realm's spiritual balance may be disrupted.

    Divine Intervention:

    Divine casters who do embrace firearms often seek to imbue them with the divine through intricate rituals and blessings. Enchanted bullets and gunpowder, infused with the blessings of their deities, become tools of extraordinary power. These firearms are believed to harness the wrath of gods or channel the serenity of celestial beings.  

    The Great Divide:

    The role of clerics and divine casters in the world of firearms remains a subject of contention and diversity. The views of each divine order and individual caster are as varied as the gods themselves. In the midst of this spiritual crossfire, they navigate the delicate balance between faith and firepower, seeking to align their convictions with the divine forces that shape the destiny of Dramoor.  

    Selection of Known Living Weapons

    Kavazex, Living Revolver (The Blood Letter)  
    Talbirest, Living Rifle (The Last Fear)  
    Hyjora, Living Rifle (Swarm Mother)

    Cultural Aspects:


    Rare Encounters:

    Firearms are neither incredibly rare nor overly common. Modestly adventurous individuals are likely to come across them, but interactions with firearms are still infrequent. Most people view them with a mix of curiosity and caution.  

    A World Ignited:

      As firearms continue to carve their place in Dramoor's history, they simultaneously kindle both wonder and fear in the hearts of its inhabitants. The balance between tradition and innovation remains uncertain, and the world watches with bated breath as this new chapter unfolds in the ever-evolving saga of Dramoor.  

    Firearm Types

    There are four distinct firearm types found on Dramoor: Pistol, Blunderbuss, Rifle and Bombard


    Pistols and revolvers on Dramoor are the most versatile and widely used firearms, ideal for close to medium-range combat. They are favored by rogues, assassins, and anyone who values stealth and mobility. Compact and easy to conceal, pistols allow for quick, decisive actions in tight situations.  


    The blunderbuss, with its wide barrel, is a weapon of devastating power at close range. It excels in chaotic melee fights or when used to clear groups of enemies. Its widespread shot makes it less reliant on precision, making it a favorite among sailors and those facing unpredictable threats.  


    Rifles offer precision and power over longer distances, making them the preferred choice for hunters, snipers, and soldiers. Their design allows for accurate shots that can turn the tide of battle from afar, catering to those who plan their moves and prefer engagement from a safe distance.  


    The bombard is a heavy firearm, often mounted on wheels or fixed emplacements. It fires large projectiles capable of breaching walls or causing havoc among enemy ranks. Although cumbersome and requiring a team to operate, its sheer destructive potential makes it a key asset in sieges and large-scale battles.  

    Chemical Firearms

    Chemical Rifle

    Common Usage

    Chemical firearms are prevalent among military factions and mercenaries in Dramoor. They rely on chemical and alchemical mixtures and formulas and are favoured for their reliability and ease of manufacture. These weapons range from simple to complex.


    Chemical firearms are the most common type of firearm in Dramoor. Their technology is well-understood, and materials for their manufacture are readily available.


    Procuring chemical firearms is relatively straightforward. They can be purchased from blacksmiths, weapon dealers, and even found in military arsenals. The ease of their acquisition makes them a staple in many arsenals.  

    Natural Firearms

    Natural Revolver

    Common Usage

    Natural firearms are a curiosity, utilizing naturally occurring explosive materials or biological processes. They are often found among rangers or cultures closely tied to nature, serving as a bridge between the natural world and technological advancement.


    Due to their unique make-up, natural firearms are considered rare and are often custom-made or discovered in ancient ruins.


    Acquiring a natural firearm typically involves seeking out a master craftsman who specializes in their creation or embarking on quests to uncover ancient artifacts.  

    Mechanical/Clockwork Firearms

    Clockwork Blunderbuss

    Common Usage

    Mechanical or clockwork firearms are marvels of engineering, found among inventors, tinkerers, and gnomish communities. These weapons may include intricate loading mechanisms, self-cleaning features, and other automations.


    Given their complex design and the expertise required to create them, mechanical/clockwork firearms are uncommon and highly sought after for their novelty and efficiency.


    These firearms are typically procured through commissions with skilled artisans or discovered among the possessions of their previous owners, often requiring extensive search and significant resources.

    Magical Firearms

    Magical Bombard

    Common Usage

    Magical firearms blend the destructive capability of traditional firearms with the boundless possibilities of magic. They are favored by wizards, sorcerers, and adventurers seeking an edge through enchanted projectiles and spells.


    As items of great power, magical firearms are rare and often the result of extensive research and experimentation.


    Obtaining a magical firearm often involves either crafting the weapon through arcane means or unearthing it during adventurous exploits in forgotten places.  

    Organic/Living Firearms

    Ulmort, Living Pistol (Youth Leech)

    Common Usage

    Organic or living firearms are the rarest of all, created through alchemical or biological processes to merge weapon and wielder. These firearms are sentient to varying degrees and can adapt or evolve. They are all unique and no known method for manufacturing them has been found.


    Given their unique nature, organic firearms are extremely rare and often considered legendary or mythical.


    Securing an organic firearm typically requires a quest of great significance, involving deep exploration into uncharted territories or the completion of a task that aligns with the firearm’s consciousness. These living weapons choose those who weild them.